Valeria Tullio
La funzione di Resilienza nella Cura
Torture and Maltreatment in Prison: A Medico-Legal Perspective
The maltreatment and torture of prisoners constitute a global problem. Methods of maltreatment are classified as the psychological and the physical, and physical methods inevitably lead to psychological sequelae. Our review offers an analysis from the medico-legal perspective of the literature on the torture and physical and sexual abuse experienced by prisoners and their psychological sequelae and aims to investigate the medico-legal issues of investigating maltreatment in prison so as to suggest methodologies and updated approaches for dealing with such cases in a forensic context. We performed a comprehensive literature search of peer-reviewed publications (articles and reviews), researc…
Malattia di alzheimer, vissuti degli operatori e processi comunicazionali;
Modelli di promozione della Salute in aziende con presenza di soggetti in condizioni di svantaggio sociale/fisico/psichico;
Danzamovimentoterapia come intervento clinico
Aspetti psicodinamici nella Retinite Pigmentosa
Il Servizio Civile Volontario come Tecnologia del Sé Organizzativo.
Danzamovimentoterapia: le origini
Salute in fumo. Prevenzione del tabagismo e rappresentazioni sociali: una ricerca con gli adolescenti di Palermo;
When a virus (Covid-19) attacks human rights: The situation of asylum seekers in the medico-legal setting
The Covid-19 pandemic is a global health emergency that requires immediate, effective action by governments to protect the health and basic human rights of everyone’s life. Refugees and migrants are potentially at increased risk because they typically live in overcrowded conditions often without access to basic sanitation. Since the beginning of the official lockdown for Covid-19, the medico-legal assessment of physical violence related to obtaining status or other forms of human protection has been frozen.
Salute riproduttiva in adolescenza: un contributo di ricerca;
C.A.G. territoriali e disagio giovanile
La salute tra Organizzazione e Comunicazione: il Servizio Civile Nazionale
La relazione tra "segno" e "significato": l'intervento con il paziente non udente;
Il Disturbo autistico tra storia e clinica
The violence of men against women: Medico-legal and psychological issues
Violence against women breaches women’s human rights and is a global public health issue that can cause devastating life-long damage. This study considers the characters of victims, abusers and traumatic bonding in heterosexual couples from a medico-legal and psycological standpoint. After considering the devastating effects on women’s health, and with the objective of preventing future violence, it illustrates the weaknesses and strengths of new Italian guidelines related to violence against women in emergency departments including the use of “Brief Risk Assessment for IPV in the Emergency Department – DA5”.
Allarme Cyberwar e Salute. Una ricerca sull'immaginario del rischio di terrorismo in internet;
Cura psicologica in emergenza: un caso clinico
Linfa di Vita: il Trapianto di Midollo Osseo
Comunicazione e Processo di Cura nella Retinite Pigmentosa
Corpi di Cristallo: Emofilia ed Identità;
L'intervento Psicoteatrale nel Disagio Infantile.
Transessualismo e/o Transizione Identitaria
Psychological support and psychotherapy via digital devices in Covid-19 emergency time: Some critical issues
The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting fear, quarantine and lockdown measures implemented in Italy and other countries to contain the risk of contagion have seriously impacted the mental health of a large number of people. The need to offer psychological and psychotherapeutic support to these people, while respecting the government’s pressing calls to “stay home”, have led many psychologists and psychotherapists, both in the public and private sectors, to provide their professional services via teleconference, telephone, smartphone, etc. The aim of this work is to highlight some critical issues related to the sudden switch from the traditional method of providing psychological services to…
Il Disturbo Autistico Infantile tra Modelli ed Intervento
La Comunicazione nell'Autismo: Operatori, Pazienti, Familiari.
