Anna Maria Milito

Visibilità delle figure femminili dell'universo mafioso: un'indagine attraverso la rassegna stampa nell'arco di un ventennio

Un utile strumento di analisi attraverso cui esplorare l'evoluzione nel tempo del ruolo delle figure femminili nella criminalità organizzata, è quello che si avvale della rassegna stampa tematica, raccolta nel periodo compreso tra il 1980 e il 2001. La scelta del periodo da prendere in esame - strettamente connessa agli orientamenti più generali del progetto di ricerca e, comunque, vincolata dalla necessità di delimitare l'ambito di reperimento e raccolta del materiale - è stata guidata dalla considerazione che proprio il ventennio compreso tra gli anni '80 e i nostri giorni - come emerge dalle indagini e dalle riflessioni finora prodotte in questo settore - sia da ritenere il più interessa…

research product

The analysis of the material deprivation of foreigners in Italy.

We examine the material deprivation of foreigners on a sub-sample of the 2009 Italian Survey on Income and Living Conditions. We employ two indices of material deprivation that take into account the regional level of our analysis, and rely on the assignment of weights to items. The determinants of material deprivation are investigated through a zero-inflated beta model.

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La valutazione di una prova di profitto attraverso un modello multilevel

The aim of this paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process into a group of students of the middle secondary school, through multilevel analysis. Results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and schools in the learning process.

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Il nuovo ordinamento delle lauree psicologiche: profili ed esiti degli studenti dell'Ateneo di Palermo

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Il disegno campionario per l'indagine sul turismo nelle isole Eolie

Obiettivo del presente lavoro è descrivere le procedure seguite per la progettazione di un’indagine campionaria al fine di stimare la numerosità dei turisti (ufficiali, non ufficiali) e gli escursionisti presenti nelle isole Eolie nel periodo estivo del 2004. Si propone un disegno campionario complesso che tiene conto delle difficoltà evidenziate dall’indagine pilota e delle carenze di informazioni supplementari sulla popolazione di riferimento. Parole chiave: Disegno campionario, piano di campionamento, stimatori.

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This paper proposes a new indicator of poverty persistence based on a synthesis of the temporal sequences of the years spent in poverty and non poverty, taking into account the order in which poverty spells follow each other. The index is a measure with cardinal properties and it allows not only the ranking of the individuals according to the duration of their poverty experience but also to measure the distance between any two individuals in the population. The index can be built up at individual level and it is also possible to have an aggregated index at any territorial level. Micro data from a longitudinal survey are needed.

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Traditional measures of poverty persistence, such as “poverty rate” or the “persistent-risk-of-poverty rate”, do not devote enough attention to the sequence of poverty spells. In particular, they do not put enough attention in underlining the different effects associated with occasional single spells of poverty and the consecutive years of poverty. In this paper we propose a new index which measures the severity of poverty in a longitudinal view, taking into account the way poverty and non-poverty spells follow one another along individual life courses. The index is normalized and increases with the number of consecutive years in poverty along the individual poverty profile. The index is su…

research product

Female Visibility in the Mafia World: Press Review 1980 to 2001

One way to analyze the recent evolution of the female role in organized crime is to review the press coverage of that theme during the period 1980-2001. The choice of this period was guided by the consideration that investigations and observations have shown this period to be one of the most interesting for the study of the phenomenon, since it is precisely during this time that the participation of women in mafia-type criminal activities seems to have become more visible and frequent. The paper explores the nature and characteristics of the female role within the mafia organization along with its centrality. The difficulty in collecting information on the daily life of mafia women has led …

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Socio-economic deprivation, territorial inequalities and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in Sicily

The present work aims at analyzing the relationship among deprivation, distance from the nearest hospital and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in Sicily. Data derived from 2011 Census are used for the determination of the deprivation index at the municipality level, whereas distance from the municipality of residence and the nearest municipality with at least one hospital is considered in terms of travel time. Results highlight association between socio-economic conditions and mortality for cardiovascular diseases, whereas it seems that the distance from the hospital is only poorly associated with mortality.

