A. Puente Sandoval

Necrotizing periodontitis in the context of Takayasu s disease: report of a case

Necrotizing periodontitis is characterized by gingival necrosis with bleeding and pain, and alveolar bone attachment loss. The disease is associated to spirochete and Prevotella intermedia infection, as well as to a series of bacterial infections, with an altered local host immune response and tissue destruction. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with inflammatory vasculitis of the aorta and its main branches, known as Takayasu’s disease. In the course of treatment of the latter, she developed necrotizing periodontitis. In this case local factors such as abundant bacterial plaque accumulation secondary to a lack of tooth brushing, and the administration of methotrexate, may have pl…

research product

Efectos adversos del tratamiento del cáncer oral

- Francisco.Silvestre@uv.es En este estudio se hace una revisión de los efectos adversos más frecuentes por la cirugía de tumores de cabeza y cuello, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, pues no es infrecuente que el odontólogo general encuentre en su consulta complicaciones como mucositis, xerostomía, necrosis óseas, alteraciones gustativas y otras lesiones que causarán molestias considerables al paciente, disminuyendo su calidad de vida. El papel del odontólogo en el tratamiento multidisciplinario constituye un pilar importante en la prevención, el tratamiento de dichas complicaciones y la disminución de sus secuelas. In this article a revision of most frequent adverse effects of head and …

research product

Presence of fibronectin peptides in saliva of patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome: a potential indicator of salivary gland destruction

Objective: The purpose of this preliminary study was to monitor the degree of destruction of salivary glands in Sjögren disease by the detection of fibronectin peptides in patients’ saliva. Study design: The sample consisted of 10 subjects divided in 2 groups, one with Sjögren disease and a control group. Saliva samples were submitted to an inmunodetection analysis. In addition, non pathological salivary glands, obtained from 2 subjects who underwent minor oral surgery, were incubated with leukocyte homogenates and analysed to compare the obtained fragments.Results: The inmunodetection analysis of Sjögren saliva revealed multiple protein bands, including fibronectin, that were not present i…

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