Aspetti psicorelazionali nella riabilitazione socio-sanitaria con soggetti portatori di handicap;
Il Rischio Aids in Adolescenza: una ricerca sulle rappresentazioni all'interno di un contesto scolastico
L'intervento psicologico nell'emergenza: il caso di Veronica
Modelli attuali di Danzamovimentoterapia
La Pet Therapy nel Disturbo Autistico Infantile
Salute e manipolazione nella scuola: il linguaggio tecnicista;
Marketing Archetypes: Applying Jungian Psychology to Marketing Research
In the current situation of growing information overload, individuals are gradually becoming less sensitive to traditional marketing communications. For this reason, traditional marketing research models are no longer capable of giving useful insights to management. This calls for new approaches that can grasp the inner meaning of consumer behaviors and evaluate their relevance. To this end, a new multidisciplinary approach is needed to interpret complex behavioral patterns so as to gain deeper and more effective insights into customers and to understand their behavioral patterns. In this paper, following a short introduction to the basic concepts of Jung's analytical psychology and their r…
Il paziente psichiatrico in Arteterapia
Artiterapie e rieducazione del paziente psichiatrico
La fiaba nella psicologia del profondo
Identità in transizione: il Transessualismo chirurgico
Il trapianto d'organo: aspetti psicodinamici e comunicazionali
Operatori, Pazienti e Familiari dinanzi alla sfida dell'Autismo
La donazione da Vivente: il Cordone ombelicale
Resilienza e Processo di Cura
Senza parole: la comunicazione paziente/"terapeuta" nella Pet Therapy;
Mito e psiche
Sessualità, malattie sessualmente trasmesse, rischio di gravidanza indesiderata e comportamento contraccettivo in adolescenza;
La donazione del Cordone Ombelicale
Narrazioni e Fiaba
Prendersi cura del malato di alzheimer: rappresentazioni e vissuti degli operatori;
Prevenzione e/è comunicazione? Uno studio sul consumo tabagico tra gli adolescenti;
Il SCN dinanzi a Identità e Relazione
Psychological and medico-legal perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy and patient-centered care: A short review of cross-cutting issues
Electroconvulsive therapy is a treatment that, since its first administration, has been a major topic for debate within the scientific world. In recent years, the debate has become increasingly focused on the short- and/or long-term efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy, its appropriateness in clinical settings, its mechanism of action, the impact evaluation of transient and/or persistent adverse effects, and the drafting of international guidelines,etc.From the authors’ point of view, these themes are inevitably crossed by three other fundamental issues of significant psychological, relational, ethical, and medico-legal impact. Still, they are less studied than purely biomedical issues in …
Morte come Temenos: sul prendersi cura del fine/della fine;
Le maschere dell'abuso e l'intervento "Campo Infanzia Serena";
Disturbo Autistico e Dinamiche Familiari
Violence against women in heterosexual couples: A review of psychological and medico-legal considerations.
Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is the most pervasive violation of women’s rights worldwide, causing devastating lifelong damage. Victims can suffer physical, emotional or mental health problems, and experience detrimental effects in social, psychological and relational health with their families, especially children. Due to the complexity regarding violence against women in heterosexual couples, it is important to make a clear distinction between psychological and physical mistreatment, which also includes psychological violence. This differentiation is important in determining different emotional and psychological aspects of mistreatment in order to understand the reasons …
Mito e simbolo nella teoria archetipica
Ospedalizzazione, diabete e formazione dell'identità
Aspetti psicologici del trapianto d'organo
Il continuum pensiero femminile-pensiero maschile nel sociale e nella clinica
L'idea centrale di questo contributo risiede nella possibilità di guardare alla relazione tra femminile e maschile in termini di movimento del pensiero lungo un continuum orizzontale. Tale proposta, nell'ambito di una prospettiva che non guarda all'esistenza e all'esistente come esclusivamente determinata dal genere pur riconoscendone la rilevanza, potrebbe rappresentare un'utile modalità di approccio ai temi del confronto con l'Alterità (nel sociale e nella clinica) e della specificità del processo di cura in senso analitico, poiché potrebbe configurarsi come una modalità più accessibile di contatto individuale e soggettivo con 'qualità' del pensiero e, dunque, dell'esistere prima ritenute…
The correlation between maternal exposure to stressful and traumatic events during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring has been studied in the literature. Fewer studies, however, have considered the mother's exposure to traumatic events during childhood. This work focuses on maternal exposure to these events in childhood and/or adulthood, relating it to autism spectrum disorder in offspring. A questionnaire was used to assess whether and to what type of event the mothers have been exposed, and to assess eventual peri-traumatic dissociation related to the traumatic event. The mothers involved in this study were recruited at the Child Neuropsychiatry Outpatient Clinic of…