Ivan Formica
I gruppi di auto-aiuto
The moderating effects of social support and romantic relationship in the link between child maltreatment and self-harm
Ortoressia nervosa
Disturbo narcisistico e ossessivo-compulsivo : uno sguardo diverso
La mafia ieri, oggi, domani. Riattraversare la storia: dal già noto al “non ancora”.
Il contributo esplora gli studi e le ricerche che il gruppo di psicologi palermitani ha condotto negli ultimi vent'anni su mafia e sentire mafioso.
Dal fuori al dentro…. e ritorno! La prigione quale luogo di transito e di cura.
La mafia interiore
Disturbo narcisistico ed ossessivo-compulsivo: uno sguardo diverso.
Prevalence of bullying victimisation amongst first-episode psychosis patients and unaffected controls
Background—Despite increasing evidence suggesting that childhood maltreatment is significantly associated with psychosis, the specific role of bullying in the onset of psychotic disorders is still unclear. This study aimed to examine whether bullying was more prevalent amongst individuals presenting to services for the first time with a psychotic disorder than in unaffected community controls. Methods—Data on exposure to bullying, psychotic symptoms, cannabis use and history of conduct disorder were collected cross-sectionally from 222 first-presentation psychosis cases and 215 geographically-matched controls. Bullying victimisation was assessed retrospectively as part of the Brief Life Eve…