Periklis Petropoulos

PSA-based phase regeneration of DPSK signals in a silicon germanium waveguide

We demonstrate a polarization-assisted PSA-based phase regenerator in a passive low-birefringence SiGe waveguide at low CW pump power. A PSER of 28.6-dB enables a six-fold reduction in phase-error and BER improvement of approximately 2-dB in the regenerated signal.

research product

Telecom to mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a silicon germanium waveguide

We report the first demonstration of broadband supercontinuum generation in silicon-germanium waveguides. Upon propagation of ultra-short femtosecond pulses in a 3-cm-long waveguide, the broadening extended from 1.455µm to 2.788µm (at the −30-dB point).

research product

Tailored waveform generation in mode-locked fiber lasers by in-cavity pulse shaper

International audience; We numerically show the possibility of pulse shaping in a mode-locked fiber laser by inclusion of an amplitude-phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. Various advanced temporal waveforms are generated, including parabolic, flat-top and triangular pulses.

research product

Various materials for 2-µm telecom applications

National audience

research product

Demonstration of high speed optical transmission at 2 µm in various material based waveguides

International audience

research product

Record Phase Sensitive Extinction Ratio in a Silicon Germanium Waveguide

A binary step-like phase response and phase-sensitive extinction ratio in excess of 28dB under CW pump operation was demonstrated in a 20mm-long low birefringence SiGe waveguide, using a polarization-assisted phase sensitive amplifier scheme.

research product

Parabolic pulse generation through passive reshaping of gaussian pulses in a normally dispersive fiber

We numerically and experimentally demonstrate that a Gaussian pulse can be reshaped into a pulse with a stable parabolic intensity profile during propagation in normally dispersive nonlinear fibers.

research product

High speed optical transmission at 2 μm in subwavelength waveguides made of various materials

We report the transmission of a 10 Gbps telecommunication signal at 2 μm in waveguides made of three different materials: Si, SiGe and TiO2. Bit error rates below 10−9 can be achieved after transmission in the devices with subwavelength dimensions.

research product

Silicon germanium platform enabling mid-infrared to near-infrared conversion for telecom and sensing applications

This paper presents the potential of silicon germanium waveguides in the nonlinear conversion of light from mid-infrared wavelengths to the telecom band utilizing four-wave mixing. Design aspects and first characterization results of fabricated devices are presented.

research product

Simultaneous 2R regeneration of WDM signals in a single optical fibre

Two experimental implementations of amplitude regeneration of WDM signals based on self-phase modulation (SPM) in optical fibres are discussed. The two examples differ in their approach of mitigation of inter-channel nonlinearities.

research product

Data Transmissions at 1.98 µm in cm-long SiGe Waveguides

International audience; We demonstrate an error-free transmission of 10-Gbit/s optical signals along a SiGe waveguide at a wavelength of 1.98 μm. Bit error rate measurements confirm the absence of penalty during the transmission through a 2.5-cm long waveguide having a width of 2.2 μm.

research product

Parabolic pulse evolution in normally dispersive fiber amplifiers preceding the similariton formation regime

We show analytically and numerically that parabolic pulses and similaritons are not always synonyms and that a self-phase modulation amplification regime can precede the self-similar evolution. The properties of the recompressed pulses after SPM amplification are investigated. We also demonstrate that negatively chirped parabolic pulses can exhibit a spectral recompression during amplification leading to high-power chirp-free parabolic pulses at the amplifier output.

research product

2R regeneration architectures based on multi-segmented fibres

The benefits of using a multi-segmented arrangement of optical fibres for Self-Phase Modulation-based 2R optical regeneration are described both theoretically and experimentally. Significant improvements in terms of the performance and practicality are achieved.

research product

Generalisation and experimental validation of design rules for self-phase modulation-based 2R regenerators

We report the design of 2R-regenerators based on self-phase modulation in lossy fibers. We experimentally demonstrate the applicability of the proposed scaling rules and present detailed characterization of the pulse characteristics at the regenerator output.

research product

Advanced nonlinear signal processing in silicon-based waveguides

This talk presents recent progress in optical signal processing based on compact waveguides fabricated mainly using silicon germanium alloys. Applications include supercontinuum generation, wavelength conversion and signal regeneration.

