J. Nieves

Coherent neutrino scattering

We present a microscopic model for coherent pion production off nuclei induced by neutrinos. This model is built upon a model for single nucleon processes that goes beyond the usual Delta dominance by including non resonant background contributions. We include nuclear medium effects: medium corrections to Delta$ properties and outgoing pion absortion via an optical potential. This results in major modifications to cross sections for low energy experiments when compared with phenomenological models like Rein-Sehgal's.

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The role of N*(2120) nucleon resonance in KΛ(1520) photon and hadronic productions

The associate $K\Lambda(1520)$ photon and hadronic production in the $\gamma p \to K^+\Lambda(1520)$, $p p \to p K^+ \Lambda(1520)$ and $\pi^- p \to K^0 \Lambda(1520)$ reactions are investigated within the effective Lagrangian approach and the isobar model. We are interested in the contribution from the $N^*(2120)$ (previously called $N^*(2080)$) resonance, which has a significant coupling to the $K\Lambda(1520)$ channel. The theoretical results show that the current experimental data for the $\gamma p \to K^+\Lambda(1520)$ reaction favor the existence of the $N^*(2120)$ resonance, and that these measurements can be used to further constrain its properties. We present results, including the…

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Charged and Neutral Current Neutrino Induced Nucleon Emission Reactions

Presented by J. Nieves at the XX Max Born Symposium “Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Interactions”, Wrocław, Poland, December 7–10, 2005.

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Improved unitarized Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory for π N scattering

We show how the unitarized description of pion nucleon scattering within Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory can be considerably improved, by a suitable reordering of the expansion over the nucleon mass. Within this framework, the $\Delta$ resonance and its associated pole can be recovered from the chiral parameters obtained from low-energy determinations. In addition, we can obtain a good description of the six $S$ and $P$ wave phase shifts in terms of chiral parameters with a natural size and compatible with the Resonance Saturation Hypothesis.

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Hidden charmNandΔresonances with heavy-quark symmetry

c and one c quarks). We analyze several possible sectors and, for the sector with zero net charm, we write down the most general Lagrangian consistent with SU(3) and heavy quark spin symmetry. We explicitly study theN andstates, which are produced from theS-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2 + and 3/2 + baryons within the charmless and strangeless hidden charm sector. We predict seven odd parityN-like and five �-like states with masses around 4GeV, most of them as bound states. These states form heavy-quark spin multiplets, which are almost degenerate in mass. The predicted new resonances definitely cannot be accommodated by quark models with three constituent quark…

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$\bar B_s\to K$ semileptonic decay from an Omn\`es improved constituent quark model

We study the $f^+$ form factor for the semileptonic $\bar B_s\to K^+\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell$ decay in a constituent quark model. The valence quark estimate is supplemented with the contribution from the $\bar B^*$ pole that dominates the high $q^2$ region. We use a multiply-subtracted Omn\`es dispersion relation to extend the quark model predictions from its region of applicability near $q^2_{\rm max}=(M_{B_s}-M_K)^2\sim 23.75$ GeV$^2$ to all $q^2$ values accessible in the physical decay. To better constrain the dependence of $f^+$ on $q^2$, we fit the subtraction constants to a combined input from previous light cone sum rule [Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 054015] and the present quark model results. …

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$B\to ��$ semileptonic decays and $|V_{ub}|$

We reevaluate the $B\to��\,l^+��_l$ decay width as a full $B\to����\,l^+��_l$ four-particle decay, in which the two final pions are produced via an intermediate $��$ meson. The decay width can be written as a convolution of the $B\to��\,l^+��_l$ decay width, for an off-shell $��$, with the $��\to����$ line shape. This allows to fully incorporate the effects of the finite $��$ meson width. As shown, consideration of the $��$ meson width effects increase the $|V_{ub}|$ value by some 8%, rendering it in better agreement with the determination based in the $B\to��$ decay. We take the $q^2$ dependence of the $B\to ��$ semileptonic form factors from a dispersive Omn��s representation. The Omn��s …

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Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos in a medium

We show that, contrary to the situation in the vacuum, a Majorana neutrino can have electric and magnetic dipole moments in a medium. This is because of new contributions, equal for a particle and its antiparticle, that can arise only in a material background. For Dirac neutrinos, these contributions make the magnitudes of the dipole moments of the particle and the antiparticle unequal. We discuss the conditions which give rise to such effects, with particular attention to the role played by the discrete symmetries {ital C}, {ital P}, and {ital T}.

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Strange and charm mesons at FAIR

Presented at the XXXI Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, August 30–September 6, 2009.

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Study of the strong $\Sigma_b\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ and $\Sigma_b^{*}\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ in a non-relativistic quark model

We present results for the strong widths corresponding to the $\Sigma_b\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ and $\Sigma_b^{*}\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ decays. We apply our model in Ref. Phys. Rev. D 72, 094022 (2005) where we previously studied the corresponding transitions in the charmed sector. Our non-relativistic constituent quark model uses wave functions that take advantage of the constraints imposed by heavy quark symmetry. Partial conservation of axial current hypothesis allows us to determine the strong vertices from an analysis of the axial current matrix elements.

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Neutrino Energy Reconstruction and the Shape of the CCQE-like Total Cross Section

We show that because of the multinucleon mechanism effects, the algorithm used to reconstruct the neutrino energy is not adequate when dealing with quasielastic-like events, and a distortion of the total flux unfolded cross section shape is produced. This amounts to a redistribution of strength from high to low energies, which gives rise to a sizable excess (deficit) of low (high) energy neutrinos. This distortion of the shape leads to a good description of the MiniBooNE unfolded CCQE-like cross sections published in Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 092005. However, these changes in the shape are artifacts of the unfolding process that ignores multinucleon mechanisms.

