Lm Bellani

Monitoraggio della longevità dei semi di Brassica villosa subsp drepanensis conservati a lungo termine

Le banche dei semi costituiscono un ottimo metodo per la preservazione delle risorse genetichè e della diversità biologica ma i processi di campionamento, conservazione, monitoraggio, rigenerazione, etc. possono causare erosione genetica, La longevità del seme è una caratteristica della specie e varia con il tempo e le condizioni di conservazione, I diversi livelli di dormienza delle specie selvatiche non consentono un corretto monitoraggio della qualità del seme, poiché una bassa risposta germinativa può dipendere dallo stato di dormienza e/o dalla perdita del vigore, Pertanto una buona pratica di valutazione della longevità nel tempo deve prevedere la conoscenza dello stato fisiologico de…

research product

Characterization of Brassica fruticulosa seeds

The structure and vitamin E (tocopherol and tocotrienol), fatty acid and phytosterol content and composition of seeds of Brassica fruticulosa Cyr. (Brassicaceae) were characterized. Seed size and elevated content of γ-tocotrienol, and γ- tocopherol and low of α- tocopherol can be useful for distinguishing seeds of B. fruticolosa from those of Sicilian Brassica sect. Brassica. The concentration of the tocotrienol is about one third of the vitamin E content. This profile makes this wild species worth to be recovered as food source and its germplasm preserved in a gene bank.

research product


Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials are increasingly involved in the production of fillers, opacifiers, catalysts, semiconductors, cosmetics, microelectronic components and drug carriers with improved properties. Nevertheless, the production, use and disposal of nanomaterials, will inevitably lead to their release into the soil, with potential phytotoxicity on plants and negative impacts on economy, society and environment (1). In the last years halloysite nanotubes (HNT) emerged as promising materials with appealing perspective for technological applications. We have recently reported the generation of HNT derivatives carrying octylimidazolium moieties on the external surface (HNT supported…

research product

Cytogenetical test to predict the vigour potential in Brassica seeds under long-term storage.

Preservation of intraspecific diversity in seed banks is a common strategy to frontier the loss of biodi- versity, however long-term storage inevitably results in the loss of a certain percentage of seeds, there- fore causing the genetic erosion of a seed collection. For this reason seed quality monitoring is of out- standing importance to ensure that the regenerated genetic material is representative of the endemic nat- ural diversity once reintroduced in the environment, as well as to preserve the genetic biodiversity of species economically relevant for modern agriculture. Ageing amplification tests, in which seeds under- go osmotic stresses, enable to detect little differences in the vi…

research product