Teija Koskela

Capability to be educated : inspiring and inclusive pedagogical arrangements from Finnish schools

AbstractThe idea and concept of inclusive education have been debated, and different interpretations of what inclusion means and to whom it concerns have been presented. In this paper, we bring together notions of inclusive quality education, pedagogy, learning and teachers, and illustrate how the principle(s) of inclusion(s) has been enacted and translated into classroom practices in Finnish context. Drawing from Finnish teachers’ narratives, we highlight successful, small-scale and creative pedagogical arrangements and teachers’ sensitivity to recognize and commit to responding to the needs of diverse learners. Our argumentation is rooted in the capabilities approach. We carry out an eval…

research product

Making meaning of inclusive education: classroom practices in Finnish and South African classrooms

AbstractThis paper reports on the findings of an international comparative research project where the roles of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in mainstream-classroom settings in South Africa and Finland were investigated. Inclusive education within this project is broadly defined as welcoming all students to general-education schools and classrooms and not segregating students on the basis of ability or other individual or sociocultural characteristics. In this paper a qualitative analysis of Finnish and South African teachers’ day-to-day teaching and learning support practices in their classroom is discussed. Individual and focus-group interviews encouraged teachers …

research product

Kieltenopettaja kielikasvatuksen ammattilaisena – asiantuntijuus muutoksessa

Suomalaisessa kielimaisemassa viime vuosina ja vuosikymmeninä tapahtunut ja alati jatkuva moninaistuminen on tehnyt monikieliset ja -kulttuuriset kohtaamiset osaksi arkea yhä useammalle. Kielitaidon käyttäminen, opiskelu ja oppiminen ovat tulleet kaikkien ulottuville, ei pelkästään formaalissa kouluopiskelussa vaan myös lukemattomissa pienissä ja isoissa informaaleissa koulun ulkopuolisissa tilanteissa. Myös näkemys kielitaidosta ja kieltenopiskelun tavoitteista on muuttunut. Kaikki tämä on muuttanut monin tavoin myös kieltenopettajien työtä ja työympäristöjä, ja sen myötä työssä tarvittavan asiantuntijuuden sisältöjä.

research product

Capability to be educated : inspiring and inclusive pedagogical arrangements from Finnish schools

The idea and concept of inclusive education have been debated, and different interpretations of what inclusion means and to whom it concerns have been presented. In this paper, we bring together notions of inclusive quality education, pedagogy, learning and teachers, and illustrate how the principle(s) of inclusion(s) has been enacted and translated into classroom practices in Finnish context. Drawing from Finnish teachers’ narratives, we highlight successful, small-scale and creative pedagogical arrangements and teachers’ sensitivity to recognize and commit to responding to the needs of diverse learners. Our argumentation is rooted in the capabilities approach. We carry out an evaluative e…

research product