Silvana Miceli
Time perspective and Facebook addiction: The moderating role of neuroticism
The present paper verified the hypothesis that neuroticism moderates the relationship between past-negative or present-fatalistic time perspectives and Facebook addiction. A sample of 248 Facebook users (Female: 66%, mean age: 21.5 years) filled the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventor and the Facebook Addiction Italian Questionnaire. Two hierarchical regression analyses tested a moderator model in which time perspectives have been defined as independent variables, Facebook addiction as dependent variables, and neuroticism as moderator. Gender and age were introduced in the model as covariates. Results show that past-negative significantly predicts Facebook addiction through the moderation ef…
L'intelligenza. Teorie e modelli. II° Edizione
Rassegna ampia e dettagliata delle più significative teorie dell'intelligenza, così come si sono sviluppate dalla seconda metà dell'Ottocento fino ad oggi, dai contributi teorici dei positivisti inglesi alle ricerche più recenti, lagate allo sviluppo dei modelli computazionali e simulativi.
Attenzione e prestazione
L'attenzione è uno dei processi cognitivi più complessi. È un presupposto di tutte le altre attività psichiche – memoria, percezione, apprendimento, problem solving. L'attenzione si riferisce alla selettività del processo di elaborazione. Il fatto di stare attenti implica infatti, la necessità di selezionare soltanto una porzione degli innumerevoli stimoli che possiamo percepire coi nostri sensi, guardando, toccando, ascoltando, annusando o assaggiando. L’attenzione implica il distogliere il pensiero da alcune cose per dedicarsi selettivamente ad altre. Dunque, c’è una quantità finita di cose a cui possiamo prestare attenzione nello stesso momento. Ciò accade perché il nostro cervello possi…
Credenze metacognitive, strategie di apprendimento e procrastinazione decisionale: un modello di mediazione (Metacognitive beliefs, learning strategies, and decisional procrastination: a mediational model)
Affrontare un percorso formativo universitario in un contesto di scenari preoccupanti, che vanno dall’insicurezza per il futuro all’assenza dei contenitori affettivi e cognitivi, sta producendo effetti innegabili sugli studenti, bloccati in posizioni agnostiche di fronte alle scelte. Questo studio valuta un modello di path analysis in cui le strategie di apprendimento autoregolato mediano la relazione tra credenze metacognitive sulla procrastinazione e la procrastinazione decisionale. 297 studenti universitari hanno compilato un questionario volto a valutare le credenze metacognitive sulla procrastinazione, l’ansia, la gestione del tempo, l’elaborazione delle informazioni e la procrastinazi…
Self-Perceived Health, Objective Health, and Quality of Life among People Aged 50 and Over: Interrelationship among Health Indicators in Italy, Spain, and Greece
It is well known that self-perceived health (SPH), even if it is a subjective health indicator, is significantly associated with objective health and quality of life (QoL) in the general population. Whether it can be considered an indicator of cognitive functioning and quality of life in the elderly is still an open issue. This study used a data-driven approach to investigate the interrelationship among SPH, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), QoL, and cognitive functioning to answer this question. The study sample included information about 12,831 people living in Italy, Spain, and Greece, extracted from the Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe, in the year 2015. The additive Ba…
L'intelligenza. Teorie e modelli, III edizione
In una rassegna ampia e dettagliata, le più significative teorie dell'intelligenza, così come si sono sviluppate dalla metà dell'Ottocento fino ad oggi, dai contributi teorici dei positivisti inglesi alle ricerche più recenti, legate allo sviluppo dei modelli computazionali e simulativi.
la Psicologia a Palermo nel Novecento
Negli anni a cavallo tra le due guerre si assiste a una vera e propria scomparsa della psicologia accademica in Italia che invece, tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento aveva realizzato laboratori di ricerca di alto livello. Gli unici Atenei in cui sono ancora attive cattedre di psicologia sono l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore con Padre Agostino Gemelli e l’Università di Roma La Sapienza con Mario Ponzo. La situazione è ancora più drammatica a Palermo, dove l’insegnamento di Psicologia sperimentale, attivo presso la Facoltà di Lettere, viene cancellato nel 1927.