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Large-Nc Properties of the rho and f0(600) Mesons from Unitary Resonance Chiral Dynamics

We construct pi-pi amplitudes that fulfill exact elastic unitarity, account for one loop Chiral Perturbation Theory contributions and include all 1/Nc leading terms, with the only limitation of considering just the lowest-lying nonet of exchanged resonances. Within such scheme, the Nc dependence of sigma and rho masses and widths is discussed. Robust conclusions are drawn in the case of the rho resonance, confirming that it is a stable meson in the limit of a large number of QCD colors, Nc. Less definitive conclusions are reached in the scalar-isoscalar sector. With the present quality of data, we cannot firmly conclude whether or not the Nc=3 f0(600) resonance completely disappears at larg…

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B¯s→K semileptonic decay from an Omnès improved constituent quark model

We study the f+ form factor for the semileptonic B¯s→K+ℓ−ν¯ℓ decay in a constituent quark model. The valence quark estimate is supplemented with the contribution from the B¯⁎ pole that dominates the high q2 region. We use a multiply-subtracted Omnès dispersion relation to extend the quark model predictions from its region of applicability near qmax2=(MBs−MK)2∼23.75 GeV2 to all q2 values accessible in the physical decay. To better constrain the dependence of f+ on q2 , we fit the subtraction constants to a combined input from previous light cone sum rule by Duplancic and Melic (2008) [11] and the present quark model results. From this analysis, we obtain Γ(B¯s→K+ℓ∅

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Neutrinos in Nuclear Physics: RPA, MEC, 2p2h (Pionic Modes of Excitation in Nuclei)

This chapter is devoted to the study of weak interactions on nucleons and nuclei. I pay a special attention to the study of neutrino and antineutrino quasi-elastic reactions in nuclei , which are of the greatest importance for neutrino oscillation experiments, and crucial to achieve the precision goals required to make new discoveries, like the CP violation in the leptonic sector, possible. In particular, I discuss RPA correlations and 2p2h (multi-nucleon) effects on charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions, and the influence of these nuclear effects on the recently measured MiniBooNE flux folded differential cross sections, and on the so-called nucleon axial mass puzzle. The modification…

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New determination of the N-Δ(1232) axial form factors from weak pion production and coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies revisited

We re-evaluate our model predictions in Phys. Rev. D 79, 013002 (2009) for different observables in neutrino induced coherent pion production. This comes as a result of the new improved fit to old bubble chamber data of the dominant axial C_5^A nucleon-to-Delta form factor. We find an increase of 20%-30% in the values for the total cross sections. Uncertainties induced by the errors in the determination of C_5^A are computed. Our new results turn out to be compatible within about $1\sigma$ with the former ones. We also stress the existing tension between the recent experimental determination of the \sigma(CC coh \pi^+)}/\sigma(NC coh \pi^0)} $ ratio by the SciBooNE Collaboration and the the…

research product

Single photon production induced by (anti)neutrino neutral current scattering on nucleons and nuclear targets

We review our theoretical approach to neutral current photon emission on nucleons and nuclei in the few-GeV energy region, relevant for neutrino oscillation experiments. These reactions are dominated by the weak excitation of the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance but there are also important non-resonant contributions. We have also included terms mediated by nucleon excitations from the second resonance region. On nuclei, Pauli blocking, Fermi motion and the in-medium $\Delta$ resonance broadening have been taken into account for both incoherent and coherent reaction channels. With this model, the number and distributions of photon events at the MiniBooNE and T2K experiments have been obtained. We h…

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Microscopic Study of Pionic Atoms and Methods of Production

We have constructed a theoretical optical potential for pionic atoms and low energy pions based on the first and second order terms of a many body expansion on the number of ph excitations. The new density dependence of the potential produces notoriously improved results in the problem of the anomalies. On the other hand we have separated the different contributions to the imaginary part of the potential and relate them to the different reaction channels, quasielastic and absorption. The agreement with the data for different channels, energies and nuclei is rather good with some isolated discrepancies. With this potential we have also investigated the deeply bound pionic states in heavy nuc…

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CCQE, 2p2h excitations and \nu-energy reconstruction

We analyze the MiniBooNE muon neutrino CCQE-like d\sigma/dT_\mu/dcos\theta_\mu data using a theoretical model that, among other nuclear effects, includes RPA correlations and 2p2h (multinucleon) mechanisms. These corrections turn out to be essential for the description of the data. We find that MiniBooNE CCQE-like data are fully compatible with former determinations of the nucleon axial mass M_A ~ 1.05 GeV. This is in sharp contrast with several previous analysis where anomalously large values of M_A ~ 1.4 GeV have been suggested. We also show that because of the the multinucleon mechanism effects, the algorithm used to reconstruct the neutrino energy is not adequate when dealing with quasi…

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Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X(3872)

In this work, an Effective Field Theory (EFT) incorporating light SU(3)-flavour and heavy quark spin symmetry is used to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At Lowest Order (LO), this means that only contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields are involved. Besides, the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) will be used to constrain the interaction between the $D$ and a $\bar{D}^*$ mesons in the isovector channel. Finally, assuming that the X(3915) and Y(4140) resonances are $D^*\bar{D}^*$ and $D_s^*\bar{D}_s^*$ molecular states, we can determine the four Low Energy Constants (LECs) of the EFT that appear at LO and, therefore, the full spectrum of mole…

