T. Kalvas
H- beam emittance analysis in a multicusp ion source
Emittance of the ion beam extracted from an ion source is dependent on the initial focusing action at the plasma sheath. The properties of the plasma sheath is further dependent on the local electric fields and charge densities around the sheath. Experiments are conducted for creating different sets of conditions around the plasma sheath in an H- multicusp filament ion source and the resulting emittance of the extracted H- ion beam is measured. Variation of beam emittance under different plasma densities, electrode voltages and gas flows are analysed. peerReviewed
Effect of Ion Escape Velocity and Conversion Surface Material on H- Production
According to generally accepted models surface production of negative ions depends on ion escape velocity and work function of the surface. We have conducted an experimental study addressing the role of the ion escape velocity on H− production. A converter‐type ion source at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center was employed for the experiment. The ion escape velocity was affected by varying the bias voltage of the converter electrode. It was observed that due to enhanced stripping of H− no direct gain of extracted beam current can be achieved by increasing the converter voltage. The conversion efficiency of H− was observed to vary with converter voltage and follow the existing theories in qual…
Method for estimating charge breeder ECR ion source plasma parameters with short pulse 1+ injection
A new method for determining plasma parameters from beam current transients resulting from short pulse 1+ injection into a Charge Breeder Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (CB-ECRIS) has been developed. The proposed method relies on few assumptions, and yields the ionisation times $1/n_e\left\langle\sigma v\right\rangle^{\text{inz}}_{q\to q+1}$, charge exchange times $1/n_0\left\langle\sigma v\right\rangle^{\text{cx}}_{q\to q-1}$, the ion confinement times $\tau^q$, as well as the plasma energy contents $n_e\left\langle E_e\right\rangle$ and the plasma triple products $n_e \left\langle E_e\right\rangle \tau^q$. The method is based on fitting the current balance equation on the extract…
HIISI, New 18 GHZ ECRIS for the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory
At the end of 2013 the Academy of Finland granted an infrastructure funding for the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory in order to increase beam intensities for the international user community. The primary objective is to construct a new high performance ECR ion source, HIISI (Heavy Ion Ion Source Injector), for the K130 cyclotron. Using room temperature magnets the HIISI has been designed to produce about the same magnetic field configuration as the superconducting ECRIS SUSI at NSCL/MSU for 18 GHz operation. An innovative structure will be used to maximize the radial confinement and demagnetization safety margin of the permanent magnets. The sextupole magnet is separated and insulated from the …
Beam Formation Studies on the CERN IS03b H$^-$ Source
Abstract An H- ion source is being operated at the new 160 MeV linear injector (Linac4) of the CERN accelerator complex. The source’s plasma is of the Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma type (RF-ICP), without magnetic cusp and runs with Cs-loss compensation [1]. Vertical downward oriented filter- and electron dump-dipolar magnetic fields expand over the plasma chamber, beam-formation, beam-extraction and electron dump regions and generate horizontal asymmetry and beam angular deflection partially compensated by mechanical alignment of the front-end. The H- beam is generated via volume and caesiated plasma surface modes, the latter inducing a radial asymmetry characterized by an incr…
A study of VUV emission and the extracted electron-ion ratio in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas of a filament-driven H−/D− ion source
Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) emission diagnostics for studying differences of electron impact processes in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas are presented. The method is applied to study a filament driven multicusp arc discharge negative ion source by comparing the VUV-emission intensities of different emission bands and extracted currents of H−/D− ions and electrons. It was found that the ratio of coextracted electrons to extracted ions is four times higher for deuterium than for hydrogen. No significant differences of the VUV-spectra or volumetric rates of ionization, excitation, production of high vibrational states, and dissociation were found between the plasmas of the two isotopes. The volum…
A Low Energy H- Beamline for the ALPHA Antihydrogen Experiment
Abstract The CERN ALPHA experiment makes precision measurements of antihydrogen atoms, confined in a superconducting magnetic minimum trap. Recent measurements of the antihydrogen spectrum have already provided high-resolution tests of fundamental symmetries, and ALPHA has now embarked on an ambitious upgrade programme aimed at directly comparing hydrogen and antihydrogen within their existing atom trap. One aspect of this upgrade will be the development of a low-energy (50 eV) hydrogen ion source that is compatible with ALPHA’s existing magnetic charged particle beamlines. PELLIS, previously developed at JYFL, is a 5 keV filament-driven source that generates H- beams with low emittances an…