research product

Ultra-flat SPM-broadened spectra in a highly nonlinear fiber using parabolic pulses formed in a fiber Bragg grating

International audience; We propose a new method for generating flat self-phase modulation (SPM)-broadened spectra based on seeding a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) with chirp-free parabolic pulses generated using linear pulse shaping in a superstructured fiber Bragg grating (SSFBG). We show that the use of grating reshaped parabolic pulses allows substantially better performance in terms of the extent of SPM-based spectral broadening and flatness relative to conventional hyperbolic secant (sech) pulses. We demonstrate both numerically and experimentally the generation of SPMbroadened pulses centred at 1542nm with 92% of the pulse energy remaining within the 29nm 3dB spectral bandwidth. Appli…

research product

Pulse shaping in mode-locked fiber lasers by in-cavity spectral filter

International audience; We numerically show the possibility of pulse shaping in a passively mode-locked fiber laser by inclusion of a spectral filter into the laser cavity. Depending on the amplitude transfer function of the filter, we are able to achieve various regimes of advanced temporal waveform generation, including ones featuring bright and dark parabolic-, flat-top-, triangular- and saw-tooth-profiled pulses. The results demonstrate the strong potential of an in-cavity spectral pulse shaper for controlling the dynamics of mode-locked fiber lasers.

research product

Polarization insensitive wavelength conversion of 40 Gb/s DPSK signals in a silicon germanium waveguide

We demonstrate polarization insensitive FWM-based wavelength conversion of 40Gb/s DPSK signals in a SiGe waveguide, with 0.42-dB polarization-dependent loss. A 1.5-dB Dower nenaltv was measured at a BER of 10−9.

research product

High speed optical transmission at 2 µm in subwavelength waveguides made of various materials

International audience

research product

Ultra-flat SPM-broadened spectra in a highly nonlinear fiber using a fiber Bragg grating based parabolic pulse shaper

We demonstrate the generation of ultra-flat broadened spectra by seeding a nonlinear fiber with parabolic pulses shaped using a fiber grating. Applications in pulse compression and spectral slicing are shown.

research product

Exploring titanium dioxide as a new photonic platform

International audience; We report the development of titanium dioxide-based waveguides for applications in the near-and mid-infrared. Thanks to embedded metal grating couplers, we demonstrate error free 10 Gbit/s optical transmissions at 1.55 and 2 µm. We also demonstrate octave-spanning supercontinuum in cm-long waveguides. We explore the way to improve such waveguides through optimized fabrication process.

research product

Broadband telecom to mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a dispersion-engineered silicon germanium waveguide.

We demonstrate broadband supercontinuum generation (SCG) in a dispersion-engineered silicon-germanium waveguide. The 3 cm long waveguide is pumped by femtosecond pulses at 2.4 μm, and the generated supercontinuum extends from 1.45 to 2.79 μm (at the −30  dB point). The broadening is mainly driven by the generation of a dispersive wave in the 1.5–1.8 μm region and soliton fission. The SCG was modeled numerically, and excellent agreement with the experimental results was obtained.

research product

Design scaling laws for self-phase modulation-based 2R-regenerators

We report global scaling laws linking the design of SPM-based 2R-regenerators to their ability to reduce amplitude noise and improve the signal extinction ratio.

research product

Si and Si-rich silicon-nitride waveguides for optical transmissions and nonlinear applications around 2 µm

We show that cm-long silicon and silicon-rich silicon nitride waveguides with subwavelength transverse dimensions can efficiently sustain high-speed transmissions at 2 μm. We report the transmission of a 10 Gbit/s signal with negligible power penalty. Parametric conversion in both continuous and pulsed pump regimes is also demonstrated, as well as the spectral broadening of picosecond pulses.

research product

Polarization Insensitive Wavelength Conversion in a Low-Birefringence SiGe Waveguide

We report the first demonstration of a single-pass dual-orthogonal-pump four-wave mixing-based wavelength conversion scheme in a silicon-based waveguide. The silicon germanium waveguide used was designed to exhibit strong TE/TM mode similarity across a broad wavelength range as well as a large nonlinear coefficient. A polarization-dependent loss of just 0.42 dB was measured, and the conversion of 40-Gb/s differential phase-shift keying signals was demonstrated with 1.5-dB power penalty at a bit error ratio of $10^{-9}$ .

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