Pasquale Marino

Proposal of a Citrus translational genomic approach for early and infield detection of Flavescence dorée in Vitis

Flavescence dore´e (FD) is one of the most widely known grapevine yellows disease and one of the most unabated worldwide in the viticulture sector. In this paper, we outline a strategy for developing an integrated system of technologies to enable rapid, early disease FD detection and diagnosis. We propose the deployment of a newly developed sensor device, the differential mobility spectrometer (DMS), which has shown positive results with a similar vector-borne disease in Citrus. We have previously demonstrated that the gas chromatograph DMS (GC/DMS) can distinguish various citrus diseases, and the system may also allow detection of volatile organic compound (VOC) signals from a tree of othe…

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Esperienze finalizzate alla gestione conservativa dei boschi di faggio in Sicilia

Con riferimento ai boschi di faggio del Parco naturale dei Nebrodi, in Sicilia, vengono esposti i risultati di un particolare intervento di conversione di un ceduo in fustaia. Il metodo prescelto è quello della matricinatura intensiva con rilascio del materiale di risulta triturato sul posto.

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Analisi dello stato degli ambienti umidi temporanei in relazione al grado di conservazione del paesaggio nel Parco delle Madonie.

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Caratterizzazione morfologica del polline dei taxa siciliani del genere Pyrus (Rosaceae)

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Vascular flora evolution in the major Mediterranean islands

Characteristics of Mediterranean island floras are analyzed with stress on endemic units. On these bases the main relationships between the major Mediterranean areas and the inland territories with the strongest floristic affinities are analyzed. Finally the role of aliens in Mediterranean island floras and threats are discussed.

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The ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and biological properties of Nigella damascena – A review

This review is a systematic scientific work on medicinal and traditional use, on the chemical composition of specialized metabolites, volatile and non-volatile, on aspects related to toxicology and phytotherapy of Nigella damascena L. The genus Nigella (Ranunculaceae) is distributed throughout the Mediterranean basin, extending to northern India, and has been divided into three sections. Nigella damanscena L. is traditionally used as an ingredient in food, for example, as flavouring agents in bread and cheese, but is also known in folk medicine, used to regulate menstruation; for catarrhal affections and amenorrhea; as a diuretic and sternutatory; as an analgesic, anti-oedematous, and antip…

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Sulla presenza di Ostrya carpinifolia (Corylaceae) nei substrati della serie evaporitica.

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Contributo alla caratterizzazione morfologica del polline di Prunus avium L.

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Carta del paesaggio vegetale dei Monti Sicani sud-orientali (Sicilia centro-occidentale).

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Carta del paesaggio e della biodiversità vegetale dei Monti Sicani Sud-Orientali (Sicilia centro-occidentale)

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First results on the phenotypic analysis of wild and cultivated species of Pyrus in Sicily

Phenotypic analysis of Pyrus in Sicily using a set of 19 characters on 71 accessions belonging to 7 species is here reported. Results show a high level of morphological variation in this genus. Cluster analysis of the morphological characters allows to identify two groups: the first closely related to wild pears and the latter related to P. communis s. l. and P. sicanorum. It is likely to think that many Ethno-Varieties, usually attributed to P. communis, on the contrary are attributable to wild Sicilian pears and belong to indigenous germplasm.

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Evaluation of the DNA barcoding approach to develop a reference data-set for the threatened flora of Sicily

The Mediterranean Basin is one of the most significantly altered World Biodiversity Hotspots with extensive habitat loss and fast genetic population erosion, for which urgent biodiversity reconnaissance and preservation actions are required. In particular, Sicily has about 600 taxa classified as threatened or near-threatened. The correct recognition and identification of such biodiversity is required for supporting further activities. The objective of this work is to assess the ability of the DNA barcoding approach to identify different taxonomic groups from a collection of the most threatened plant taxa, throughout natural Sicilian populations. The evaluation of the DNA barcoding core mark…

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Raccolta e conservazione del germoplasma frutticolo negli agroecosistemi tradizionali della Sicilia

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Pyrus sicanorum (Rosaceae) a new species from Sicily

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Analisi geostatistiche per la determinazione degli aspetti climatici del territorio del Parco dei Nebrodi

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Pyrus ciancioi (Rosaceae), a new species from Sicily

A new species of Pyrus L. from the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily) is described, named, and illustrated. It differs from P. spinosa in the shape and diameter/length ratio of its fruits and in the width/length ratio of the leaf lamina. An analytical key to the Pyrus species growing in Sicily is provided.