Psicologia dell'intelligenza
Quando si parla di intelligenza molti pensano al QI, a quel quoziente di intelligenza misurabile attraverso semplici test psicoattitudinali. Ma in realtà cos'è, come si sviluppa, che cosa è capace di fare l'intelligenza? Per le autrici è quella facoltà umana che ha a che fare con l'ambiente, il DNA, la creatività e diversi altri fattori non tutti definibili mediante questionari.
Parole in gioco. Saperi e sapori nell'antropologia post-geertziana
The aim of this research is inquiring how the universal human values proposed by Schwartz are applicable to a sample of Sicilian young people. Particularly, our research wants to evaluate how much our value system is afar from the one proposed by Schwartz and to which values our sample gives importance. The results of the research seem to confirm Schwartz’s theory on human values, except some difference.
Three Effective Ways to Nurture Our Brain
Abstract. A growing body of research suggests that physical activity, healthy eating, and music can, either directly or indirectly, have positive effects on our brain and cognition. More specifically, exercising and eating seem to enhance cognitive abilities, such as memory, creativity, and perception. They also improve academic performance and play a protective role from many degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. Concerning music, research has shown that there exists a general positive relation between music aptitude and cognitive functioning. Furthermore, the presence of music seems to create a positive mood and a higher arousal, which translates into better performance i…
L'Archivio "Gabriele Buccola"
L’Archivio di Gabriele Buccola (“Fondo Buccola”) è conservato a Palermo, presso la Biblioteca Comunale, che ha autorizzato gli autori di questo saggio a digitalizzarne i documenti e a realizzarne un inventario analitico virtuale, at- tualmente pubblicato online sul portale dell’ASPI (Archivio Storico della Psi- cologia Italiana).
Social networks and social activities promote cognitive functioning in both concurrent and prospective time: evidence from the SHARE survey
The study aimed to investigate the role of social activities, social networks as well as socioeconomic status (SES) in influencing some aspects of cognitive functioning (immediate and delayed verbal recall tests and semantic verbal fluency) in elderly people over time. This analysis was conducted on a sample of 31,954 healthy elderly people (58% female, mean age 65.54 ± 9.74) interviewed in both the fourth and sixth waves of the Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), in 2011 and 2015. A structural equation model with measurement component was used to assess the relationship between cognitive function, social life and SES over time. Multilevel ordinal logistic regression w…
Orizzonti incrociati. Il problema epistemologico in antropologia
Come costruiamo le nostre conoscenze? Come scegliamo le nostre domande? Che rapporto c’è tra l’oggetto «preso di mira» e l’oggetto «restituito» in una indagine conoscitiva? In che modo l’esposizione a differenti metodi d’indagine contribuisce a configurare diversamente l’indagato? Come valutiamo le nostre risposte? Potrebbero esser queste alcune parafrasi dell’interrogativo epistemologico che l’autrice in questo volume riformula in chiave 'antifondazionalista', come proprio l’ottica antropologica suggerisce opportunamente. E la conoscenza antropologica? Non ci porremo anche a suo proposito analoghe domande? Discutere tali argomenti obbliga a prendere posizione su molte questioni oggi in dib…
Neuroticism and Fear of COVID-19. The Interplay Between Boredom, Fantasy Engagement, and Perceived Control Over Time
The Italian government adopted measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection from 9 March 2020 to 4 May 2020 and imposed a phase of social distancing and self-isolation to all adult citizens. Although justified and necessary, psychologists question the impact of this process of COVID-19 isolation on the mental health of the population (e.g., Lee, Jobe & Matis, 2020). Hence, this paper investigated the relationship between neuroticism, boredom, fantasy engagement, perceived control over time, and the fear of COVID-19. Specifically, we performed a cross-sectional study aimed at testing an integrative moderated mediation model. Our model assigned the boredom to the mediation role, and b…
Autobiographical Memory, Personality, and Facebook Mementos
The present study analyzed the relationships between directive, self and social functions of autobiographical memory, personality traits, as defined by the Five Factor model, and the Facebook mementos. We defined Facebook mementos as objective measures of the textual (i.e., Facebook Status Updating) and visual (i.e., Photos uploading) information people record on their Facebook profiles. Questionnaires gathered data from a sample of 193 Italian Facebook users (148 female; 45 male; age M = 22.8, SD = 6.8). Results at path analysis using AMOS showed direct significant positive associations between personality traits related to extraversion, openness, neuroticism, conscientiousness and Faceboo…
Parole in gioco. Saperi e sapori nell'antropologia post-geertziana
Prendendo l’avvio da un’analisi della retorica di alcuni testi di Clifford Geertz e quindi sottolineando certi peculiari nodi di continuità fra l’antropologia interpretativa geertziana e il variegato trend postmodernista che proprio in essa, malgrado le reciproche polemiche, trova significative radici, questo saggio prende in considerazione, pur dalla sua particolare prospettiva e col tono giocoso che già il suo titolo ostenta, questioni centrali del dibattito antropologico contemporaneo, infine soffermandosi su alcuni luoghi topici del linguaggio postmodernista e sul suo farsi spia dell’impostazione logica che lo sottende. In effetti le critiche che dal filone “postmodernista” dell’antropo…
Prosocial priming and bystander effect in an online context.