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How Much Should we Care about Consecutive Spells of Poverty? Proposal of a New Index

Is cross-sectional poverty a reflection of real economic and social disadvantage? Does total number of years spent in poverty provide sufficient information about poverty severity? Recent studies show that in some countries there are good reasons to believe that it is not (see, among others, Mendola et al., 2009). Traditional measures of poverty persistence, such as ‘poverty rate’ (i.e. the number of years spent in poverty upon total number of observations) or the ‘persistent-risk-ofpoverty rate’, do not devote enough attention to the sequence of poverty spells. In particular they are not good enough in underlining different effects associated to occasional single spells of poverty and cons…

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A complex sampling design: a tourism case study

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La valutazione di una prova di profitto per l'apprendimento della statistica: confronto tra due tecniche

Negli anni 1998-2002 un gruppo di ricercatori ha realizzato un progetto di ricerca a livello nazionale dal titolo “Sperimentazione di nuove strategie didattiche per l’apprendimento della statistica” nel cui ambito il gruppo di ricerca della sede di Palermo ha condotto una sperimentazione per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento della statistica nella scuola media inferiore. In questo lavoro volgeremo l’attenzione alla prova di profitto che è stata costruita per valutare l’apprendimento di alcuni argomenti di statistica da parte degli studenti coinvolti. Con l’obiettivo di diffondere la prova di profitto anche in contesti diversi dalla sperimentazione che l’ha originata, sempre per valutare l’ap…

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L’analisi implicativa per lo studio di una esperienza didattica in statistica

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The Material Deprivation of Foreigners: Measurement and Determinants

We examine the material deprivation of foreigners on a sub-sample of the 2009 Italian Survey on Income and Living Conditions carried out by Istat. We employ an index of material deprivation that takes into account the regional level of analysis, and relies on the assignment of weights to deprivation items. The effects produced on material deprivation by several variables, interpreted as determinants, are investigated through a zero-inflated beta regression model.

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Distance Learning: New Frontiers for solving old problems

After a discussion on the use of technology for teaching purposes, the authors present an experiment carried out in Italy and based on the use of e-learning to face the problem of guiding large classes of students for lab activities in basic courses of Statistics. Even though this solution has been adopted to solve a local problem, it seems to have a wide range of potential applications. After a discussion on the use of technology for teaching purposes, the authors present an experiment carried out in Italy and based on the use of e-learning to face the problem of guiding large classes of students for lab activities in basic courses of Statistics. Even though this solution has been adopted …

research product

Socio-Demographic Vulnerability: The Condition of Italian Young People

For a kind of inertia effect, today the Italian welfare state protects the older too much and, on the contrary, it does not counter sufficiently the new risks associated with other phases of life. Not much seems to be implemented in favour of Italian young people who, as a matter of fact, seem to suffer a lot from the present changes: young people remain longer in the parental home and postpone setting up their own independent life to a most advanced age. In order to understand the situation of vulnerability increasingly widespread among young people, it seemed more and more necessary an in-depth analysis of the reasons and the subjective status of the discomfort that affects young people b…

research product

Combining the intensity and sequencing of the poverty experience:a class of longitudinal poverty indices

Summary Traditional measures of the persistence of poverty do not devote enough attention to the sequence of spells of poverty. We propose a new class of indices which measures the severity of chronic poverty, taking into account the way in which spells of poverty and non-poverty follow one another along individual life courses. All the years spent in poverty concur with the measurement of the persistency of poverty, albeit with a decreasing contribution provided that the distance between two consecutive spells of poverty becomes longer. Moreover, the distance from the poverty line and the poverty persistence probabilities are explicitly taken into account. A macrolevel index, which allows …

research product

The importance of consecutive spells of poverty: a longitudinal poverty index

Traditional measures of poverty persistence, such as ’poverty rate’ (i.e., the number of years spent in poverty upon the total number of observations) or the ’persistent-risk-of-poverty rate’, do not devote enough attention to the sequence of poverty spells. In particular, they are insufficient in underlining the different effects associated with occasional single spells of poverty and the consecutive years of poverty. Here, we propose a new index which measures the severity of poverty, taking into account the way poverty and non-poverty spells follow one another along individual life courses. The index is normalized and increases with the number of consecutive years in poverty along the se…

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Sampling in Local Tourism Quantification: Critical Issues and Field Experience

The aim of this paper is to detail some issues relating to tourist sampling by means of three case studies. Tourism quantification issues and solutions will be illustrated in three paradgmatic situations: sampling in a self-contained context with multiple access points (an Island in Aeolian archipelago), tourism in a seaside town, and nautical tourism. In these contexts the issue of building a space-time grid to circumscribe the target population is made more complex by the mobile nature of these populations.