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Gli habitat naturali di interesse comunitario (Direttiva 92/43/CEE) del pSIC Monte Genuardo e Santa Maria del Bosco (ITA020035)

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Casi di spontaneizzazione di Negundo aceroides (Aceraceae, Magnoliophyta) in Sicilia

Gli autori riportano i dati riguardanti i processi di spontaneizzazione in Sicilia di Negundo aceroides Moench (Aceraceae), specie diffusamente coltivata in Italia a scopo ornamentale, soprattutto nelle alberature stradali, e ormai naturalizzata in molte regioni. Si tratta dei primi eventi di rinnovazione naturale da seme accertati per la specie nell’Isola. Nelle stazione di rinvenimento, i giovani esemplari mostrano una buona adattabilità ai diversi tipi di substrato edafico.

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Diachronic Analysis of Beech Forest in the Nebrodi Park (Northern Sicily)

A comparison between the current surface of Beech forest in the Nebrodi Park (Northern Sicily) with the measurements performed in the past is here reported. 12.854 hectares of Beech forest were recognized against 10.336 hectares of 1959 with a percentage increase of 24.37%. The increase of forest is mainly due at the change of land use through a better forest management and grazing.

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C2 = PRIMI DATI SUGLI INNESTI DI ABIES NEBRODENSIS (LOJAC.) MATTEI ESEGUITI SU ABETI ESOTICI NELL’AREA DI INDIGENATO (MADONIE) R. SCHICCHI, P. BONOMO, M. CANDORE, G. DI NOTO, A. PUCCI, F. TRAPANI, P. MARINO Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale e Biodiversità dell'Università, via Archirafi 38, 90123 Palermo (I) rosario.schicchi@unipa.it Abies nebrodensis è una specie endemica relitta, gravemente minacciata di estinzione, la cui popolazione naturale è costituita da 30 individui distribuiti discontinuamente in una piccola area del territorio di Polizzi Generosa, all’interno del Parco naturale delle Madonie in Sicilia. La minaccia di estinzione è dovuta, oltre all'esiguità della popolazione, al …

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Biodiversità nelle Maloideae (Rosaceae) della Sicilia

Si riportano i caratteri tassonomici, l’ecologia e la distribuzione di 4 specie legnose afferenti ai generi Pyrus e Malus, recentemente descritte in Sicilia, al fine di favorirne la valorizzazione attraverso l’impiego in selvicoltura oltre che la conservazione in situ ed ex situ.

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Ipotesi progettuale di opere di mitigazione attraverso la vegetazione per il degassificatore di Porto Empedocle (Agrigento)

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Biodiversity and evolution of the dendroflora in the Mediterranean

The main old representatives of the Mediterranean dendroflora, their origin and distribution are treated. Relevant threats and strategy for in situ and ex situ conservation are also discussed here.

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I grandi alberi dei Nebrodi

In questo libro sono presentati i risultati di una ricerca portata avanti dagli Autori, botanici del Dipartimento di Biologia ambientale e Biodiversità dell’Università di Palermo. L’indagine ha riguardato sia ambienti di tipo forestale sia di tipo agricolo tradizionale ed ha messo in luce un ricco patrimonio arboreo di tipo monumentale. Significative sono le immagini relative ai grandi aceri, ai ragguardevoli individui di due specie endemiche dei Nebrodi (Pyrus vallis-demonis e Malus crescimannoi) e al faggio di Fago scuro che rappresenta il patriarca di tutti i faggi d’Italia. Dopo il 150° dell’Unità d’Italia non poteva mancare il Grande Pino piantato in concomitanza dello sbarco di Giusep…

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Geobotanical approach to detect land-use change of a Mediterranean landscape: a case study in Central-Western Sicily

A landscape is a palimpsest of the interactions between human activities and ecological dynamics. In an interdisciplinary perspective of dialogue between the ‘Two Cultures’ (Natural Sciences and Humanities), a study of a rural area has been carried out through a reading of plant ecosystems as signs of human impact. The purpose of this paper—as part of the project ‘Harvesting Memories’: Ecology and landscape archaeology of Castro/Giardinallo Valley and Mt. Barrau district (Corleone, Palermo, Sicily)—is to analyse the formative-processes of a Sicilian rural landscape and its changes in the last century. A key element in the reconstruction of the formation of the present landscape is the serie…

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Elementi espressivi della flora vascolare nel Piano di Gestione "Monti Madonie" in Sicilia

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Nuovi dati sull’espansione di Parkinsonia aculeata (Caeasalpinaceae) in Sicilia

New data about the expansion of Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpinaceae) in Sicily are reported. The species, cultivated as ornamental, has known as a naturalized since 1977. Data on new finding localities, near Menfi, Sciacca, Canicattì (Agrigento), Misilmeri (Palermo) and Catania are given.

