Grégoire Aubert

Protéomique Shotgun des graines de féveroles : vers l’identification de protéines associées à la résistance aux bruches

Le protéome des graines en développement de lignées recombinantes issues du croisement entre desgénotypes de féverole résistants et sensibles aux bruches a été étudié par l’approche shotgun. Cetravail a permis d’identifier 749 protéines au début du remplissage des graines, dont 80 sontdifférentiellement accumulées entre les lignées sensibles et résistantes aux bruches. En plus de fournirun premier aperçu des protéines présentes à ce stade clé du développement des graines chez laféverole, ces données ont fait émerger des protéines candidates pour améliorer la résistance desgraines aux bruches. Parmi les protéines préférentiellement accumulée dans les lignées résistantes estune glycoprotéine …

research product

Quel impact de la génomique végétale sur l’innovation variétale : l’exemple du projet PeaMUST. Le génome du pois: vers de nouvelles strategies de sélection.

International audience; L’avancée des technologies « nouvelle génération » de séquençage de l’ADN permettent une connaissance de plus en plus poussée des génomes et de leur expression. Ces connaissances permettent d’approcher plus finement les déterminants moléculaires des traits phénotypiques et ouvrent des perspectives d’augmentation du progrès génétique dans le cadre de la sélection variétale. Le pois est une espèce modèle depuis les travaux de G. Mendel conduisant à la découverte des lois de l’hérédité. La séquence du génome de cette espèce longtemps délaissée des approches de génomique a récemment été obtenue par un consortium international piloté par l’INRAE (1,2). Dans le cadre du pr…

research product

Dissection of pea responses to water stress during seed filling identifies candidate genes for drought tolerance

International audience; Given their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, legumes are pivotal to the development of sustainable agriculture in Europe as a source of protein for food and feed. Pea (Pisum sativum) is currently the leading grain legume crop in France and major efforts are being made to reintroduce legumes as protein crops in Europe. However, instability of seed yield and quality due to environmental fluctuations still represent a real barrier for the development of these cultures, and breeding for stable yields is needed. In pea, drought stress occurring during the reproductive phase can greatly affect seed yield and quality. We investigated the response of pea plants (var. Cam…

research product

The pea genome... Now and After

Having a genome sequence available is a critical step towards unravelling functional diversity and establishing genome-enabled breeding. The recently generated pea genome sequence represents a great tool for genomicists, geneticists and breeders not only for the pea community but also for legume research. In the genome project, re-sequencing data revealed the considerable diversity present in the Pisum genus. In the PeaMUST and GRASP project, an unprecedented effort was made to genotype large pea collections using the exome capture technology. This high density SNP data was exploited in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on a large number of traits related to yield, symbiose, as well as…

research product

Beyond Pisum sativum genome : a first overview of fabeae tribe using orthology

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume in the world after common bean and Gregor Mendel’s original genetic model. With a genome size of 4.3Gb and a large amount of transposable element, Pisum sativum was lagging behind other important legume crops for genomics development. We reported the first annotated chromosome-level reference genome assembly for pea (J. Kreplak et al 2019). Compared to other sequenced Leguminosae genomes, the pea genome shows intense gene dynamics, most likely associated with genome size expansion when the Fabeae diverged from it’s sister tribes. Other species like Vicia faba, with genome larger than pea, are still not sequenced and the sequen…

research product

β-Amyrin Synthase1 Controls the Accumulation of the Major Saponins Present in Pea (Pisum sativum)

Abstract The use of pulses as ingredients for the production of food products rich in plant proteins is increasing. However, protein fractions prepared from pea or other pulses contain significant amounts of saponins, glycosylated triterpenes that can impart an undesirable bitter taste when used as an ingredient in foodstuffs. In this article, we describe the identification and characterization of a gene involved in saponin biosynthesis during pea seed development, by screening mutants obtained from two Pisum sativum TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) populations in two different genetic backgrounds. The mutations studied are located in a gene designated PsBAS1 (β-amyrin s…

research product

L'amélioration de la qualité de la graine dans toutes ses dimensions, par le levier génétique

Les légumineuses sont capables d’accumuler des quantités importantes de protéines dans leurs graines même en l’absence d’engrais azoté, ce qui fait d’elles des espèces à haut potentiel pour relever les défis alimentaires et accompagner la transition agroécologique. Des avancées génétiques ont permis de réduire la présence de certains facteurs « anti-nutritionnels » dans les graines de pois et de féverole (exemple des variétés pauvres en tanins, en inhibiteurs trypsiques, ou en vicine et convicine). Afin de promouvoir l’utilisation de ces graines en alimentation humaine, il est nécessaire d’aller plus loin dans l’amélioration de leur valeur nutritionnelle, en termes de teneur et composition …

research product

L’innovation variétale chez les légumineuses à graines. Webinaire - Share & Learn Valorisation.

research product

Genetic diversity and trait genomic prediction in a pea diversity panel

Background Pea (Pisum sativum L.), a major pulse crop grown for its protein-rich seeds, is an important component of agroecological cropping systems in diverse regions of the world. New breeding challenges imposed by global climate change and new regulations urge pea breeders to undertake more efficient methods of selection and better take advantage of the large genetic diversity present in the Pisum sativum genepool. Diversity studies conducted so far in pea used Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Retrotransposon Based Insertion Polymorphism (RBIP) markers. Recently, SNP marker panels have been developed that will be useful for genetic diversity assessment and marker-assisted selection. Resu…

research product

Development of a knowledge graph framework to ease and empower translational approaches in plant research: a use-case on grain legumes

Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and are appreciated for their positive impact on the “one health”. However, their unstable yields and their susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement in order to increase the cultivated areas and productivity. With the advent of sequencing technologies, a large pool of genetic and -omics resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intra-species scale, is emerging. Thus, it is important to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneous data to develop translational research to boost breeding projects and crop diversification. To meet this need, we undertook the de…

research product

Importance de la diversité des Pseudomonas rhizosphériques et de celle de leurs sidérophores dans la nutrition en fer de la plante hôte

research product

Impact of double symbiosis (arbuscular mycorrhiza and nodulation) on nitrogen uptake in the Papilionoideae subfamily

The study of plant-microbe associations through nutrient exchanges has significantly improved our understanding of plant microbiome. Leguminous plants establish mutualistic associations with both rhizobial bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. These symbioses improve mineral plant nutrition and increase plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant-microbe associations provide key features for the current agricultural and environmental challenges.In Poaceae plant, inductions of specific ammonium transporters (AMT) genes and nitrogen/peptide transporters (NRF) genes have already been described during arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. Similarly, in Papilionoideae, AMT and NR…

research product

The faba bean pan-transcriptome

Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a widely adapted nitrogen fixing grain legume that produces seeds with high protein content. It is an agriculturally attractive crop with a good disease resistance profile, but targeted breeding is hampered by the lack of a reference genome and gene set. Here we develop a faba bean gene expression atlas and pan-transcriptome. The pan-transcriptome was generated using data from four different accessions (Hedin, Hiverna, 153b, 2378), including data from both aerial and root tissues. The quality and utility of the pan-transcriptome was assessed by mapping reads from accessions that had not contributed data to the pan-transcriptome. Here, the high mapping rates suggest…

research product

Contribution de l'équipe ECP à l'innovation variétale (projets IVD (sélection assistée par marqueurs, programmeféverole) et Specifics (speed breeding) ; ouverture aux nouvelles approches

research product

La résistance à la bruche : marqueurs, géniteurs, candidats

National audience

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