The present study tested the effect of priming the concept of prosociality on the bystander effect in an online environment. Participants were sent an e-mail requesting a plea for help and randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2 (Bystander: 0 vs. 14) × 2 (Priming: present vs. absent) design. The results demonstrated support for the study hypothesis. As expected, the virtual presence of many others significantly reduced e-mail responsiveness except when the request for help is preceded by prosocial priming. Implications of these findings for the literature on the bystander effect and priming are discussed.
Apprendimento, memoria, oblio
Le teorie sulla memoria tengono conto sia della struttura della memoria che dei processi operanti al suo interno. Con il termine struttura ci si riferisce al modo in cui è organizzata la memoria, mentre con il termine processi si fa riferimento alle attività che si verificano all'interno della memoria. Apprendimento e memoria implicano una serie di stadi distinti. Il primo stadio noto come codifica, si riferisce a tutti quei fenomeni che hanno luogo durante la presentazione dell'informazione da ricordare. Il secondo stadio riguarda l'immagazzinamento delle informazioni come conseguenza del processo di codifica. Il terzo e ultimo stadio è il recupero delle informazioni immagazzinate.
Acute Parvovirus B19 Infection and Anemia duringPlasmodium falciparumMalaria
The Italian version of the Cognitive Style Indicator and its association with decision-making preferences
By adopting a more flexible view, Cools and Van den Broeck (2007) developed the Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI) which includes three cognitive dimensions: Creating (flexible, open-ended and inventive), Knowing (emphasizing facts, details, objectivity, and rationality), and Planning (guided by preferences for certainty and well-structured information). The first aim of this research was to validate the three factor structure of the CoSI within the Italian context, whereas the second was to verify whether cognitive styles, as measured by the CoSI, accounted for individual differences in decision-making processes. Two studies were conducted using two different samples (n = 549 and n = 397). C…
Do personality traits and self-regulatory processes affect decision-making tendencies?
Objective: This research attempted to clarify the role played by personality traits and self-regulated motivation in affecting decision-making tendencies. Method: Study 1 (n = 209) examined whether the Big Five personality traits predict minimising, maximising, and satisficing tendencies; Study 2 (n = 460) tested the mediating role of self-regulatory orientations in the relationship between personality traits and decision-making tendencies by performing structural equation modelling with latent variables. Results: Conscientiousness emerged as the strongest positive predictor of maximising, whereas openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness emerged as negative predictors of…
Measurement invariance of the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGDS9-SF) across Albania, USA, UK, and Italy
The IGDS9-SF, which assesses Internet Gaming Disorder behaviors, has been validated in a number of countries (Portugal, Italy, Iran, Slovenia), although the psychometric equivalence of the instrument has been assessed only across Australia, the USA, the UK, and India. This research aimed at providing further cross-cultural insights into IGD by assessing the factorial structure of the IGDS9-SF in Albania and investigating its measurement invariance across Albanian, Italian, American, and British gamers. Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analyses were performed on a sample of 1411 participants from Albania (n = 228), USA (n = 237), the UK (n = 275), and Italy (n = 671). The CFAs confirmed the s…
La ricerca psicologica in Sicilia nel secondo dopoguerra
Questa rassegna si prefigge di tracciare un quadro della ricerca psicologica, quale si è sviluppata nel nostro Paese e più specificatamente in Sicilia, a partire dai primi anni Cinquanta del Novecento. Negli anni precedenti, l'ideologia fascista, unitamente alla cultura idealista, aveva ostacolato lo sviluppo della psicologia in Italia, finendo con il relegare l'attività degli psicologi al settore della psicotecnica. È solo a partire dal secondo dopoguerra che gli studiosi nostrani concentrano i loro sforzi nel tentativo di colmare il profondo gap venutosi a creare rispetto alla ricerca internazionale che nel frattempo aveva esteso i propri interessi a diversi ambiti di studio come la psico…
This paper reviews psychological research on time perception. In view of the wastness of this topic, we only focus on temporal memory, i.e. time duration estimation. We will present the main psychological theories, elaborated in the first laboratories.Finally, both the current cognitivist and chronobiological models and theories will be introduced.