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Semileptonic B ->pi decays from an Omnes improved nonrelativistic constituent quark model

The semileptonic $B\to \pi l^+ \nu_l$ decay is studied starting from a simple quark model which includes the influence of the $B^*$ pole. To extend the predictions of a nonrelativistic constituent quark model from its region of applicability near $q^2_{\rm max}=(m_B-m_\pi)^2$ to all $q^2$ values accessible in the physical decay, we use a novel multiply-subtracted Omn\`es dispersion relation, which considerably diminishes the form factor dependence on the elastic $\pi B \to \pi B$ scattering amplitudes at high energies. By comparison to the experimental branching fraction we extract $|V_{ub}| = 0.0034 \pm 0.0003 ({\rm exp}) \pm 0.0007 ({\rm theory})$. To further test our framework, we also s…

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‘‘Improved’’ lattice study of semileptonic decays ofDmesons

We present results of a lattice computation of the matrix elements of the vector and axial-vector currents which are relevant for the semi-leptonic decays $D \rightarrow K$ and $D \rightarrow K^*$. The computations are performed in the quenched approximation to lattice QCD on a $24^3 \times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$, using an $O(a)$-improved fermionic action. In the limit of zero lepton masses the semi-leptonic decays $D \rightarrow K$ and $D \rightarrow K^*$ are described by four form factors: $f^{+}_K,V,A_1$ and $A_2$, which are functions of $q^2$, where $q^{\mu}$ is the four-momentum transferred in the process. Our results for these form factors at $q^2=0$ are: $f^+_K(0)=0.67 \er{7}{8}$…

research product

Progress and open questions in the physics of neutrino cross sections at intermediate energies

New and more precise measurements of neutrino cross sections have renewed the interest in a better understanding of electroweak interactions on nucleons and nuclei. This effort is crucial to achieve the precision goals of the neutrino oscillation program, making new discoveries, like the CP violation in the leptonic sector, possible. We review the recent progress in the physics of neutrino cross sections, putting emphasis on the open questions that arise in the comparison with new experimental data. Following an overview of recent neutrino experiments and future plans, we present some details about the theoretical development in the description of (anti)neutrino-induced quasielastic scatter…

research product

The Isgur-Wise function from the lattice

We calculate the Isgur-Wise function by measuring the elastic scattering amplitude of a $D$ meson in the quenched approximation on a $24^3\times48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$, using an $O(a)$-improved fermion action. Fitting the resulting chirally-extrapolated Isgur-Wise function to Stech's relativistic-oscillator parametrization, we obtain a slope parameter $\rho^2=1.2+7-3. We then use this result, in conjunction with heavy-quark symmetry, to extract $V_{cb}$\ from the experimentally measured $\bar B\to D^*l\bar\nu\,$\ differential decay width. We find $|V_{cb}|\sqrt{\tau_B/1.48{\mathrm ps}}= 0.038 +2-2 +8-3, where the first set of errors is due to experimental uncertainties, while the second …

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Neutrino induced coherent pion production off nuclei and the partial conservation of the axial current

15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- PACS nrs.: 25.30.Pt; 12.15.-y; 13.15.+g.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0903.5285

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Geometrical volume effects in the computation of the slope of the isgur-wise function

We use a method recently suggested for evaluating the slope of the Isgur-Wise function, at the zero-recoil point, on the lattice. The computations are performed in the quenched approximation to lattice QCD, on a $24^3 \times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$, using an $O(a)$-improved action for the fermions. We have found unexpectedly large finite-volume effects in such a calculation. These volume corrections turned out to be purely geometrical and independent of the dynamics of the system. After the study of these effects on a smaller volume and for different quark masses, we give approximate expressions that account for them. Using these approximations we find $\xi^\prime(1)=-1.7 \pm 0.2$ and $\…

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The $\rho(\omega)B^*(B)$ interaction and states of $J=0,1,2$

In this work, we study systems composed of a $\rho/\omega$ and $B^*$ meson pair. We find three bound states in isospin, spin-parity channels $(1/2, 0^+)$, $(1/2, 1^+)$ and $(1/2, 2^+)$. The state with $J=2$ can be a good candidate for the $B_2^*(5747)$. We also study the $\rho B$ system, and a bound state with mass $5728$ MeV and width around $20$ MeV is obtained, which can be identified with the $B_1(5721)$ resonance. In the case of $I=3/2$, one obtains repulsion and thus, no exotic (molecular) mesons in this sector are generated in the approach.

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Couplings in coupled channels versus wave functions in the case of resonances: application to the two $\Lambda(1405)$ states

In this paper we develop a formalism to evaluate wave functions in momentum and coordinate space for the resonant states dynamically generated in a unitary coupled channel approach. The on shell approach for the scattering matrix, commonly used, is also obtained in Quantum Mechanics with a separable potential, which allows one to write wave functions in a trivial way. We develop useful relationships among the couplings of the dynamically generated resonances to the different channels and the wave functions at the origin. The formalism provides an intuitive picture of the resonances in the coupled channel approach, as bound states of one bound channel, which decays into open ones. It also pr…

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Form factors for semileptonic B -> pi and D -> pi decays from the Omnes representation

We use the Omnes representation to obtain the q-squared dependence of the form factors f+ and f0 for semileptonic H -> pi decays from the elastic pi H -> pi H scattering amplitudes, where H denotes a B or D meson. The scattering amplitudes used satisfy elastic unitarity and are calculated from two-particle irreducible amplitudes obtained using tree-level heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT). The q-squared dependences for the form factors agree with lattice QCD results when the HMChPT coupling constant, g, takes values smaller than 0.32, and confirm the milder dependence of f0 on q-squared found in sumrule calculations.

