Carmen Tormo

Neanderthal and carnivore activities at Llonin Cave, Asturias, northern Iberian Peninsula: Faunal study of Mousterian levels (MIS 3)

Abstract This paper presents a study of the macromammalian fauna recovered from Mousterian levels of Llonin Cave. The sample is highly heterogeneous and comprises six species of ungulates, including Rupicapra pyrenaica, Capra pyrenaica, and Cervus elaphus, and seven species of carnivores, predominantly Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Canis/Cuon and Panthera pardus. The archaeozoological and taphonomic study of the remains shows preferential use of basal levels of the cave as a den for hyenas and leopards. Neanderthals were also present during this phase and they would have acted mainly on deer and some caprines, while the action of hyenas would mainly have been linked to scavenging of elem…

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Pleistocene leopards in the Iberian Peninsula: New evidence from palaeontological and archaeological contexts in the Mediterranean region

This study analyses the fossil record of leopards in the Iberian Peninsula. According to the systematic and morphometric features of new remains, identified mainly in Late Pleistocene palaeontological and archaeological sites of the Mediterranean region, they can be attributed to Panthera pardus Linnaeus 1758. The findings include the most complete leopard skeleton from the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most complete in Europe, found in a chasm (Avenc de Joan Guit on) south of Valencia. The new citations and published data are used to establish the leopard's distribution in the Iberian Peninsula, showing its maximum development during the Late Pleistocene. Some references suggest that th…

research product

Oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme values in lymphomonocytes after an oral unsaturated fat load test in familial hypercholesterolemic subjects

Oxidative stress (OS) has been observed in conditions affecting the cardiovascular system. Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is associated with an increased risk of premature coronary heart disease. In the postprandial state, circulating lipids and lipoproteins can modulate OS status. Our aim was to study the response of lymphomonocyte OS status and reactive oxygen species by-products after an oral unsaturated fat load test (OFLT) in those with FH and to compare this response with that obtained in normolipidemic, normoglycemic subjects. We studied 12 patients with FH and 20 healthy controls. In both groups, lymphomonocyte, oxidized/reduced glutathione ratio, and malondialdehyde were determ…

research product

Altered glutathione system is associated with the presence of distal symmetric peripheral polyneuropathy in type 2 diabetic subjects.

Abstract Distal symmetric peripheral polyneuropathy (DSPN) is a highly prevalent complication of diabetes. However, underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are multiple and not well understood. The aim of our study was to analyze the oxidative stress levels in circulating mononuclear cells by measuring the glutathione system, malondialdehyde and oxidized-LDL, in 60 type 2 diabetic patients from a well-characterized cohort of 196 type 2 diabetic patients. Using a nested case–control design, we studied 30 type 2 diabetic patients with distal symmetric polyneuropathy and 30 diabetic controls without this complication, according to the Neuropathy Disability Score. We have found that diabetic p…

research product

Climate, environment and human behaviour in the Middle Palaeolithic of Abrigo de la Quebrada (Valencia, Spain): The evidence from charred plant and micromammal remains

Abstract The Abrigo de la Quebrada rock shelter was occupied by Neanderthal groups during the early Upper Pleistocene, yielding evidence for their subsistence practices and local resource exploitation. This paper focuses on the plant macroremains and the micromammals, which provide information about occupation patterns, the surrounding landscape, the use of resources, and the environment. Mountain pine forests and permanent grass formations containing humid zones and open spaces that would have harboured an eurythermal microfauna were the dominant landscape type. Cold-climate pines provided most of the firewood. The data are consistent with a recurrent, seasonal occupation pattern, in which…

research product

Gendering fibulae: animals and gender roles in Iberian Iron Age societies

Desde la Antigüedad, los animales domésticos y salvajes han sido parte integrante de la vida del ser humano como alimento para su supervivencia, como transporte y también como iconos en la construcción del imaginario cultural. En la cultura ibérica las representaciones figuradas en diversos soportes (cerámica, escultura en piedra, terracotas, metales y monedas), “lo imaginario”, y los restos faunísticos de poblados, necrópolis y lugares culturales, “lo real”, ilustran las relaciones entre las sociedades de la Edad del Hierro de la mitad SE de la Península Ibérica con los animales de su entorno. En este trabajo se analiza un tipo de objeto de la indumentaria íbera: las fíbulas, como ejemplo …

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