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Sources of geomaterials in the Sicani Mountains during the Early Middle Ages: A case study of Contrada Castro, central western Sicily

From 2017, an unknown rural settlement in Contrada Castro at Corleone (Palermo Province, western Sicily) was investigated as part of the `Harvesting Memories Project¿. The stratigraphic sequence, supported by radiocarbon dating, has demonstrated a reoccupation of a pre-Roman site during the transition between the Byzantine and Islamic periods. In particular, the main occupation occurred in the late 8th¿9th century when pottery kilns and a probable warehouse were constructed. During the 10th¿11th century, a new structure with different orientations replaced the previous buildings that had already collapsed. Specifically focusing on a perspective of the household production and its relationsh…

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Schede 27/36. In: Schicchi, R, Raimondo, FM. Schede per il censimento degli alberi monumentali di Sicilia 27-36.

Sicilian monumental trees reports. 27-36. – The reports 27-36 concerning unpublished monumental trees surveyed in Sicily are here presented. They are: the Almond tree of Rifesi Santuary [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb var. dul- cis]; the Ash tree (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl subsp. angustifolia) in Alefina land and Tusa country; the Olive trees (Olea euro- paea L. subsp. europaea var. europaea) in the following lands: Murro, Fontecà and Serra Bruno; the largest Apple tree of Crescimanno (Malus crescimannoi Raimondo) and the Hawthorn tree (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) of Piano Menta; the Willow tree of Mangalaviti Homes (Salix alba L. subsp. vitellina ) and the Common Yew of Tassita Wood (Tax…

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Due casi di rarità estrema nella flora siciliana

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The Seedbank database of the Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus

A database for the management of the Seedbank of the Palermo’s Botanical Garden has been set up. Its structure and functioning are illustrated. Since November 2010 about 2000 records relating to 460 taxa have been inputted and are accesible via web. Links with other seedbank databases and with the database of the Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum and of the Palermo’s Botanical Garden are explained.

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Genetic analysis of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) cultivars by ISSR molecular markers

Eight cultivars of Citrus aurantium L., showing peculiar morphological traits of the fruits and leaves, were analyzed genetically. Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was chosen as molecular markers because they represent a highly efficient system for investigating variability at intraspecific level. The particular morphological traits were discussed, the genetic identity and distance matrix based on Nei index was calculated, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram was generated. A total of 53 clearly distinguished DNA bands were considered for the ISSR analysis of which 24 were polymorphic. A basic C. aurantium fingerprinting pattern was obtained. The I…

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Erica sicula subsp. sicula in: Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana

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Sorbus busambarensis (Rosaceae), a new endemic species of Sicily

Abstract In this study, Sorbus busambarensis, a new species from Rocca Busambra (Palermo, NW Sicily) has been described and named. On the basis of the critical features of its flowers, fruits and leaves, it is noted to be a member of S. sect. Aria and is related to the other taxa that form the polymorphic group of S. aria, which in Sicily is represented by S. aria s. str., S. graeca and S. umbellata.

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Nuclei di vegetazione forestale a leccio e viburno nei Monti Sicani (Sicilia)

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Segnalazione di Pennisetum setaceum (Poaceae) in Calabria.

Vengono riportati i dati relativi alla espansione di Pennisetum setaceum in Calabria e segnalate nuove stazioni in Sicilia.

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Un popolamento monumentale di Taxus baccata nel Parco Regionale dei Nebrodi (Sicilia)

Viene riportata l’individuazione un inedito popolamento di Taxus baccata, che per età e caratteristiche dendrometriche viene inquadrato nella tipologia di “popolamento monumentale”. Il biotopo si localizza all’interno del faggeto acidofilo delle pendici settentrionali di Monte Soro (Contrada Lenza Monica), a sud-est del Lago Biviere di Cesarò (7°56’47” Nord - 14°43’04’’Est) ed è posto a quota 1.330 m.