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Study of semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of the B-c(-) meson

We evaluate semileptonic and two--meson nonleptonic decays of the $B_c^-$ meson in the framework of a nonrelativistic quark model. The former are done in spectator approximation using one--body current operators at the quark level. Our model reproduces the constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry obtained in the limit of infinite heavy quark mass. For the two--meson nonleptonic decays we work in factorization approximation. We compare our results to the ones obtained in different relativistic approaches.

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Pion cloud contribution to the s-wave repulsion in pionic atoms

Abstract The nuclear pion cloud contribution to the pion self-energy for pionic atoms is evaluated and one finds large cancellations between terms involving the ππ amplitude and other terms originating from the chiral lagrangian partners. While the individual terms depend strongly on the off-shell extrapolation of the ππ amplitude, the sum is model independent within the Olson and Turner family of chiral lagrangians keeping ξ + 4 η constant, as previously found for the πN → ππN and pion double-charge exchange in nuclei, and vanishes in the limit of m π → 0. One finds a small net repulsion which is however too small to account for the “missing” s-wave repulsion. A revision of the present sta…

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A nonrelativistic quark model evaluation of exclusive $b\to c$ semileptonic decay of triply heavy baryons and $c\to s,d$ semileptonic decay of $cb$ baryons

We present results for exclusive $b\to c$ semileptonic decays of ground state triply-heavy baryons and for semileptonic $c\to s,d$ decays of doubly heavy ground state $cb$ baryons. In both cases, we have derived for the first time heavy quark spin symmetry relations for the hadronic amplitudes near zero recoil. Though strictly valid in the limit of very large heavy quark masses and near zero recoil, they turn out to be reasonable accurate for the whole available phase space in these decays and for the actual heavy quark masses we use. With these relations we have made approximate, but model independent, predictions for ratios of decay widths. In the case of spin-1/2 $cb$ baryons, we find th…

research product

Progress and open questions in the physics of neutrino cross sections

New and more precise measurements of neutrino cross sections have renewed the interest in a better understanding of electroweak interactions on nucleons and nuclei. This effort is crucial to achieve the precision goals of the neutrino oscillation program, making new discoveries, like the CP violation in the leptonic sector, possible. We review the recent progress in the physics of neutrino cross sections, putting emphasis on the open questions that arise in the comparison with new experimental data. Following an overview of recent neutrino experiments and future plans, we present some details about the theoretical development in the description of (anti)neutrino-induced quasielastic scatter…

research product

Study of the semileptonic decays B→π, D→π and D→K

The semileptonic decay B->pi is studied starting from a simple quark model that takes into account the effect of the B* resonance. A novel, multiply subtracted, Omnes dispersion relation has been implemented to extend the predictions of the quark model to all q^2 values accesible in the physical decay. By comparison to the experimental data, we extract |V_ub|=0.0034 +/- 0.0003(exp.) +/- 0.0007(theory). As a further test of the model, we have also studied D->pi and D->K decays for which we get good agreement with experiment.

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Coherent Pions From Neutrino Scattering Off Nuclei

We describe a model for pion production off nucleons and coherent pions from nuclei induced by neutrinos in the 1 GeV energy regime. Besides the dominant Delta pole contribution, it takes into account the effect of background terms required by chiral symmetry. Moreover, the model uses a reduced nucleon-to-Delta resonance axial coupling, which leads to coherent pion production cross sections around a factor two smaller than most of the previous theoretical estimates. Nuclear effects like medium corrections on the Delta propagator and final pion distortion are included.

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The LHCb pentaquark as a $\bar{D}^*\Sigma_c-\bar{D}^*\Sigma_c^*$ molecular state

We perform a theoretical analysis of the $\Lambda_b \to J/\psi K^- p$ reaction from where a recent LHCb experiment extracts a $\Lambda(1405)$ contribution in the $K^- p$ spectrum close to threshold and two baryon states of hidden charm in the $J/\psi\,p$ spectrum. We recall that baryon states of this type have been theoretically predicted matching the mass, width and $J^P$ of the experiment, concretely some states built up from the $J/\psi\, N$, $\bar D^* \Lambda_c$, $\bar D^* \Sigma_c$, $\bar D \Sigma^*_c$ and $\bar D^* \Sigma^*_c$ coupled channels. We assume that the observed narrow state around 4450 MeV has this nature and we are able to describe simultaneously the shapes and relative st…

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Re-analysis of the $\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction reaction

Based on previous studies that support the important role of the $N^*(2120) D_{13}$ resonance in the $\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520)$ reaction, we make a re-analysis of this $\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction reaction taking into account the recent CLAS differential cross-section data. In addition to the contact, $t-$channel $\bar K$ exchange, $s-$channel nucleon pole and $N^*(2120)$ [previously called $N^*(2080)$] resonance contributions, which have been already considered in previous works, we also study the $u-$channel $\Lambda(1115)$ hyperon pole term. The latter mechanism has always been ignored in all theoretical analysis, which has mostly relied on the very forward $K^+$ angular LEPS da…

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Exclusive $c\to s,d$ semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons

We evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly heavy charmed baryons driven by a $c\to s,d$ transition at the quark level. Our results for the form factors are consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry constraints which are valid in the limit of an infinitely massive charm quark and near zero recoil. Only a few exclusive semileptonic decay channels have been theoretically analyzed before. For those cases we find that our results are in a reasonable agreement with previous calculations.