Decisional Procrastination in Academic Settings: The Role of Metacognitions and Learning Strategies
Nowadays, university students suffer from a broad range of problems, such as educational underachievement or the inability to control themselves, that lead to procrastination as a consequence. The present research aimed at analyzing the determinants of decisional procrastination among undergraduate students and at assessing a path model in which self regulated learning strategies mediated the relationship between metacognitive beliefs about procrastination and decisional procrastination. 273 students from Southern Italy filled out a questionnaire composed by: the socio-demographic section, the Metacognitive Beliefs About Procrastination Questionnaire, the procrastination subscale of the Mel…
Does Attentional Style Moderate the Relationship between Time Perspective and Social Network Addiction? A Cross-Sectional Study on a Sample of Social Networking Sites Users
The present study investigates the role of attentional style as a moderator variable between temporal perspective and social network addiction, since little is known about users’ cognitive variables involved in this kind of addictive behavior. To achieve this goal, a sample of 186 volunteers and anonymous social networking sites users (M = 34%; F = 66%; Mage = 22.54 years; SD = 3.94; range: 18 ÷ 45 years) participated in a cross-sectional study. All participants filled out self-report instruments measuring temporal perspective, internal vs. external attentional style, and social network addiction. The results align with the previous literature and show that present fatalistic and past negat…
Gabriele Buccola-Emil Kraepelin. Carteggio 1881-1885
Il carteggio Buccola-Kraepelin, composto da 41 missive -23 inviate da Emil Kraepelin a Gabriele Buccola e 18 inviate da Buccola a Kraepelin -, consente di ricostruire l'intento legame epistolare intercorso tra i due giovani studiosi negli anni compresi tra il 1881 e il 1885. Risulta evidente l'importanza di tale carteggio inedito che permette non soltanto un'analisi critica della nascita della psicologia come scienza, ma offre al contempo una testimonianza diretta dell'entusiasmo vivo e tenace dei due studiosi verso la nascente disciplina, nonchè una conoscenza dei principali nuclei di ricerca sviluppati all'interno del laboratorio di Wundt a Lipsia, dove Kraepelin si trasferisce nei primi …
The relationship between fear of COVID-19 and intention to get vaccinated. The serial mediation roles of existential anxiety and conspiracy beliefs
Abstract Today, we witness the progress toward global COVID-19 vaccinations organized by countries worldwide. Experts say a mass vaccination plan is the only effective antidote against the spread of SARS-COV-2. However, a part of the world population refuses vaccination. The present study aimed to understand the impact of some individual variables on the intention to get vaccinated. Through a serial mediation model, we tested the influence of fear of COVID-19 on the intention to get vaccinated and the serial mediating effect of existential anxiety and conspiracy beliefs. Via a cross-sectional design this research was conducted with the participation of 223 French adults (Female: 69.5%; Male…
l ruolo dell’apprendimento autoregolato nella procrastinazione accademica (The role of self-regulated learning in academic procrastination)
Tra le varie tipologie di procrastinazione quella accademica è una delle più studiate a causa dei suoi effetti negativi sulle performance degli studenti. Considerata come forma di fallimento nell’autoregolazione, è stata indagata all’interno del modello teorico dell’apprendimento autoregolato. Al fine di fornire maggiore evidenza empirica del ruolo svolto dalle strategie di apprendimento autoregolato nell’influenzare la procrastinazione accademica, questo studio ha esaminato in un campione di studenti universitari se, oltre alla gestione del tempo, l’autoregolazione metacognitiva e il pensiero critico aggiungono varianza nel predire la procrastinazione. Il fattore maggiormente determinante …
Psychological Well-Being among Adolescents and Youth.
