Claudio Galletti
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) involvement in zoonotic diseases: a systematic review.
Introducción: Las zoonosis son infecciones de transmisión del animal al hombre, ya sea directamente (a través del contacto directo o contacto con productos de origen animal) o indirectamente (a través de un vector intermedio, tal como un artrópodo). Los agentes causales incluyen bacterias, parásitos, virus y hongos. El propósito de esta revisión es hacer un examen preciso de todas las enfermedades zoonóticas que pueden ser responsables de oído, nariz y garganta (ENT) participación. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed combinando los términos (otorrinolaringología o Rinología o laringología o otología or mastoiditis u otitis o sinusitis o laringitis o rinitis o faringitis o de la e…
Mandibular advancement devices vs nasal-continuous positive airway pressure in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea. Systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common disorder that may affect at least 2 to 4% of the adult population. Nasal-Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (N-CPAP) is today considered the gold standard for the treatment of OSA. The development of oral appliances (OAs) represents a new approach for the management of this pathology. The aim of this systematic review is to compare the efficacy of OAs and N-CPAP in the treatment of patients with mild to severe OSA. Material and Methods A PubMed-MEDLINE and Cochrane databases search of articles published between 1982 and 2016 comparing the effect of N-CPAP and OAs in OSA patients was conducted during July 2016. The studies were selected …