Antti Löppönen

Association Between Free-Living Sit-to-Stand Transition Characteristics, and Lower-Extremity Performance, Fear of Falling, and Stair Negotiation Difficulties Among Community-Dwelling 75 to 85-Year-Old Adults

Abstract Background Good sit-to-stand (STS) performance is an important factor in maintaining functional independence. This study investigated whether free-living STS transition volume and intensity, assessed by a thigh-worn accelerometer, is associated with characteristics related to functional independence. Methods Free-living thigh-worn accelerometry was recorded continuously for 3–7 days in a population-based sample of 75-, 80-, and 85-year-old community-dwelling people (479 participants; women n = 287, men n = 192). The records were used to evaluate the number and intensity (angular velocity of the STS phase) of STS transitions. Associations with short physical performance battery (SPP…

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Day-to-Day Variability and Year-to-Year Reproducibility of Accelerometer-Measured Free-Living Sit-to-Stand Transitions Volume and Intensity among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

(1) Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the day-to-day variability and year-to-year reproducibility of an accelerometer-based algorithm for sit-to-stand (STS) transitions in a free-living environment among community-dwelling older adults. (2) Methods: Free-living thigh-worn accelerometry was recorded for three to seven days in 86 (women n = 55) community-dwelling older adults, on two occasions separated by one year, to evaluate the long-term consistency of free-living behavior. (3) Results: Year-to-year intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for the number of STS transitions were 0.79 (95% confidence interval, 0.70-0.86, p < 0.001), for mean angular velocity-0.81 (95% c…

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Arviointiselvitys 2018 : liikuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan opiskelijoiden mielipiteitä opintojen arvioinnista, palautteenannosta ja vilpistä

Arviointi on osa oppimisprosessia ja sen on havaittu ohjaavan opiskelua ja oppimista merkittävästi. Arvioinnin osana myös arviointiin kuuluva palautteenanto on merkityksellistä. Oppimisen kannalta pidetään tärkeänä sanallista ja opastavaa palautetta, joka kiinnittää opiskelijan huomiota opiskeltavan asian olennaisiin asioihin sekä antaa kehitysehdotuksia ja auttaa opiskelijaa ymmärtämään omien tietojen puutteita. Tässä selvityksessä Liikuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan opiskelijoilta kysyttiin mielipiteitä ja kokemuksia arviointimenetelmistä ja arviointiin liittyvästä palautteenannosta. Myös vilppi ja arvioinnin tasa-arvoisuus olivat kyselyn teemoina. Yleisimmin arviointimenetelminä käytettiin …

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Puettava teknologia valmennuksen tukena

Sensoriteknologia on jo melko laajasti käytössä valmennuksessa. Lopullinen läpimurto on kuitenkin vasta tulossa. nonPeerReviewed

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Movement characteristics during customized exergames after total knee replacement in older adults

Introduction: There is limited understanding of how older adults can reach kinematic goals in rehabilitation while performing exergames and conventional exercises, and how similar or different the kinematics during exergaming are when compared with conventional therapeutic exercise with similar movement. The aim of this study was to describe the movement characteristics performed during exercise in custom-designed exergames and conventional therapeutic exercises among patients who have undergone unilateral total knee replacement (TKR). In addition, the secondary aim was to assess the relation of these exercise methods, and to assess participants' perceived exertion and knee pain during exer…

research product

The Effect of Paddle Stroke Variables Measured by Trainesense SmartPaddle® on the Velocity of the Kayak

(1) Background: This study aimed to compare key variables of paddle stroke measured by a commercial Trainesense SmartPaddle® against the strain-gauge shaft and investigate how these variables are associated with the velocity of the boat among national-level canoe polo players. (2) Methods: This study involved 14 Finnish national-level canoe polo players. The measurement protocol consisted of three different paddling velocities, which were performed in indoor swimming pools. The velocity of the boat was calculated based on the performance time measured with the laser photocell gate. Canoe polo equipment was used in the study and a SmartPaddle sensor was attached to the paddle blade. A strain…

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