Roberts Matisons
Species composition modulates seedling competitiveness of temperate tree species under hemiboreal conditions
Abstract Mixed stands are advised for reduction of impacts of natural hazards, and species composition can largely affect sustainability and productivity of the stands. Early development of a stands after a stand-replacing disturbance can have considerable legacy effects on growth via alterations in the diversity-productivity relationships. Accordingly compatibility of growth and competitiveness of different species is one of the key issues for susceptibility of mixed stands. A two-year chamber experiment was conducted to assess early growth and intra- and inter-specific competition for light and soil resources among the seedlings of temperate tree species simulating the predicted effect of…
Parastā ozola koksnes veidošanās un tās saistība ar klimatiskajiem faktoriem Latvijā
Darbs ir izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Bioloăijas fakultātē no 2008. gada līdz 2013. gadam. Šajā darbā ir analizēta parastā ozola (Quercus robur L.) augšanas saistība ar klimatiskajiem faktoriem Latvijā (43 vietas), izmantojot dendrohronoloăijas un dendroekoloăijas metodes. Klimata ietekmes novērtējumam, izmantoja divus atšėirīgus gadskārtu mērījumus: gadskārtu platumu un pavasara koksnes traheju dobumu laukumu. Ozola augšana uzrādīja atšėirības gar austrumu-rietumu gradientu saistībā ar klimata kontinentalitāti. Balstoties uz šo gradientu Latvijas teritoriju var iedalīt divās daĜās (rietumu un austrumu reăionā). Gadskārtu platumu rietumu reăionā, galvenokārt, ietekmēja pavasara un vasa…
Changes in climatic signals of English oak tree-ring width and cross-section area of earlywood vessels in Latvia during the period 1900–2009
Abstract We investigated changes in response of wood formation in English oak (Quercus robur L.) to climatic factors since 1900. It was hypothesised that the effect of winter and spring temperatures has weakened, while summer precipitation has become limiting. Increment cores were taken from 40 sites across Latvia. Tree-ring width and cross-section area of earlywood vessels were measured and cross-dated. Regional chronologies were built by pooling time series of trees within two regions of Latvia (western and eastern region), which differed in continentality. Climatic signals differed between the proxies (tree-ring width and earlywood vessel cross-section area) and between regions. Mean cro…
Wind Resistance of Eastern Baltic Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Suggests Its Suitability for Periodically Waterlogged Sites
Storms and wind damage are the main cause of biomass loss in forests of Northern Europe, as well as they are synergic with the disturbances causing intense water and temperature stress. This highlights the necessity for climate-smart management at landscape level coupling ecological demands of forestry species with their wind resistance. Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), which is highly plastic species, appears to be promising for a wider application under such conditions, as it is believed to tolerate wide range of weather conditions. Though silver birch can be sensitive to water deficit and windthrow, local information on its wind tolerance in sites with different moisture regimes is a…
Canopy status modulates formation of wood rays in scots pine under hemiboreal conditions
Abstract Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) reserves are crucial for trees to cope with weather extremes, thus to ensure their survival and ecological plasticity. The NSC reserves can depend on social status, suggesting uneven plasticity of trees at the stand level. In stemwood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), which is a widespread and important species, NSC reserves are stored in parenchyma in wood rays (WR). The quantity of WRs is adjusted intra-annually, allowing retrospective analysis of factors affecting their formation. Accordingly, the differences in WR quantity in stemwood of dominant and intermediate (canopy trees with reduced and narrow crowns) maturing Scots pine were assesse…
Occurrence of ‘blue’ and ‘frost’ rings reveal frost sensitivity of eastern Baltic provenances of Scots pine
Abstract Assisted gene flow is advised as one of the most effective means to sustain the productivity of forests under warming climate via application of the provenances (genotypes) capable to utilize longer vegetation season. Nevertheless in the temperate and boreal zones, the extension of vegetation period also subjects trees to effects of frosts, which can have severe economic impact under warming climate. In this study, wood anatomical anomalies related to late frosts in spring (‘frost’ rings) and early frosts in late summer (‘blue’ rings) for the eastern Baltic provenances of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with a contrasting field performance were analysed retrospectively. Three tria…
