D Cellura
3He/4He Ratio in Olivines from Linosa, Ustica, and Pantelleria Islands (Southern Italy)
We report helium isotope data for 0.03–1Ma olivine-bearing basaltic hawaiites from three volcanoes of the southern Italy magmatic province (Ustica, Pantelleria, and Linosa Islands). Homogenous 3He/4He ratios (range: 7.3–7.6 Ra) for the three islands, and their similarity with the ratio of modern volcanic gases on Pantelleria, indicate a common magmatic end-member. In particular, Ustica (7.6 ± 0.2Ra) clearly differs from the nearby Aeolian Islands Arc volcanism, despite its location on the Tyrrhenian side of the plate boundary. Although limited in size, our data set complements the large existing database for helium isotope in southern Italy and adds further constraints upon the spatial exte…