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Contributo alla conoscenza della biodiversità varietale di Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. subsp. persica, nell’Alta Valle del Platani (Sicilia centro-occidentale)

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Investigation on the pollen morphology of traditional cultivars of Prunus species in Sicily

In this study pollen grains of 13 cultivars and 3 rootstocks belonging to 5 species (<em>P. armeniaca</em>, <em>P. domestica</em>, <em>P. dulcis</em>, <em>P. persica</em>, <em>P. avium</em>) of the genus <em>Prunus </em>collected from North-East Sicily were examined for the micromorphological characterization through the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The length of polar axis (<em>P</em>) and the equatorial diameter (<em>E</em>) of grain, <em>P/E </em>ratio, the length of colpi (<em>C</em>), diameter of perforations (<em>DP</em>) and the number of perforat…

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Archaeobotanical analysis from the long-term rural settlement of Contrada Castro (Corleone, Palermo): preliminary data

The project ¿Harvesting Memories: Ecology and Archaeology of Monti Sicani landscapes¿ aims to analyse the long-term relationship of landscape dynamics and settlement patterns in a Mediterranean inland of Central-Western Sicily. The project combined different interdisciplinary approaches of vegetation science, landscape ecology, history and archaeology in order to diachronically understand and reconstruct the human- society-environment interactions. From 2017 to 2019 a new rural settlement has been investigated in Contrada Castro (Corleone, Palermo). The excavation in Contrada Castro showed a clear case of long-term occupation of an hill-top site during Late Archaic/Classical age (6 th -5 th…

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Caratteri tassonomici, ecologici e distributivi del genere Pyrus L. in Sicilia

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Types of names of Orobanche taxa described from North Africa

In the framework of the revision of the genus Orobanche (including Phelipaea) in the Mediterranean area, the original material for 31 names of new taxa described from North Africa by Ball, Battandier, Forsska°l, Maire (partly with Emberger and Jahandiez), Persoon, Poiret and Pomel has been analysed. Typification is discussed, and where necessary types are designated. Accepted names and synonyms of the recognized taxa are given. Three species are illustrated, and one new combination (O. inexspectata) is proposed.

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Catalogo pomologico degli Antichi fruttiferi di Sicilia

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Analisi del contesto territoriale per l’individuazione di aree suscettibili di recupero ambientale

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The Harvesting Memories Project: Historical ecology and landscape changes of the Sicani Mountains in Sicily

The Harvesting Memories project aims to investigate the historical landscape dynamics in an inner area of the Sicani Mountains district in Western Sicily (Contrada Castro, Corleone-Palermo). The interdisciplinary approach of the project allowed us to combine and integrate methods from different disciplines such as historical ecology, landscape archaeology, archaeobotany and GIS-based spatial analysis. In this paper some results have been summarized. The comparison between land mosaic change during the last 60 years, the relationship between site catchment area and land suitability and the correlation between archaeobotanical and phytosociological data. This approach underlined the relevance…

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Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana: Silene hicesiae Brullo & Signorello

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Esperienze finalizzate alla gestione conservativa dei boschi di faggio tramite conversione del ceduo semplice in fustaia disetanea: il caso Nebrodi (Sicilia)

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Mapping floristic diversity: a case study in Sicily

This paper presents an operational methodology to map and analyze the floristic richness of “target species” in Natura 2000 sites, making use of G.I.S. tools and procedures. A Floristic diversity map (scale 1:50,000), covering an area of 612 km2, was produced by a team of experts as part of the management plans of “Madonie Mountains” Sites of Community Importance (SCIs), located in Sicily (Italy). The primary grid map represents the richness of “target species”, which include species of Community interests, taxa on the National Red List, endemic and threatened, species protected under International Conventions, taxa of phytogeographic importance. Secondary data frames include a three-dimens…

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B6 = L’ATTIVITÀ DELL’ORTO BOTANICO DI PALERMO E DELLE STRUTTURE COLLEGATE PER LA CONSERVAZIONE DEGLI ANTICHI FRUTTIFERI DELLA SICILIA P. MARINO1, M. GERACI2, D. CRISÀ2, F. M. RAIMONDO1, R. SCHICCHI1 1Dipartimento di Biologia ambientale e Biodiversità dell’Università, Via Archirafi, 38 - 90123 Palermo. pasquale.marino@unipa.it 2Ente Parco dei Nebrodi, Piazza Duomo – 98076 Sant’Agata di Militello, Messina L’attività di individuazione, valutazione e raccolta del germoplasma delle specie arboree da frutto di prevalente interesse negli agrosistemi tradizionali della Sicilia, iniziata nel 2005 (Schicchi et al., 2008a; Schicchi et al., 2008b) si protrae ancora oggi attraverso azioni volte alla con…

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Diversità nelle Maloidee (Rosaceae) della Sicilia

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Aspetti della flora e vegetazione dei pascoli.