Dynamics of natural hemiboreal woodland in the Moricsala Reserve, Latvia: the studies of K. R. Kupffer revisited
Abstract Karl Reinhold Kupffer (1872–1935), an outstanding botanist and plant ecologist, took the initiative that led to the establishment of the first nature reserve in Latvia, on Moricsala Island in 1912. The reserve provided an excellent reference area for natural hemiboreal woodland for future generations. There have been very few studies on the dynamics of natural broadleaved forest in Europe, probably owing to lack of primeval forests of this type. However, Kupffer produced a map of forest types in the reserve with accurate descriptions of the vegetation by layers, and his descriptions include interpretations of forest dynamics processes. This information, together with the present ag…
Plasticity of response of tree-ring width of Scots pine provenances to weather extremes in Latvia
Abstract Climatic changes and weather extremes are causing shifts in distribution of tree species, affecting productivity of forests. With the northwards advance of deciduous species in Northern Europe, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is predicted to decrease survival and productivity. Nevertheless, Scots pine have adapted to diverse environments, hence selection among its populations could be applied to sustain productivity of stands under changing climate. In this study, sensitivity of tree-ring width of Eastern European provenances of Scots pine differing by field performance (Dippoldiswalde, Eibenstock, Rytel, Gustrow, and Kalsnava) to weather extremes in three trials in Latvia (hemibo…
Pointer years in tree-ring width and earlywood-vessel area time series of Quercus robur—Relation with climate factors near its northern distribution limit
Abstract For a long time, radial growth of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) in relation to environmental factors has been studied in Central Europe. However, there is insufficient information on oak growth in the Baltic region. Climate–growth interactions have been mostly investigated by correlation/response analysis between ring width and climatic factors. Other wood anatomical proxies, and also pointer year analysis, which focuses on weather extremes, can be sources of additional information. Wood samples were taken from 40 sites across Latvia. Tree-ring width (TRW) and mean area of earlywood vessels (EVA) were measured. To assess differences in wood formation among sites, a PCA was perfor…
Wood formation in pedunculate oak and its relation with climatic factors in Latvia
Šajā darbā ir analizēta parastā ozola (Quercus robur L.) augšanas saistība ar klimatiskajiem faktoriem Latvijā (43 vietas), izmantojot dendrohronoloăijas un dendroekoloģijas metodes. Klimata ietekmes novērtējumam, izmantoja divus atšķirīgus gadskārtu mērījumus: gadskārtu platumu un pavasara koksnes traheju dobumu laukumu. Ozola augšana uzrādīja atšķirības gar austrumu-rietumu gradientu saistībā ar klimata kontinentalitāti. Balstoties uz šo gradientu Latvijas teritoriju var iedalīt divās daļās (rietumu un austrumu reģionā). Gadskārtu platumu rietumu reģionā, galvenokārt, ietekmēja pavasara un vasaras gaisa temperatūra, bet austrumu reģionā klimatisko faktoru, kas ir saistīti ar sausumu vasar…
A mixture of human and climatic effects shapes the 250-year long fire history of a semi-natural pine dominated landscape of Northern Latvia
Abstract Fire has been shown to shape successional pathways and dynamics of forest vegetation. However, its role in European hemiboreal forests remains poorly understood. Here we provide the first annually resolved reconstruction of fire history from the Eastern Baltic Sea region, developed in the pine-dominated landscape of Slitere National Park (SNP), northwestern Latvia, over the last 250 years. Our results suggest that forest fires have been a common disturbance factor in the studied landscape. In total, we dated 62 single fire years, with the mean-point scale fire return interval of 46 years and the length of the fire cycle ranging from 45 to 80 years. We identified periods of high (17…
Non-linear regional weather-growth relationships indicate limited adaptability of the eastern Baltic Scots pine
Abstract Under changing climate, temporal and spatial stability (stationarity) of growth responses of trees to weather and climate, which has often been presumed without explicit testing, is crucial for prediction of productivity and sustainability of forests. However, considering evolutionary adaptation of tree populations to wide spatiotemporal ecological gradients, extrapolation of linear responses, which could be observed in limited parts of the gradients (certain locality), can result in biased results. Accordingly, the plasticity of responses of tree-ring width of the eastern Baltic populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) to meteorological conditions across the regional climat…