C. Sciumè
Postoperative laryngeal symptoms in a general surgery setting. Clinical study.
INTRODUCTION: Vocal cord injuries (VI), postoperative hoarseness (PH), dysphonia (DN), dysphagia (DG) and sore throat (ST) are common complications after general anesthesia; there is actually a lack of consensus to support the proper timing for post-operative laryngoscopy that is reliable to support the diagnosis of laryngeal or vocal fold lesions after surgery and there are no valid studies about the entity of laryngeal trauma in oro-tracheal intubation. Aim of our study is to evaluate the statistical relation between anatomic, anesthesiological and surgical variables in the case of PH, DG or impaired voice register. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 50 patients (30 thyroidectomies, 8 videolaparoscop…
Neck node dissection in thyroid cancer. A review.
INTRODUCTION: thyroid cancer recurs most commonly in one or more cervical lymph nodes. Surgical treatment for differentiated or medullary thyroid carcinoma consists of total thyroidectomy (TT). The aim is to elucidate the potential benefits and drawbacks of neck dissection TT related. MATERIALS AND METHODS: differences between therapeutic and prophylactic neck dissection were analysed to prevent post-operative morbidity, neck recurrences and improve survival. DISCUSSION: there is considerable controversy regarding the treatment of patients with cervical node metastases specially in differentiated thyroid cancer. Considering that a neck dissection might help to reduce local recurrence, espec…
An uncommon complication of liver biopsy: obstructive jaundice from blood clots
Introduction: The AA. report on a case of one young woman who developed obstructive jaundice induced by hemo- bilia after percutaneous liver biopsy, successfully treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Methods: An endoscopic sphincterotomy was performed with extraction of the clots Observations: Four weeks after ERCP the patient was healthy and asymptomatic, valuated as outpatient Conclusions: The role of ERCP in managing biliary sequelae of hemobilia is well established: biliary decompression is required if and intrabiliary lot causes obstructive jaundice and/or biliary colic. ERCP is feasible and leads to relief of symptoms in most cases, without the need of sur…