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Historical Suitability and Sustainability of Sicani Mountains Landscape (Western Sicily): An Integrated Approach of Phytosociology and Archaeobotany

Since 2015, the ongoing project &ldquo

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The genus Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) in Sicily

The taxa of Orobanche occurring in Sicily and on the surrounding islets have been surveyed in the field and in herbaria. In total, 23 species occur in the region. O. litorea is found to be distinct from O. minor and O. thapsoides from O. canescens. O. crenata and O. ramosa are serious pests that cause heavy losses to broad bean and tomato cultures, respectively.

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La suberaie de la Mâamora au Maroc en danger

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Reports (1752)IN: Kamari G., Blanché C., Siljak-Yakovlev S. (EDS) Mediterranean Chromosome Number Reports - 21

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Applicazione di GRASS GIS alle dinamiche vegetazionali del complesso evaporitico di “Monte Conca” (Sicilia centrale).

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Individuazione, valutazione, e raccolta del germoplasma delle specie arboree da frutto di prevalente interesse negli agrosistemi tradizionali della Sicilia

Il presente lavoro è il primo prodotto di una complessa attività di ricerca riguardante la biodiversità espressa dalle specie frutticole tradizionali nell’ambito degli agrosistemi della Sicilia. Si tratta di manifestazioni considerevoli, di veri e propri segni impressi dall’attività agricola sui territori rurali dell’Isola, frutto della secolare azione di selezione varietale operata pazientemente da numerose generazioni di agricoltori su ventisette specie coltivate. La salvaguardia delle antiche varietà di frutta si collega ad una molteplicità di aspetti, fra cui quelli scientifici, educativi, ecologici, storico-culturali, paesaggistici e produttivi. Con riferimento a questi ultimi, il patr…

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Osservazioni fitosociologiche sui laureti delle Madonie (Sicilia settentrionale)

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Flora e vegetazione della Riserva Naturale Orientata "Laghetti di Marinello" (Sicilia nord-orientale)

Flora and vegetation of Natural Reserve “Laghetti di Marinello” (North-Eastern Sicily) - Flora and vegetation of the Natural Reserve “Laghetti di Marinello” (Patti, NE Sicily) are examined. in this area extending 414 hectares, different environmental aspects enabled the emergence of various types of vegetation. The plant-communities are represented by halophilous communities (Juncetea maritimi), riverine hygrophilous communities (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea), psammophilous coenoses (Ammophiletea, Cakiletea maritimae), chasmophytic coenoses (Asplenietea trichomanis), woody and nanophanerophytic coenoses (Quercetea ilicis), and steppic prairies (Lygeo-Stipetea). The floristic analysis testifies …

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Taxa relitti della flora forestale siciliana e problemi di conservazione

Biogeographia vol. XXX — 2011 (Pubblicato il 23 dicembre 2011) La Biogeografia della Sicilia Taxa relitti della flora forestale siciliana e problemi di conservazione ROSARIO SCI-IICCHI, PASQUALE MARINO Dipartimmto a’z' Biologia Ambientale e Biocliversita, Universita degli Studi ali Palermo, via Arckirafi 38, 90123 Palermo (Italy); e—mail: r05arz'o.5c/Jz'ccbz'@unz'pa.it Key words: forest flora, relic taxa, Sicily. SUMMARY This contribution concerns some woody species representative of the forest landscape in Sicily, paying atten- tion both For their current relict status and their risk to become extinct. For each taxon threats, risk categories, as- sessed or assigned on the …

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RÉSUMÉ On décrit les séries de végétation du massif des Madonie en Sicile. Ici sont développées trois séries dynamiques de végétation, à savoir: la série mesophyle basiphyle du hêtre (Fagus sylvatica) , la série océanique acidophyle méridionale du hêtre (Fagus sylvatica) et la série orophyle acidophyle du rouvre méridionale (Quercus petraea subsp. austrotyrrhenica).

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Prospetto delle piante vascolari native di potenziale impiego negli interventi di fitodepurazione in Sicilia

Checklist of the native vascular plants of potential use in phytoremediation in Sicily. A list of native vascular plants suitable for phytoremediation in Sicily is presented here. It includes 192 specific and intraspecific taxa, each provided with the relevantbiological form and subform, chorotype, and macrophyte classification. An index based on the aesthetic value of each taxon is also proposed.