Today, the construct of well‐being has assumed increasing importance in various areas of psychology by identifying several factors of personal order (personality dispositions, self‐esteem, perception of control), interpersonal (social support), and socioeconomic (income, level of education), variables that can influence well‐being to a greater or lesser extent. Research on the construct has been derived from two influential approaches or perspectives: the hedonic approach, which focuses on pleasure and happiness and on the achievement of well-being through the satisfaction of one’s desires, and the eudaimonic approach, according to which well-being is obtained by fulfilling one’s potential …
Can We Do Better Next Time? Italians' Response to the COVID-19 Emergency through a Heuristics and Biases Lens.
During the outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy, people often failed to adopt behaviors that could have stopped, or at least slowed down, the spread of this deadly disease. We offer cognitive explanations for these decisions, based on some of the most common heuristics and biases that are known to influence human judgment and decision-making, especially under conditions of high uncertainty. Our analysis concludes with the following recommendations: policymakers can and should take advantage of this established science, in order to communicate more effectively and increase the likelihood that people choose responsible actions in a public health crisis.
Happiness by personality traits: the mediating role of decision-making tendencies
Background: Prior work has shown that happiness is associated with high levels of extroversion and low levels of neuroticism; whereas conscientiousness and agreeableness have also been found to be moderately associated with subjective well-being and happiness.Nevertheless, the reasons why personality traits are linked to subjective well-being remain poorly interpreted. As a consequence, the identification of mediating variables could be strategic for better understanding of the reasons for well-being. One promising avenue has been the focus on individuals’ tendencies in decision-making which may alter happiness levels. The relationships between well-being and maximizing vs. satisficing tend…
In nome del segno. Introduzione alla semiotica della cultura
Studiare l’uomo e la varietà dei suoi comportamenti, tuttavia ogni volta coordinati nella relativa coerenza delle diverse società e culture, non limitandosi (etnocentricamente) a notare somiglianze o a registrare diversità, magari raccontandone aneddoticamente le peculiarità salienti, ma costruendo una strumentazione adeguata a dare finalmente all’antropologia legittimità scientifica, secondo un’accezione di “scientifico” non più retrivamente positivistica: è questo il progetto ambizioso dell’antropologia semiotico-strutturale, seguìto qui, soprattutto, nell’impostazione dei suoi due principali esponenti, Lévi-Strauss e Lotman. È dunque di tale strumentazione che in questo volume si dà part…
Sportspersonship In Martial Arts
Studies on psychological outcomes related to individual differences have increased showing contradictory results, especially in martial arts. The difficulty to provide conclusive evidence for the psychological outcomes of martial arts practice and to determine if and to what extent martial arts trainings explain the above mentioned effects needs a more in-depth analysis of those dispositional aspects which can impact adaptive behaviors in terms of sportspersonship. Since no studies on sportspersonship and goal orientations has been carried out in the specific context of martial arts, the current research aimed at examining the role of goal orientations and trait aggressiveness as predictors…
Lifestyle medicine and psychological well-being toward health promotion: a cross-sectional study on Palermo (Southern Italy) undergraduates
(1) Aim: To assess the attitude toward Lifestyle Medicine and healthy behaviours among students in the healthcare area and to demonstrate its association to psychological well-being
Analidi dell'estensione dei valori umani di Schwartz: dalle ricerche pan-culturali a un'indagine siciliana.
Do mental health and vitality mediate the relationship between perceived control over time and fear of COVID-19? A survey in an Italian sample
Several studies evidenced increased elevated symptomatology levels in anxiety, general stress, depression, and post-traumatic stress related to COVID-19. Real difficulties in the effective control of time that could be responsible for mental health issues and loss of vitality were also reported. Prior literature highlighted how perceived control over time significantly modulates anxiety disorders and promotes psychological well-being. To verify the hypothesis that perceived control over time predicts fear of COVID-19 and mental health and vitality mediate this relationship, we performed an online survey on a sample of 301 subjects (female = 68%; Mage = 22.12, SD = 6.29; age range = 18–57 ye…
Dipendenza da internet e social media negli adolescenti: il ruolo dei processi identitari.