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Shedding light on the $ X(3930) $ and $ X(3960) $ states with the $B^- \to K^- J/\psi \omega $ reaction

We have studied the contribution of the state $X(3930)$, coming from the interaction of the $D \overline{D}$ and $D^{+}_s D^{-}_s$ channels, to the $B^- \to K^- J/\psi \omega $ decay. The purpose of this work is to offer a complementary tool to see if the $X(3930)$ state observed in the $D^+ D^-$ channel is the same or not as the $X(3960)$ resonance claimed by the LHCb collaboration from a peak in the $D^{+}_s D^{-}_s$ mass distribution around threshold. We present results for what we expect in the $J/\psi \omega $ mass distribution in the $B^- \to K^- J/\psi \omega $ decay and conclude that a clear signal should be seen around $3930\,\rm MeV$. At the same time, finding no extra resonance s…

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The ρ(ω)B∗(B) interaction and states of J=0,1,2

In this work, we study systems composed of a ρ/ω and B∗ meson pair. We find three bound states in isospin, spin-parity channels (1/2,0+) , (1/2,1+) , and (1/2,2+) . The state with J=2 can be a good candidate for the B2∗(5747) . We also study the ρB system, and a bound state with mass 5728 MeV and width around 20 MeV is obtained, which can be identified with the B1(5721) resonance. In the case of I=3/2 , one obtains repulsion and, thus, no exotic (molecular) mesons in this sector are generated in the approach.

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Pion Cloud Contribution to K+ Nucleus Scattering

A careful reanalysis is done of the contribution to $K^{+}$ nucleus scattering from the interaction of the kaon with the virtual pion cloud. The usual approximations made in the evaluation of the related kaon selfenergy are shown to fail badly. We also find new interaction mechanisms which provide appreciable corrections to the kaon selfenergy. Some of these contribute to the imaginary part below pion creation threshold. The inclusion of these new mechanisms in the inelastic part of the optical potential produces a significant improvement in the differential and total $K^{+}$ nuclear cross sections. Uncertainties remain in the dispersive part of the optical potential.

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Nonlocalities and Fermi motion corrections in K- atoms

We evaluate the p-wave $K^-N$ amplitudes from the chiral Lagrangians and from there construct the p-wave part of the $K^-$ nucleus optical potential plus a small s-wave part induced from the elementary p-wave amplitude and the nuclear Fermi motion. Simultaneously, the momentum and energy dependence of the s-wave optical potential, previously developed, are taken into account and shown to generate a small p-wave correction to the optical potential. All the corrections considered are small compared to the leading s-wave potential, and lead to changes in the shifts and widths which are smaller than the experimental errors. A thorough study of the threshold region and low densities is conducted…

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Study of the strongΣb→ΛbπandΣb*→Λbπin a nonrelativistic quark model

We present results for the strong widths corresponding to the $\Sigma_b\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ and $\Sigma_b^{*}\to \Lambda_b\, \pi$ decays. We apply our model in Ref. Phys. Rev. D 72, 094022 (2005) where we previously studied the corresponding transitions in the charmed sector. Our non-relativistic constituent quark model uses wave functions that take advantage of the constraints imposed by heavy quark symmetry. Partial conservation of axial current hypothesis allows us to determine the strong vertices from an analysis of the axial current matrix elements.

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Exclusive c → s, d Semileptonic Decays of Spin-1/2 and Spin-3/2 cb Baryons

We present results for exclusive semileptonic decay widths of ground state spin-$1/2$ and spin-$3/2$ $cb$ baryons corresponding to a $c\to s, d$ transition at the quark level. The relevance of hyperfine mixing in spin-1/2 $cb$ baryons is shown. Our form factors are compatible with heavy quark spin symmetry constraints obtained in the infinite heavy quark mass limit.

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$b\to c$ semileptonic decay of triply heavy baryons and $c\to s,d$ semileptonic decays of ground-state $cb$ baryons

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$B\to \rho$ semileptonic decays and $|V_{ub}|$

We reevaluate the $B\to\rho\,l^+\nu_l$ decay width as a full $B\to\pi\pi\,l^+\nu_l$ four-particle decay, in which the two final pions are produced via an intermediate $\rho$ meson. The decay width can be written as a convolution of the $B\to\rho\,l^+\nu_l$ decay width, for an off-shell $\rho$, with the $\rho\to\pi\pi$ line shape. This allows to fully incorporate the effects of the finite $\rho$ meson width. As shown, consideration of the $\rho$ meson width effects increase the $|V_{ub}|$ value by some 8%, rendering it in better agreement with the determination based in the $B\to\pi$ decay. We take the $q^2$ dependence of the $B\to \rho$ semileptonic form factors from a dispersive Omn\`es re…

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Exclusive c→s,d semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons

AbstractWe evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly heavy charmed baryons driven by a c→s,d transition at the quark level. Our results for the form factors are consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry constraints which are valid in the limit of an infinitely massive charm quark and near zero recoil. Only a few exclusive semileptonic decay channels have been theoretically analyzed before. For those cases we find that our results are in a reasonable agreement with previous calculations.