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Bona Furtuna is an organic farm located 8 km far from Corleone closed to Campofiorito (Palermo). The study area includes the slopes of Castro, Giardinello and Valle Fredda which goes up to Barraù Mt. included in the Special Areas of Conservation (ITA020037) according to the Natura 2000 European Birds and Habitat Directives. The high level of biodiversity is supported by over 502 taxa of vascular flora, 38 of which are endemic to Sicily. The study area is quite diversified from a bioclimatic point of view as well, presenting different gradients from the Lower Mesomediterranean (Upper dry) and the Lower Supramediterranean (Lower subhumid). The landscape has been shaped by frequent changes in …

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Report 1751. Isoetes todaroana Troia & Raimondo. In: Kamari, G., Blanché, C. & Siljak-Yakovlev, S. (eds): Mediterranean chromosome number reports

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Applicazione dell’analisi tridimensionale negli studi di Ecologia del paesaggio

Topography and terrain morphology play a key role in landscape structure and functionality. Landscape ecology modelling based on patch-corridor-matrix usually analyzes the area of study as a plane surface. However, this assumption could be critically far from reality, especially in mountainous areas, and lead to significant mistakes in calculation. Different areas of study were analyzed using both classical and more recent indices. Calculation was performed using a bi-dimensional terrain model and a three-dimensional model in which length and surface area values were much closer to real world values. Results were confronted to understand the different sensitivity of various analysis tools t…

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Variazioni fenotipiche nelle popolazioni di Juglans regia L., (Jugladaceae) della Sicilia nord-orientale

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L’oleastro, Olea europaea var. sylvestris (Mill.) Lehr, è uno delle componenti rappresentative della vegetazione mediterranea. Specie considerata caratteristica della macchia (Oleo-Ceratonion siliquae Br.-Bl. ex Guinoch. e Drouin. 1944) si accompagna con altre sclerofille e specie caducifoglie estive con le quali forma aspetti di vegetazione alto arbustiva o arborescente. Ma l’oleastro in Sicilia è anche un elemento di boschi termofili, di territori che presentano una certa xericità ambientale, potenzialmente diffusi in un’ampia fascia altimetrica che si estende dalla costa fino a 800-1000 m di quota. In tale contesto, l’oleastro si accompagna con querce caducifoglie termofile, quali Quercu…

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Germoplasma di cultivar siciliane di nocciolo conservato dall’Orto Botanico di Palermo

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Land forms, land-use and landscapes in Sicily

Landscape as we perceive it is the product of many different interacting factors: macro- and topoclimate, lithology, geomorphology, land use and human activities. The evaluation of the relative influence of each one of these factors on vegetation pattern and landscape is strongly dependent from the scale of observation. Hierarchical classification (Blasi et al. 2000) makes scale-related use of these factors as diagnostic attributes: macroclimate (over 1:250,000 scale) defines landscape regions, lithology (1:250,000 scale) defines systems and lithomorphology (1:50,000 scale) defines subsystems. At a finer scale (less than 1:10,000), land forms and land-use are the predominant landscape maker…

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Il progetto di censimento degli alberi monumentali dei Sicani, avviato circa 15 anni fa, ha consentito ad oggi di acquisire dati su 72 alberi che, sulla base dell’art.7 della legge n.10 /2013 e del DECRETO 23 ottobre 2014 del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, possono essere considerati monumentali. Alcuni di essi figurano già in pubblicazioni scientifiche e divulgative (Schicchi 2005, Schicchi e Raimondo 2006, 2007, 2010; Amato et al., 2012). Di esse, 56 sono localizzate in provincia di Palermo e 16 in quella di Agrigento. Complessivamente le piante individuate afferiscono ai seguenti taxa: Arbutus unedo L., Celtis australis L., Ceratonia siliqua L., Fraxinus angust…

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Carta del paesaggio vegetale del SIC La Montagnola e Acqua Fitusa (Sicilia centro-occidentale).

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Influence of Variety and Maturity Stage on Sterolic Composition of Virgin Olive Oil from Central-Western Sicily

Olive oil is one of the most important food products throughout the Mediterranean Basin due to its high nutritional and dietetic value. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the sterols of olive oil for their health benefts and their importance to virgin olive oil quality regulation. The impact of sterols on the human health is proved by several studies, showing that a suffcient quantity of β-sitosterol inhibits the intestinal absorption of LDL-cholesterol. In olive oil the phytosterol concentration ranges from 800 to 2600 mg kg-1. Sterol esters evaluation has been proposed as useful parameter in studies related to varietal and geographical discrimination. Cultivar and matur…

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Effectiveness of "DNA BARCODING" approach for the molecular identification of the endangered Sicilian flora

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Contributo alla conoscenza delle vecchie cultivar di pero (Pyrus communis L.) delle Madonie (Sicilia).

