E. A. Eliseev

The depolarization field effect on the thin ferroelectric films properties

Abstract The calculation of the spontaneous polarization (Ps), dielectric susceptibility (χ) and pyroelectric coefficient (Π) of the ferroelectric films has been performed in the phenomenological theory framework. Euler–Lagrange equation was solved analytically under the boundary conditions with different extrapolation lengths at two surfaces, respectively. The depolarization field contribution was taken into account in the model of short-circuited mono domain ferroelectric film, treated as perfect insulator. The detailed analysis of the aforementioned quantities’ space distribution and their average values in two cases with and without depolarization field was carried out. It was shown tha…

research product

<title>Correlation effects in the disordered ferroelectrics</title>

ABSTRACT The calculation of the correlation radius distribution function is performed for the cases of undamped and overdamped softmode dispersion laws. Taking into account the correlation radius dependence on the random field and this field distribution function we carried out the theoretical calculation of the correlation radius distribution function dependence ontemperature, damping coefficient and random field distribution function parameters. It was shown that at temperaturehigher than Burns temperature Td the most probable value of the correlation radius is equal to its maximal valueindependently on the system disorder, while in the dipole glass state it is close to the minimal value …

research product

Size effects of static and dynamic polarization in ferroelectric thin film multilayers

Abstract A thermodynamic theory for the calculation of static and dynamic polarization profiles of ferroelectric thin film multilayers is developed. The free energy functional is written down using a multilayer model in which c-domain layers of the ferroelectric material alternate with a-domain layers of a second ferroelectric materials. We assume that the interfaces are perfectly sharp and that the polarization at these boundaries is zero. The equilibrium polarization profile, its temperature and thickness dependencies were determined from the solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations. A thickness induced ferroelectric phase transition is shown to exist and its transition temperature and c…

research product

Ferroelectric thin films properties: depolarization field and Landau free-energy coefficients renormalization

The calculation of the polarization in ferroelectric thin films is performed using an analytical solution of the Euler-Lagrange differential equation with boundary conditions with different extrapolation lengths of positive sign on the surfaces. The depolarization field effect is taken into account in the model for a short-circuited single domain film, that is a perfect insulator. It is shown that the calculation of the polarization and other properties profiles and average values can be reduced to the minimization of the free energy expressed as a power series of the average polarization with a renormalized coefficient which depends on temperature, film thickness, extrapolation lengths, an…

research product

Size effects of pyroelectric coefficient and dielectric susceptibility in ferroelectric thin films

We calculate the pyrocoefficient, static dielectric susceptibility profiles and its thickness dependence of ferroelectric thin films. Also, the temperature dependences of above quantities have been calculated. For the calculations we use Landau phenomenological theory, leading to Lame equations. These equations subject to boundary conditions with different extrapolation length on the surfaces have been solved numerically. The divergency of pyroelectric coefficient and static dielectric susceptibility in the vicinity of thickness induced ferroelectric phase transition (i.e. at $l\approx l_c$ or $% T\approx T_{cl}$) has been shown to be the most prominent size effect in ferroelectric thin fil…

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