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Exotic dynamically generated baryons with C=-1

We follow a model based on the SU(8) symmetry for the interaction of mesons with baryons. The model treats on an equal footing the pseudo-scalars and the vector mesons, as required by heavy quark symmetry. The T-matrix calculated within an unitary scheme in coupled channels has poles which are interpreted as baryonic resonances.

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Chiral SU(3) Bethe Salpeter Model: Extension to SU(6) and SU(8) Spin-Flavor Symmetries

Consistent SU(6) and SU(8) spin-flavor extensions of the SU(3) flavor Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian are constructed, which incorporate vector meson degrees of freedom. In the charmless sector, the on-shell approximation to the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) approach successfully reproduces previous SU(3) WT results for the lowest-lying s--wave negative parity baryon resonances. It also provides some information on the dynamics of heavier ones and of the lightest d-wave negative parity resonances, as e.g. the Lambda(1520). For charmed baryons the scheme is consistent with heavy quark symmetry, and our preliminary results in the strangeness-less charm C=+1 sector describe the mai…

research product

Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos in a background of electrons.

Using covariant methods we calculate the neutrino electromagnetic vertex in a gas of electrons to lowest order in a loop expansion and to the lowest order in $\frac{1}{{M}_{W}^{2}}$. The new induced terms, while they are chirality preserving, yield additional contributions to the dipole moments in the nonrelativistic limit. These are identical for particles and antiparticles and so need not vanish for Majorana neutrinos. As applications of our formulas, the expression for the $\mathrm{plasmon}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\nu}\overline{\ensuremath{\nu}}$ decay rate is rederived and the dispersion relation of a massless neutrino propagating in matter in the presence of an external magn…

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Exclusive $c\to s,d$ semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly heavy $cb$ baryons

We evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly heavy $cb$ baryons driven by a $c\to s,d$ transition at the quark level. We check our results for the form factors against heavy quark spin symmetry constraints obtained in the limit of very large heavy quark masses and near zero recoil. Based on those constraints we make model independent, though approximate, predictions for ratios of decay widths.

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Re-analysis of theΛ(1520)photoproduction reaction

Based on previous studies that support the important role of the N*(2120)D-13 resonance in the gamma p -> K+ A(1520) reaction, we make a re-analysis of this A(1520) photoproduction reaction taking into account the recent CLAS differential cross-section data. In addition to the contact, t-channel (K) over bar exchange, s-channel nucleon pole, and N*(2120) [previously called N*(2080)] resonance contributions, which have been considered in previous works, we also study the u-channel A(1115) hyperon pole term. The latter mechanism has always been ignored in all theoretical analysis, which has mostly relied on the very forward K+ angular LEPS data. It is shown that when the contributions from th…

research product

Large-$N_c$ naturalness in coupled-channel meson-meson scattering

The analysis of hadronic interactions with effective field theory techniques is complicated by the appearance of a large number of low-energy constants, which are usually fitted to data. On the other hand, the large-$N_c$ limit imposes natural short-distance constraints on these low-energy constants, providing a parameter reduction. A Bayesian interpretation of the expected $1/N_c$ accuracy allows for an easy and efficient implementation of these constraints, using an augmented $\chi^2$. We apply this approach to the analysis of meson-meson scattering, in conjunction with chiral perturbation theory to one loop and coupled-channel unitarity, and show that it helps to largely reduce the many …

research product

Femtoscopic correlation function for the $T_{cc}(3875)^+$ state

We have conducted a study of the femtoscopic correlation functions for the $D^0D^{*+}$ and $D^+D^{*0}$ channels that build the $T_{cc}$ state. We develop a formalism that allows us to factorize the scattering amplitudes outside the integrals in the formulas, and the integrals involve the range of the strong interaction explicitly. For a source of size of 1 fm, we find values for the correlation functions of the $D^0 D^{*+}$ and $D^+D^{*0}$ channels at the origin around 30 and 2.5, respectively, and we see these observables converging to unity already for relative momenta of the order of 200 MeV. We conduct tests to see the relevance of the different contributions to the correlation function…

research product

The $$\rho (\omega ) B^* (B)$$ ρ ( ω ) B ∗ ( B ) interaction and states of $$J=0,1,2$$ J = 0 , 1 , 2

In this work, we study systems composed of a $\rho/\omega$ and $B^*$ meson pair. We find three bound states in isospin, spin-parity channels $(1/2, 0^+)$, $(1/2, 1^+)$ and $(1/2, 2^+)$. The state with $J=2$ can be a good candidate for the $B_2^*(5747)$. We also study the $\rho B$ system, and a bound state with mass $5728$ MeV and width around $20$ MeV is obtained, which can be identified with the $B_1(5721)$ resonance. In the case of $I=3/2$, one obtains repulsion and thus, no exotic (molecular) mesons in this sector are generated in the approach.

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One-pion production in neutrino-nucleus collisions

We use our model for neutrino pion production on the nucleon to study pion production on a nucleus. The model is conveniently modified to include in-medium corrections and its validity is extended up to 2 GeV neutrino energies by the inclusion of new resonant contributions in the production process. Our results are compared with recent MiniBooNE data measured in mineral oil. Our total cross sections are below data for neutrino energies above 1 GeV. As with other theoretical calculations, the agreement with data improves if we neglect pion final state interaction. This is also the case for differential cross sections convoluted over the neutrino flux.

