Adriaan Louw
Laterality judgement and tactile acuity in patients with frozen shoulder: A cross-sectional study
Abstract Background Disrupted tactile acuity and poor laterality judgement have been shown in several chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions. Whether they are impaired in people with frozen shoulder (FS) remains unknown. Objectives To determine whether there is impairment in tactile acuity and laterality judgement in subjects with FS. Methods Thirty-eight subjects with idiopathic FS and 38 sex and age-matched healthy controls were enrolled. The two-point discrimination threshold (TPDT) over the affected and unaffected shoulder of patients with FS and shoulder of healthy controls was evaluated. In addition, all participants performed a left/right judgment task (LRJT). Independent and depend…
A central nervous system-focused treatment approach for people with frozen shoulder: protocol for a randomized clinical trial
Background: Frozen shoulder (FS) is a musculoskeletal condition of poorly understood etiology that results in shoulder pain and large mobility deficits. Despite some physical therapy interventions, such as joint mobilization and exercise, having shown therapeutic benefit, a definitive treatment does not currently exist. The aim of this study will be to compare the effectiveness of a central nervous system (CNS)-directed treatment program versus a standard medical and physical therapy care program on outcomes in participants with FS. Methods/design: The study is a two-group, randomized clinical trial with blinding of participants and assessors. Participants will be recruited via referrals fr…
Additional file 1: of A central nervous system-focused treatment approach for people with frozen shoulder: protocol for a randomized clinical trial
Standard Protocol Items; Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) 2013 Checklist: recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents. (DOC 125 kb)
A Central Nervous System Focused Treatment Program for People with Frozen Shoulder: A Feasibility Study
Background: Frozen shoulder (FS) is a highly disabling pathology of poorly understood etiology, which is characterized by the presence of intense pain and progressive loss of range of motion (ROM). The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and clinical impact of a CNS-focused treatment program for people with FS. Methods: 10 subjects with primary FS received a 10-week CNS-focused intervention including sensory discrimination training and graded motor imagery techniques delivered as clinic sessions (60 min) and home therapy (30 min five times per week). Measurements were taken at baseline, after a 2-week “washout” period, after treatment, and at three months follow-up.…