Francisco Javier Silvestre Donat

Periodontal disease associated to systemic genetic disorders

A number of systemic disorders increase patient susceptibility to periodontal disease, which moreover evolves more rapidly and more aggressively. The underlying factors are mainly related to alterations in immune, endocrine and connective tissue status. These alterations are associated with different pathologies and syndromes that generate periodontal disease either as a primary manifestation or by aggravating a pre-existing condition attributable to local factors. This is where the role of bacterial plaque is subject to debate. In the presence of qualitative or quantitative cellular immune alterations, periodontal disease may manifest early on a severe localized or generalized basis - in s…

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Modified ridge splitting technique using conical space maintainers for delayed implant placement in highly atrophic maxillae.

Background: A low-morbidity surgical technique is described for the horizontal augmentation of highly atrophic alveolar ridges in which first surgical step implant placement is contraindicated. The aim of this case report was to present an alternative treatment for the rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla. Methods: The technique involves a crestal corticotomy with transverse expansion of the vestibular and lingual cortical layers, followed by the placement of threaded titanium space maintainers between the expanded bone tables. Results: The resulting surgically created biological space within the residual socket is completely filled with blood of marrow origin and great osteogenic potenti…

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Compound odontoma erupting in the mouth: 4-year follow-up of a clinical case

A case of a compound odontoma erupting in the oral cavity is presented: a follow-up study of 4 yr has been performed evaluating the possible relationship with a previous dental trauma. A discussion is presented concerning the etiologic aspects, clinical signs, diagnostic aids and therapeutic approaches to this type of lesion.

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Necrotizing periodontitis in the context of Takayasu s disease: report of a case

Necrotizing periodontitis is characterized by gingival necrosis with bleeding and pain, and alveolar bone attachment loss. The disease is associated to spirochete and Prevotella intermedia infection, as well as to a series of bacterial infections, with an altered local host immune response and tissue destruction. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with inflammatory vasculitis of the aorta and its main branches, known as Takayasu’s disease. In the course of treatment of the latter, she developed necrotizing periodontitis. In this case local factors such as abundant bacterial plaque accumulation secondary to a lack of tooth brushing, and the administration of methotrexate, may have pl…

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Tonsilolito gigante: A propósito de un caso

Los tonsilolitos son pequeñas concreciones calcificadas que se forman en las criptas de las amígdalas palatinas formados por sales cálcicas o en combinación con otras sales minerales y que suelen tener pequeño tamaño. En pocas ocasiones han sido descritos tonsilolitos de grandes dimensiones o en localizaciones periamigdalinas. Nosotros presentamos el caso de una mujer de 55 años de edad que tenía sintomatología de disfagia y molestias en la faringe con sensación de cuerpo extraño desde había un año aproximadamente aunque últimamente se habían agudizado las molestias. A la exploración se palpaba una tumoración dura a nivel submucoso en el paladar blando a nivel del pilar amigdalino anterior …

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Pharmacological treatment of burning mouth syndrome : a review and update

Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is defined as a burning sensation in the tongue or in any other region of the oral mucosa, in the absence of specific oral lesions. The present study reviews the pharmacological treatments used in the last 10 years to reduce the symptoms of BMS, and assesses the efficacy and safety of pharmacological interventions destined to alleviate the symptoms of BMS. To this effect, searches were made in the following databases: Micromedex®, Cochrane Database® and PubMed®, crossing the following key words: drug, treatment, clinical trial, pain management, and burning mouth syndrome. The searches were limited to articles published in the last 10 years in English or Spanish,…

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Resting position of the head and malocclusion in a group of patients with cerebral palsyn

Cerebral palsy are found as a result of these disorders, along with associated neuromuscular functional alterations that affect the resting position of the head. In this context, the resting position of the head could be responsible for several skeletal and dental occlusal disorders among patients with cerebral palsy. Objective: To assess the presence of malocclusions in patients with cerebral palsy, define the most frequent types of malocclusions, and evaluate how the resting position of the head may be implicated in the development of such malocclusions. Study design: Forty-four patients aged between 12-55 years (18 males and 26 females) were studied. Occlusal conditions, the Dental Aesth…

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Adherence to supportive periodontal treatment in relation to patient awareness.

Background To evaluate the risk profile of noncompliant patients in relation to adherence to supportive periodontal therapy in order to identify factors associated with this profile, and be able to prevent the abandonment of periodontal therapy. Material and Methods This cross-sectional observational and comparative study was carried out on the patients who attended the Periodontics department of a University in Valencia (by a questionnaire and followed-up the periodontal supportive therapy through the medical history.) 220 patients were interviewed and gave their informed consent and data release permission before taking part in the study, which was approved by the Ethics Committee (UCV/20…

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Clinical evaluation of a new artificial saliva in spray form for patients with dry mouth

Objectives: To determine the efficacy of a new saliva substitute in spray form, for patients with dry mouth. Study design: Thirty-seven patients with dry mouth were selected (16 males and 21 females), with an age of over 60 years and meeting the following inclusion criteria: xerostomia and hyposialia confirmed by sialometry (resting whole saliva / stimulated whole saliva). A new artificial saliva in spray format was applied, with evaluation of the degree of improvement (VAS scale), frequency of application, time to improvement in minutes, duration in minutes, and assessment of organoleptic properties. Results: Twenty of the 37 patients showed almost immediate improvement after application. …

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Tratamiento de la boca seca: puesta al día