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Semileptonic bc to cc and bb to bc baryon decays and heavy quark spin symmetry

5th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP09). Inst High Energy Phys Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 21-25, 2009

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D^- mesic atoms

The anti-D meson self-energy is evaluated self-consistently, using unitarized coupled-channel theory, by computing the in-medium meson-baryon T-matrix in the C=-1,S=0 sector. The heavy pseudo-scalar and heavy vector mesons, anti-D and anti-D^*, are treated on equal footing as required by heavy quark spin symmetry. Results for energy levels and widths of D^- mesic atoms in 12C, 40Ca, 118Sn and 208Pb are presented. The spectrum contains states of atomic and of nuclear types for all nuclei. anti-D^0--nucleus bound states are also obtained. We find that, after electromagnetic and nuclear cascade, these systems end up with the anti-D bound in the nucleus, either as a meson or as part of a exotic…

research product

Heavy quark spin symmetric molecular states from D¯(*)Σc(*) and other coupled channels in the light of the recent LHCb pentaquarks

We consider the D¯(*)Σc(*) states, together with J/ψN and other coupled channels, and take an interaction consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry, with the dynamical input obtained from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach. By fitting only one parameter to the recent three pentaquark states reported by the LHCb Collaboration, we can reproduce the three of them in base to the mass and the width, providing for them the quantum numbers and approximate molecular structure as 1/2− D¯Σc, 1/2− D¯*Σc, and 3/2− D¯*Σc, and the isospin I=1/2. We find another state around 4374 MeV, of the 3/2− D¯Σc* structure, for which indications appear in the experimental spectrum. Two other near degene…

research product

Wave functions for dynamically generated resonances; the two $\Lambda(1405)$ and $\Lambda(1670)$

In this work we develop a formalism to evaluate wave functions in momentum and coordinate space for the resonant states dynamically generated in a unitary coupled channel approach. The on shell approach for the scattering matrix, commonly used, is also obtained in Quantum Mechanics with a separable potential, which allows one to write wave functions in a trivial way. We develop useful relationships among the couplings of the dynamically generated resonances to the different channels and the wave functions at the origin. The formalism provides an intuitive picture of the resonances in the coupled channel approach, as bound states of one bound channel, which decays into open ones. It also pro…

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Isospin breaking effects in the dynamical generation of the X(3872)

We have studied isospin breaking effects in the X(3872) resonance and found a natural explanation for the branching fraction of the X decaying to $J/\psi$ with two and three pions being close to unit. Within our framework the X(3872) is a dynamically generated resonance in coupled channels. We also study the relationship between the couplings of the resonance to the coupled channels with its wave function, which further helps us to understand the isospin structure of the resonance.

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Theρ(ω)/B*(B) system and bound states in the unitary local Hidden Gauge approach

In this work, we study systems composed of a ρ/ω and B* meson pair. We find three bound states in isospin, spin-parity channels (1/2, 0+ ), (1/2, 1+ ) and (1/2, 2+ ). The state with J = 2 can be a good candidate for the B * 2 (5747). We also study the ρB system, and a bound state with mass 5728 MeV and width around 20 MeV is obtained, which can be identified with the B 1 (5721) resonance. In the case of I = 3/2, one obtains repulsion and thus, no exotic (molecular) mesons in this sector are generated in the approach.

research product

Resonance interpretation of the bump structure in the $\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520)$ differential cross section

We investigate the $\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction in the $\vec{\gamma} p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520)$ reaction within the effective Lagrangian method near threshold. In addition to the "background" contributions from the contact, $t-$channel $K$ exchange, and $s-$channel nucleon pole terms, which were already considered in previous works, the contribution from the nucleon resonance $N^*(2080)$ (spin-parity $J^P = 3/2^-$) is also considered. We show that the inclusion of the nucleon resonance $N^*(2080)$ leads to a fairly good description of the new LEPS differential cross-section data, and that these measurements can be used to determine some of the properties of this latter resonance.

research product

Heavy Baryon Specroscopy from the Lattice

The results of an exploratory lattice study of heavy baryon spectroscopy are presented. We have computed the full spectrum of the eight baryons containing a single heavy quark, on a $24^3\times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$, using an $O(a)$-improved fermion action. We discuss the lattice baryon operators and give a method for isolating the contributions of the spin doublets $(\Sigma,\Sigma^*)$, $(\Xi',\Xi^*)$ and $(\Omega,\Omega^*)$ to the correlation function of the relevant operator. We compare our results with the available experimental data and find good agreement in both the charm and the beauty sectors, despite the long extrapolation in the heavy quark mass needed in the latter case. We …

research product

Low-lying even parity meson resonances and spin-flavor symmetry revisited

We review and extend the model derived in Garcia-Recio et al. [Phys. Rev. D 83, 016007 (2011)] to address the dynamics of the low-lying even-parity meson resonances. This model is based on a coupled-channels spin-flavor extension of the chiralWeinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian. This interaction is then used to study the S-wave meson-meson scattering involving members not only of the pi octet, but also of the rho nonet. In this work, we study in detail the structure of the SU(6)-symmetry-breaking contact terms that respect (or softly break) chiral symmetry. We derive the most general local (without involving derivatives) terms consistent with the chiral-symmetry-breaking pattern of QCD. After intr…

