Daniel Cluzeau


Soil biodiversity would represent about 25% of the species on Earth. It is threatened, and although it is essential for human activities, it remains largely unknown. The French National Soil Quality Monitoring Network (RMQS) has a significant impact in removing the grey areas through its programs on soil microorganisms, soil meso and macrofauna, meadow flora, truffles and more recently enzymatic activities. The first distribution maps of bacterial phyla on a national scale and of soil fauna on a regional scale (in Brittany) have been developed. For the white truffle, three new areas of presence have been identified in France. The habitats of the bacteria were also described for the first ti…

research product

A soil biodiversity survey coupled with the national soil quality monitoring network?

International audience; Despite its importance for human activities, soil biodiversity remains largely unknown and threatened. Aware of the need for large-scale monitoring, we studied the feasibility to add a soil biodiversity survey (RMBS-Biodiversity) to the already existing French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS). We worked with soil biodiversity experts to couple RMBS-Biodiversity with RMQS i.e. to choose soil taxons and functions, the methodologies and the sampling design. According to the experts, the sampling design of RMQS fits with a soil biodiversitysurvey. We propose sampling protocols for i) bacteria and fungi, ii) protists, iii) nematodes, iv) mesofauna (particularly spri…

research product

Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties

Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provided directly by authors, were collated with information on site locations, including coordinates, habitat cover, and soil properties. Datasets were required, at a minimum, to include abundance or biomass of earthworms at a site. Where possible, site-level species lists were included, as well as the abundance and biomass of individual species and ec…

research product

Adding a soil biodiversity monitoring to the French National Soil Quality Monitoring Network :the RMQS-Biodiversity

International audience

research product

L'influence à long terme des contraintes anthropiques sur les interactions entre activités biologiques, matière organique et structure du sol en système viticole

National audience

research product

Early colonization of a constructed Technosol by soil organisms after industrial site rehabilitation

research product

Mise en place d'outils et de bio-indicateurs pertinents de la qualité des sols

International audience

research product

How to add a biodiversity survey to an already existing national pedologic survey? Case study of the french soil quality monitoring network

International audience; Despite its importance for human activities, soil biodiversity remains largely unknown. This gap of knowledge is a strong limit for studies including it such as in the agricultural field. Particularly, in France, no large-scale monitoring of soil biodiversity exist for the moment except for microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Aware to this need, with the support of OFB, we studied the feasibility to add a soil biodiversity survey (RMQS-Biodiversity) to the already existing French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS). It is a systemic monitoring based on a 16*16 km grid where the sampling is done on a plot at the center of the mesh, which could belong to different …

research product

Relevance of different soil fauna and microflora groups in the monitoring of soil biodiversity: RMQS-Biodiv, a french Pilote area experience

affiche, résumé; Soil biota play essential roles in delivering key ecosystem goods and services, and are both directly and indirectly responsible for acting in many important functions (nutrient release, soil structure maintain, contribution to water storage). It is thus essential to characterize both the species diversity and the biological functions. In order to monitor soil biodiversity (species and function) in relation to land use (mainly agricultural practices) and pedoclimatic parameters, a French program « RMQS-biodiv » was developed at a wide regional scale (Brittany). An important national research collaboration (12 research teams) supported the program, that undertook the study o…

research product

Mise en place d’outils et bio-indicateurs pertinents de qualité des sols

EABIOME; National audience; Depuis plus de quinze ans, l’intérêt pour la composante biologique des sols est croissant, que ce soit pour des questions liées à la connaissance et la protection de cette biodiversité encore méconnue ou pour être en mesure de piloter les organismes du sol dans le cadre de pratiques agroécologiques (e.g., biocontrôle des ravageurs, nutrition des plantes). Plusieurs projets européens et nationaux ont été financés afin de développer et de valider des méthodes d’accès à cette information biologique. Cela a permis d’une part de développer de nouvelles approches d’identification moléculaire basées sur l’ADN extrait des sols et, d’autre part, de former de jeunes spécia…

research product

Les sols et la préservation de la biodiversité

Les sols et la préservation de la biodiversité. Journée Mondiale des Sols

research product

Relationships between earthworm communities and burrow numbers under different land use systems

International audience; This study addresses the influence of three different land use systems (continuous maize, pasture/maize rotation, permanent pasture) on the relationships between earthworm populations and the number of earthworm burrows quantified in a soil profile. Quantified burrows were limited to those observable by the naked eye (i.e. >2 mm in diameter) and enumerated earthworms were limited to those which could have created the observable burrows (i.e. >0.3 g). The results were combined with data from the literature coming from different geographical regions. This study showed that earthworm abundance decreased with the increasing land management intensity (maize crop vs. pastu…

research product

Procedures and protocol for soil biodiversity monitoring : ‘RMQS-Biodiv', a french pilot area experience.


research product

Mise en place d’outils et de bio-indicateurs pertinents de la qualité des sols (Chapitre 9)

Mise en place d’outils et de bio-indicateurs pertinents de la qualité des sols (Chapitre 9)

research product

Relevance of different soil fauna and microflora groups in the monitoring of soil biodiversity: RMQS-Biodiv, a French pilot area experience.


research product

Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contaminated soils. Results from the French national “Bioindicators Programme”

International audience; absent

research product

Dynamics of changes in the soil organic matter, functional diversity and C and N fluxes after shift in agricultural practices of an annual crops rotation under conventional agriculture

International audience; Introduction and objectives Agricultural practices (e.g. crop rotation, tillage) lead to profound changes in soil properties, ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) and functioning (e.g. ecosystem services). Whereas this has been very often characterized in the medium and long terms, little is known so far about how fast soil properties respond to changing practices at the time scale (year to several years) in which farmers take their decision in the management of their crops. In agricultural systems, increasing consideration is given to soil biodiversity, whose role has long been overlooked by agronomists, but whose preservation in now recognized as key for maintai…

research product

How to manage and analyse a large biodiversity data set: the case of the regional ‘RMQS Biodiv' experience


research product

The RMQS-Biodiversity as a project of large-scale soil biodiversity monitoring in France

International audience

research product

Les organismes du sol comme indicateurs du fonctionnement des sols en grandes cultures

International audience

research product

Trois modes de production comparés en Bourgogne viticole. Indicateurs environnementaux, d'utilisation des produits phytos, d'état sanitaire de la vigne, de production et de coûts: quatre ans de résultats

International audience; Un essai viticole de moyenne durée a été mis en place en Bourgogne en 2005 afin de comparer trois modes de production: viticulture de référence, viticulture biologique, viticulture « Ecophyto 2018 » (avec réduction d'intrants). Pour chaque mode de production, les principaux paramètres agronomiques quantitatifs et qualitatifs sur la plante et le sol sont déterminés. Les aspects environnementaux sont appréhendés à travers la biocénose du sol et des critères définis dans le cadre du Grenelle de l'Environnement (nombre de passages, quantités de substances actives, IFT). Les incidences économiques sont évaluées. Les premiers résultats montrentque leschoixd'itinéraire tech…

research product

Les épandages de déchets modifient-ils la qualité biologique des sols agricoles à long terme ? Résultats du programme VADEBIO

EA EcolDur CT3; National audience

research product

The BioTechnoSol project: Biological dynamics and functioning of a constructed Technosol at the field scale

research product

Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contamined soils. Results from the French national "Bioindicators Programme"

EA GenoSol IPM CT?; International audience

research product

Interactions between soil, biological activities and organic matter enrichments in switzerland old vineyards soils.

International audience

research product

Agricultural advances

CT3 ; Département E.A. ; SOFIA; Agricultural advances

research product