La boca seca es una situación muy común en la clínica odontológica y las causas que producen esta alteración de la secreción de saliva pueden ser múltiples. Es especialmente frecuente en personas de edad avanzada y en pacientes que están tomando gran cantidad de fármacos. El tratamiento de esta situación deberá estar relacionado con la eliminación de la causa que la produce y cuando esto no es posible se basará en el estimulo de la secreción salival con determinados fármacos o en la sustitución de la misma con las llamadas salivas artificiales. En este articulo queremos sistematizar de forma sucesiva las actuaciones terapéuticas a seguir en este tipo de pacientes. Dry mouth is a very common…

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Consensus Report of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Odontology for the Handicapped and Special Patients

This article summarizes the findings of consensus of the XI congress of the SEOEME. All of these conclusions are referring to the review articles responsible to the general rapporteurs in order to bringing up to date knowledge with regard to the use of implants in patients medically compromised and with special needs and, in the dental management of autism and cerebral palsy, in the dental treatment of patients with genetic and adquired haemato - logical disorders, the dental implications of cardiovascular disease and hospital dentistry.

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Oral biopsy in dental practice

The conclusions drawn from the study of an oral biopsy are considered essential for the definitive diagnosis of diseases of the oral mucosa, and for the subsequent planning of appropriate treatment. Although the obtainment of biopsies is widely used in all medical fields, the practice is not so widespread in dental practice - fundamentally because of a lack of awareness of the procedure among dental professionals. In this context, it must be taken into account that the early diagnosis of invasive oral malignancy may be critical for improving the patient prognosis. However, in some cases the results are adversely affected by incorrect manipulation of the biopsy material. The present study pr…

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Oral health in a group of patients with Rett syndrome in the regions of Valencia and Murcia (Spain): a case-control study

Objectives: Rett syndrome (RS) is a rare disease with oral manifestations that have not been described in detail or in a standardized manner in the literature. The present study describes the oral health of the population with RS in two Spanish regions, following the protocol of the World Health Organization for conducting common oral health surveys. Study Design: A prospective, observational case-control study was carried out, involving a group of patients with RS (n1=41) and a mean age of 13.37±3.19 years, and an age- and gender-matched control group without RS (n0=82). The data referred to oral health and habits were recorded by means of a questionnaire and oral examination was used to d…

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Efectos adversos del tratamiento del cáncer oral

- Francisco.Silvestre@uv.es En este estudio se hace una revisión de los efectos adversos más frecuentes por la cirugía de tumores de cabeza y cuello, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, pues no es infrecuente que el odontólogo general encuentre en su consulta complicaciones como mucositis, xerostomía, necrosis óseas, alteraciones gustativas y otras lesiones que causarán molestias considerables al paciente, disminuyendo su calidad de vida. El papel del odontólogo en el tratamiento multidisciplinario constituye un pilar importante en la prevención, el tratamiento de dichas complicaciones y la disminución de sus secuelas. In this article a revision of most frequent adverse effects of head and …

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Cardiovascular disease versus periodontal disease: chronic systemic infection as a link

Objective : Analysis of the alleged connection between the periodontal and cardiovascular disease, with reference to periodontal pathogens as a risk factor for heart disease. Researching method : A research was carried out at Medline/Pubmed. Included criteria and researching strategy. The articles selection has been made taking into account key-terms appearing either in the title or in the summary. Experimental studies in animals, clinical prospective studies performed with a minimum sample size (>30) and studies written in English have been included. The rejected criteria were the following: clinical retrospective studies and/or studies carried out with a low sample size (n<30). Results : …

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Caries dental en diabéticos tipo 1: Influencia de factores sistémicos de la enfermedad en la instauración de la caries dental

Objetivos: La diabetes mellitus es una de las enfermedades crónicas más prevalentes en población general. Se presenta un estudio que pretende evaluar la presencia de caries en los pacientes diabéticos tipo 1. El objetivo específico era comprobar si había o no mayor incidencia de caries en diabéticos tipo 1 comparándolos con un grupo de individuos no diabéticos. También, se comprobó la relación con las tasas de flujo salival y con los factores propios de la enfermedad como el grado de control metabólico, el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad y la existencia de complicaciones crónicas. Diseño del estudio: Se estudiaron 90 diabéticos tipo 1 de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 50 años d…

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Anaemia during pregnancy as a risk factor for infant iron deficiency: report from the Valencia Infant Anaemia Cohort (VIAC) study.

A prospective cohort study with a 1-year follow-up of 156 neonates was carried out specifically designed to test the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between iron deficiency during pregnancy and the development of the same disease in newborn infants. Exposure was defined as being born of a mother with ferropenic anaemia at delivery, and cases as the infants who developed iron deficiency during their first year of life. A statistically significant positive association was detected with an odds ratio of 6.57 (95% confidence limits 1.81-25.97). A stratified analysis was also performed to control the effect of potential confounders such as socio-economic variables, feeding pract…

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Presence of fibronectin peptides in saliva of patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome: a potential indicator of salivary gland destruction

Objective: The purpose of this preliminary study was to monitor the degree of destruction of salivary glands in Sjögren disease by the detection of fibronectin peptides in patients’ saliva. Study design: The sample consisted of 10 subjects divided in 2 groups, one with Sjögren disease and a control group. Saliva samples were submitted to an inmunodetection analysis. In addition, non pathological salivary glands, obtained from 2 subjects who underwent minor oral surgery, were incubated with leukocyte homogenates and analysed to compare the obtained fragments.Results: The inmunodetection analysis of Sjögren saliva revealed multiple protein bands, including fibronectin, that were not present i…

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