L’ampia diffusione di internet e dei social media negli ultimi decenni ha influenzato il modo di comunicare e di pensare. Ma l’abuso di internet può causare perdita delle relazioni interpersonali, cambi di umore, pensiero orientato all’uso della rete e alterazione del vissuto temporale specialmente negli adolescenti. Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di analizzare in quale misura gli stili identitari sono fattori di protezione o di rischio che potrebbero contrastare o favorire le dipendenze tecnologiche. 310 adolesce nti italiani (M = 163; età me-dia = 18.09) hanno compilato un questionario volto a valutare stili identitari, dipendenza dai social media e da internet. Sono state condo…
Antecedents of trait aggressiveness among sports students
In light of the speed increase of aggressive episodes and disorderly incidents in sporting contexts both on and off the field of play, psychologists’ interest has been focused on normative standards regarding socio-moral interaction such as sportspersonship and fair play, as well as on those intra and interpersonal factors influencing aggressiveness. The current research aimed at pinpointing the extent to which self-determined motivation and trait self-control influence aggressiveness considered as a personality trait. 448 students (M = 240, F = 208; M age = 23,04, SD = 6,65) enrolled in Italian Faculties of Sport and practicing competitive sports filled out a questionnaire composed by: the…
L’effetto del sovraccarico di scelta è stato finora studiato solo su adulti. Il presente lavoro si propone di indagare se le conseguenze negative dell’avere troppa scelta si estendono anche a bambini, adolescenti, e anziani. I dati suggeriscono che mentre gli adolescenti sono influenzati dal fenomeno in modo simile agli adulti, i bambini e gli anziani sembrano invece esserne immuni. Sono discusse le implicazioni teoriche e pratiche dei risultati e vengono forniti spunti per ulteriori ricerche
The Italian version of the Thinking About Life Experiences Questionnaire and its relationship with gender, age, and life events on Facebook
The present study provided a cross-cultural validation of the Thinking About Life Experiences Scale-revised (TALE-R) in an Italian sample of Facebook users (n = 492; female = 378; male = 114; mean age 26.1) to test for replication and universality of the TALE-R three-factor model. Furthermore, it explored the interrelations among gender, age, the scores at the TALE-R and the frequency of posting textual/visual information about individuals' life events on Facebook. Results at exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis gave empirical support to both of a tripartite model for the functions of autobiographical memory (i.e., directive-behavior, social-bonding, and self-continuity) and measure…
The Role of Guilt and Empathy on Prosocial Behavior.
Research on the effects of guilt on interpersonal relationships has shown that guilt frequently motivates prosocial behavior in dyadic social situations. When multiple persons are involved, however, this emotion can be disadvantageous for other people in the social environment. Two experiments were carried out to examine the effect of guilt and empathy on prosocial behavior in a context in which more than two people are involved. Experiment 1 investigates whether, in three-person situations, guilt motivates prosocial behavior with beneficial effects for the victim of one’s actions but disadvantageous effects for the third individual. Participants were faced with a social dilemma in wh…
The Decision Making Tendency Inventory: A new measure to assess maximizing, satisficing, and minimizing
Abstract We introduce the Decision Making Tendency Inventory (DMTI), a new scale for measuring the decision-making tendencies to maximize, to satisfice, and to minimize. The scale has promising psychometric properties. Our findings show that the revealed tendencies are independent from each other and from the specific decision-making domain. Each factor is differently related to a set of indices of well-being and functioning, suggesting intriguing considerations regarding the distinctive characteristics of maximizing, satisficing, and minimizing. The DMTI extends previous research on maximizing and might contribute to explain the inconsistent results in the literature. Directions for future…
Development and Maintenance of Self-Disclosure on Facebook: The Role of Personality Traits
This study explored the relationships between Facebook self-disclosure and personality traits in a sample of Italian users. The aim was to analyze the predictive role of Big Five personality traits on different parameters of breadth and depth of self-disclosed behaviors online. Facebook users, aged between 18 and 64 years of age ( M age = 25.3 years, SD = 6.8; N = 958), of which 51% were female, voluntarily completed an online survey assessing personality traits and Facebook self-disclosure. Results at a series of hierarchical regression analyses significantly corroborated the hypotheses that high extroverted and openness people tend to disclose on Facebook a significant amount of personal …