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Key-indicators for maternity hospitals and newborn readmission in Sicily

This paper proposes a composite indicator for the classification of maternity units, which takes into account for the different dimensions of service delivery, as potential predictors of health outcomes. As a measure of outcome, infant readmissions is considered, being a proxy of morbidity. The results highlight that after controlling for risk factors of the newborn, and for the presence of neonatal intensive unit, infants born in lower level hospitals show readmission rates higher than infants born in higher level hospitals.

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Socio-Demographic Vulnerability of Youth

For a kind of inertia effect, the Italian welfare state protects today the old age too intensely while little the new risks associated with other phases of life course. Young Italians seem to suffer the actual changes: “youth remain longer in parental home and postpone the creation of its own independent life to most advanced age”. To understand the vulnerability situation increasingly widespreading among young people, it seems more and more necessary the depth analysis of the reasons and the subjective status of this discomfort that occur through a delay in transition to adulthood. In particular we study the self-perceived vulnerability situation of young Italians in the labor market (both…

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The sampling design for a touristic survey

The aim of this paper is not only describing the procedures employed to plan and develop a sampling survey, but above all focusing the attention on the difficulties to be faced when making it. The main goal of this sampling survey is to investigate on the consistency and typology of tourists and trippers in the Eolie islands during the summer 2004, mainly in July and August. Eolie have been addressed since they represent a closed environment defined by natural borders.

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Monitoring event attendance using a combination of traditional and advanced surveying tools

This paper will describe the research stages and tools used for monitoring participants’ attendance at the European Researchers’ Night, held in Palermo in September 2017. A combination of traditional survey instruments and new technologies was effected in order to analyse participants’ behaviour during the event. The results derived from these different data sources were also integrated and analysed in order to evaluate the success of the event from social and economic points of view. Data relating to participants’ mobility during the event will be described and clusters of participants proposed, based on their mobility behaviour.

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Indicators of Tourist Market Appeal and Sustainability. An Analysis of Italian Opera Houses

This paper aims at pointing out how Italian Opera Houses are facing the challenge involved with tourism, after some recent institutional changes which transformed them in private foundations. Here we put in evidence the potential tourist appeal and the sustainability of a tourist approach for all of the Italian Opera Houses. This issue is addressed constructing two indicators of market appeal and sustainability. Resorting to a deep documentary research and an ad hoc questionnaire survey, we detected and measured the relevant dimensions of market appeal (physical setting, popularity outside the local area, overall tourist appeal of the hosting city, geographical allocation, proximity to othe…

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The results of a performance test: a multilevel analysis

The aim of the paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process in a group of students of the middle secondary school, by the multilevel analysis. The results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and the schools in the learning processes.

research product

Material deprivation of foreigners in Italy

According to the official Eurostat measure, material deprivation is particularly high among foreigners. But do each deprivation item have the same importance? Are there differences in material deprivation across regions? Is there homogeneity of items’ incidence across regions? In this paper we propose a weighted index of material deprivation (Individual Material Deprivation Index-IMDI) that takes into account the different importance assigned to each of the 9 Eurostat items’ of deprivation in the different geographical areas. We use our weighed index to compare levels of material deprivation of foreign (both in terms of distribution and intensity), to study the differences among nationaliti…

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Erratum to: Socio-Demographic Vulnerability: The Condition of Italian Young People

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In all European countries, migrant populations tend to have worse living conditions than native; this is particularly true for those born outside the EU. This paper proposes a new way to look at the relative living conditions of foreigners by looking at non-monetary (or ‘direct’) indicators of material deprivation in Italy-a country characterized by the presence of a wide range of nationalities. To examine differences in economic integration of foreigners, the paper documents deprivation differentials across groups of foreigners. In particular, we measure differences in material deprivation between groups of foreigners once we control for the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of…

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Some Regional Gaps in Social Exclusion in Italy. Evidence from EU-SILC.

In questo lavoro si presentano alcuni primi risultati di un’analisi sull’esclusione sociale condotta a livello regionale utilizzando le informazioni provenienti dalla prima onda italiana del nuovo panel europeo EU-SILC. La prima onda dell’indagine e’ disponibile solo da pochi mesi e nella seconda onda sono gia’ stati introdotti cambiamenti metodologici che non consentiranno l’immediato raffronto dei dati. Risulta comunque interessante, anche per i futuri sviluppi longitudinali, una prima analisi delle differenze territoriali dell’esclusione sociale e dei fattori che espongono i soggetti a rischio di poverta’ ed esclusione nelle venti regioni italiane. Il gradiente Nord-Sud resta ancora pres…

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