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Genetic diversity on Pyrus L. (Rosaceae) in Sicily

The genetic diversity on six Pyrus species (P. amygdaliformis, P. pyraster, P. communis, P. vallis- demonis, P. sicanorum, P. castribonensis) from Sicily was investigated using isozymes. Atotal of 26 alleles was found in 8 loci of 5 enzyme systems (IDH,MDH, 6-PGD, PGI and SKD). The allelic frequencies and the genetic variability values for each population were calculated. The greatest rate of polymorphism was found in P. sicanorum, P. castribonensis and P. amygdaliformis from Sicani Mts. The relationships among the populations were computed by Nei’s genetic identity/distance and the obtained dendrogram shows a remarkable genetic distance of P. vallis-demonis from of all other investigated t…

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Making a rural landscape: ecological and human dynamics in the holm oak forest of Mt. Barraù (Corleone, Palermo, C-W Sicily)

The Harvesting Memories Project (funded by Bona Furtuna LLC) aims to investigate the long-term landscape transformations in the central part of the Alto Belice Corleonese (Central-Western Sicily). The case study area is formed by a sequence of gentle hills (Contrade Castro and Giardinello), rich in water springs that offer an optimal condition for agricultural exploitation, irregularly interrupted by the Mt. Barraù (1420 m a.s.l.) with steep and abrupt slopes in the south-west side. The study of this territory is approached by an holistic perspective to detect and evaluate the relationships and the interactions among human activities and the environment. The holm oak forest that covers part…

research product

Notes on the karyology, genetics and ecology of Genista sect. Voglera in Sicily

To investigate the biosystematic and genetic relationships among Sicilian species of Genista sect. Voglera, four populations of three species, Genista aristata C. Presl, Genista cupanii Guss., and Genista madoniensis Raimondo, have been studied. Genista madoniensis is tetraploid, with a chromosome number of 2n = 48, as are the other two species. An isozyme study showed that G. madoniensis is taxonomically closer to G. aristata than to G. cupanii, the latter possessing four unique alleles. The results are discussed in the context of the ecological characteristics of each species.

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Osservazioni fenologiche e pomologiche su popolazioni di Juglans regia in Sicilia

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Proposta metodologica per la valutazione degli impatti cumulativi in aree protette della “Rete Natura 2000” della Sicilia

research product

Conservazione di Abies nebrodensis (Pinaceae) e ripristino delle piccole torbiere di Geraci Siculo (Madonie, Sicilia)

research product


I Monti Sicani costituiscono un comprensorio montuoso-collinare, a prevalente ossatura carbonatica di era mesozoica, localizzato tra le province di Palermo e Agrigento (Sicilia centro-occidentale). Esteso circa 2.800 km2 si spinge a settentrione fino a Rocca Busambra mentre a meridione fino al complesso di Rocca Ficuzza-Monte Telegrafo; ad occidente i confini sono segnati dalle colline trapanesi di Salaparuta mentre ad oriente dall’Alta Valle del Platani. In tale contesto s’inserisce il Parco dei Monti Sicani istituito con L.R. n. 6 del 14 maggio 2009 e che, in base alle determinazioni dell’ARTA, interesserebbe il territorio di 12 Comuni (Bivona, Burgio, Cammarata, Castronovo di Sicilia, Ch…

research product

Studio botanico finalizzato al recupero del paesaggio vegetale dell’Area archeologica di Lilibeo presso Marsala (Sicilia occidentale)

Viene presentato uno studio botanico volto al recupero del paesaggio vegetale dell’Area Archeologica di Capo Lilibeo (Marsala). Il progetto prevede l’eradicazione delle specie esotiche ad alto grado di invasività quali Ailanthus altissima e Vachellia karroo, il risanamento fitosanitario dei viali di Palme delle Canarie e la sostituzione degli individui malformati con specie ornamentali altamente decorative e a basso grado di invasività. E’ previsto l’impiego di specie afferenti agli stadi più evoluti dei sigmataxa Chamaeropo humilis- Querceto calliprini sigmetum ed al Pistacio lentisci- Chamaeropo humilis sigmetum al fine di assicurare i migliori risultati contro l’espansione della componen…

research product

Osservazioni post-incendio nelle formazioni arbustive a Celtis tournefortii subsp. asperrima della Sicilia.