research product

LHCb pentaquark as aD¯*Σc−D¯*Σc*molecular state

We perform a theoretical analysis of the ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}}_{b}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}J/\ensuremath{\psi}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}p$ reaction from where a recent LHCb experiment extracts a $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}(1405)$ contribution in the ${K}^{\ensuremath{-}}p$ spectrum close to threshold and two baryon states of hidden charm in the $J/\ensuremath{\psi}p$ spectrum. We recall that baryon states of this type have been theoretically predicted matching the mass, width and ${J}^{P}$ of the experiment; concretely some states built up from the $J/\ensuremath{\psi}N$, ${\overline{D}}^{*}{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}}_{c}$, ${\overline{D}}^{*}{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}}_{c}$, …

research product

N-Delta(1232) axial form factors from weak pion production

The N Delta axial form factors are determined from neutrino induced pion production ANL and BNL data by using a theoretical model that accounts both for background mechanisms and deuteron effects. We find violations of the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation at the level of 2 sigma which might have an impact in background calculations for T2K and MiniBooNE low energy neutrino oscillation precision experiments.

research product

Exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state $cb$ baryons driven by a $c\to s,d$ quark transition

We evaluate semileptonic decays of spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 doubly heavy $cb$ baryons. The decays are driven by a $c\to s,d$ transition at the quark level. We check our results for the form factors against heavy quark spin symmetry constraints obtained in the limit of very large heavy quark masses and near zero recoil.

research product

Semileptonic decays of spin-1/2 doubly charmed baryons

We evaluate exclusive semileptonic decays of ground-state spin-1/2 doubly heavy charmed baryons. The decays are driven by a $c\to s,d$ transition at the quark level. Our form factors are consistent with Heavy Quark Symmetry constraints. The latter are valid in the limit of infinitely heavy quark mass at zero recoil.

research product

Photon emission in neutral current interactions with nucleons and nuclei

We report on our study of photon emission induced by Enu ~ 1 GeV (anti)neutrino neutral current interactions with nucleons and nuclei. This process is an important background for nu_e appearance oscillation experiments. At the relevant energies, the reaction is dominated by the excitation of the Delta (1232) resonance but there are also non-resonant contributions that, close to threshold, are fully determined by the effective chiral Lagrangian of strong interactions. We have obtained differential and integrated cross section for the (anti)neutrino-nucleon scattering and compare them with previous results. Furthermore, we have extended the model to nuclear targets taking into account Fermi m…

research product

Neutrino Induced Coherent Pion Production off Nuclei and PCAC

We review the Rein--Sehgal model and criticize its use for low energy neutrino induced coherent pion production. We have studied the validity of the main approximations implicit in that model, trying to compare with physical observables when that is possible and with microscopical calculations. Next, we have tried to elaborate a new improved model by removing the more problematic approximations, while keeping the model still reasonably simple. Last, we have discussed the limitations intrinsic to any approach based on the partial conservation of the axial current hypothesis. In particular, we have shown the inability of such models to determine the angular distribution of the outgoing pion w…

research product

B→ρsemileptonic decays and|Vub|

We reevaluate the $B\to\rho\,l^+\nu_l$ decay width as a full $B\to\pi\pi\,l^+\nu_l$ four-particle decay, in which the two final pions are produced via an intermediate $\rho$ meson. The decay width can be written as a convolution of the $B\to\rho\,l^+\nu_l$ decay width, for an off-shell $\rho$, with the $\rho\to\pi\pi$ line shape. This allows to fully incorporate the effects of the finite $\rho$ meson width. As shown, consideration of the $\rho$ meson width effects increase the $|V_{ub}|$ value by some 8%, rendering it in better agreement with the determination based in the $B\to\pi$ decay. We take the $q^2$ dependence of the $B\to \rho$ semileptonic form factors from a dispersive Omn\`es re…

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$\bar B_s\to K$ semileptonic decay from an Omn\`es improved nonrelativistic quark model

We study the $f^+$ form factor for the $\bar B_s\to K^+\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell$ semileptonic decay in a nonrelativistic quark model. The valence quark contribution is supplemented with a $\bar B^*$-pole term that dominates the high $q^2$ region. To extend the quark model predictions from its region of applicability near $q^2_{\rm max}=(M_{B_s}-M_K)^2$, we use a multiply-subtracted Omn\`es dispersion relation. We fit the subtraction constants to a combined input from previous light cone sum rule results in the low $q^2$ region and the quark model results (valence plus $\bar B^*$-pole) in the high $q^2$ region. From this analysis, we obtain $\Gamma(\bar B_s\to K^+\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)=(5.47^{+0.54}_…

research product

Neutrino induced weak pion production off the nucleon and coherent pion production in nuclei at low energies

We present a microscopic model for neutrino induced one-pion production off the nucleon and its implementation for the purpose of calculating coherent pion production in nuclei. We further criticize the use of the Rein--Sehgal model for coherent pion production by low energy neutrinos. In particular, we show how the approximations in that model give rise to a much flatter differential cross section in the $\eta=E_\pi(1-\cos\theta_\pi)$ variable. We discuss the limitations intrinsic to any approach based on the partial conservation of the axial current hypothesis and the inability of such models to properly determine the angular distribution of the outgoing pion with respect to the direction…

research product

Photon emission in neutral current interactions at the T2K experiment

9 pages.- 6 figures

research product

Pion production in neutrino-nucleus collisions

We compare our pion production results with recent MiniBooNE data measured in mineral oil. Our total cross sections lie below experimental data for neutrino energies above 1 GeV. Differential cross sections show our model produces too few high energy pions in the forward direction as compared to data. The agreement with experiment improves by artificially removing pion final state interaction.

research product