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Biotecnica delle specie vegetali.

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La popolazione di Celtis asperrima Lojacono (Ulmaceae Magnoliophyta) dei Monti Sicani sud-orientali.

research product

Genetic diversity on Pyrus L. (Rosaceae) in Sicily using isozymes

research product

La sindrome delle aree protette

Al di là di inevitabili specificità legate a singoli contesti, i parchi naturali europei presentano un quadro sintomatico comune, riconducibile all'interazione di tre principali eziologie. Un primo problema è quello della notevole "parcellizzazione", amministrativa e gestionale, di aree sottoposte a vincoli di tutela non sempre omogenei e spesso affidate ad istituti diversi. Un secondo agente eziologico è quello dei "processi in atto", quale conseguenza dei rapidi cambiamenti socio-economici della nostra società. Come spesso accade, quando si devono compiere scelte gestionali, occorre stabilire delle priorità. Il terzo agente eziologico è legato proprio alla disparità di vedute tra chi prop…

research product

Le serie di vegetazione di Monte Cammarata (Sicilia)

research product

Osservazioni micromorfologiche ed architetturali su specie del genere Pyrus (Maloideae, Rosaceae) in Sicilia

research product

Contributo alla conoscenza dei biodeteriogeni tracheofitici rilevati nel complesso monumentale dell’Eremo di Santa Rosalia alla Quisquina (Sicilia centro-occidentale).

research product

Osservazioni fitosociologiche su aspetti di vegetazione a Prunus mahaleb subsp. cupaniana (Rosaceae) dei Monti Madonie (Sicilia)

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Caratterizzazione morfologica di cultivar del genere Prunus (Rosaceae, Prunoideae) in Sicilia.

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Analisi Geostatistica Integrata come Metodo per la Conoscenza del Bioclima della Sicilia

research product

Compositions and Sensory Characterization of Olive Oils from CentralWestern Sicily

In Sicily, olive has been cultivated since ancient times and its germplasm is characterized by a wide genetic diversity that could be related to its domestication and spread in ancient times, and to some reproductive biological peculiarities as self-incompatibility. In this research, EVOO of Sicilian heritage such as Nocellara del Belice, Biancolilla, Biancolilla centinara and Passulunara, was been investigated. The assessment regards main chemical-physical parameters and sensory profles, based on the olfactory and gustatory characteristics. Samples were obtained from Bona Furtuna farm (Corleone, C-W Sicily), equipped with a continuous two and half phases cold extraction system. Results sho…

research product

La conservazione del germoplasma delle specie arboree da frutto negli agroecosistemi tradizionali della Sicilia, p. 181

research product

Fatty acid composition of the seed lipids ofChamaerops humilisL. natural populations and its relation with the environment

Seed lipids composition is a tool to discriminate among plant taxa and is related to phylogeny and biogeographic distribution. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the fatty acid (FA) composition of the seed lipids from nine natural Chamaerops humilis L. population and its relation with the climatic traits of the collection sites. The average seed lipids content was 54.8 g kg21 and the most represented FAs were oleic (478 g kg21 oil) and linoleic (230 g kg21 oil), with significant differences among the accessions. Most of the lipid traits significantly correlated with climatic traits. In particular, oleic acid negatively correlated with year potential evapotranspiration. These relations…

research product

Schede N°11-21 in: SCHICCHI R., RAIMONDO F. M., (ed.) 2006 – Schede per il censimento degli alberi monumentali di Sicilia, 11-26.

research product

Contributo alla caratterizzazione ecologica di Quercus petraea subsp. austrotyrrhenica (Fagaceae)

research product

Studi dendrocronologici su taxa della flora forestale siciliana

research product

Tertiary relict laurophyll vegetation in the Madonie mountains (Sicily)

:Laurel woodlands in the Madonie mountains (Sicily) are characterized by the presence of Laurus nobilis, Rhamnus lojaconoi and Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris. The results of a phytosociological study are presented, and a new endemic association, Rhamno lojaconoi–Lauretum nobilis, is described. Present Mediterranean laurel communities are the result of an adaptive response by Tertiary laurel forest to the peculiar microclimatic conditions that characterize the refugia where they persist. These refugia have been recently considered as a priority habitat under the Directive 92/43/EEC, and their plant communities are very vulnerable. Protection measures of the studied laurel populations are n…

research product

Carta dei sentieri. Riserva Naturale Orientata “Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago”.

research product