M Manno

Fibrillogenesis of hen egg-white lysozyme at acidic pH

research product

Pollution exposure and high DNA fragmentation index in human sperms: a case-control study

Study question: Could pollution exposure play a key role on sperm quality, in terms of DNA fragmentation index (DFI)? Summary answer: Patients exposed to high level of pollution show an higher percentage of sperm DNA fragmentation index in contrast with patient from control group. What is known already: Taranto area is characterized by a number of steel factories and petrochemical industries. Data about the detrimental effects of environmental pollution are alarming. Pollution coming from the industrial plants causes health and fertility risks, mainly due to the exposure to several pollutant (PM10, heavy metals, etc). Toxic substances can affect DNA directly or indirectly, through oxidative…

research product

Effects of work exposure to electromagnetic waves and organic compounds on sperm DNA fragmentation in patients undergoing ICSI

research product

Sperm DNA integrity after conventional freezing vs vitrification with and without cryoprotectors

research product

Influence of TFE on the proteins interactions of a lysozyme solution: a small angle X-ray scattering study

research product

Protein diffusion in ovo

research product

FSH administration reduces significantly sperm apoptosis only in the case of high DFI value: a study in idiopathic dispermic patients

Introduction: In the last decades sperm DNA quality has been recognized as one of the most important markers of male reproductive potential (Lewis and Aitken, 2005; Ozmen, 2007; Tarozzi, 2007), in contrast to standard semen parameters as sperm density, motility and morphology, which do not act as powerful discriminators between fertile and infertile men. DNA damage in the male germ line is a major contributor to infertility, miscarriage and birth defects in the offspring. In animal models, it has been unequivocally demonstrated that the genetic integrity of the male germ line plays a major role in determining the normality of embryonic development. In humans, many studies showed that sperm …

research product

Functional and dysfunctional isoforms of human neuroserpin

Neuroserpin (NS) is a serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) involved in different neurological pathologies, including the Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), related to the aberrant polymerization of NS mutants. Here we present an in vitro and in silico characterization of native NS and its dysfunctional conformation isoforms: the proteolytically cleaved conformer, the inactive latent conformer, and the polymeric conformer. Using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, we present an experimental validation of the latent model and highlight the main structural features of the different conformers. In par- ticular, emission spectra of aromatic residues yi…

research product

Sperm DNA integrity after conventional freezing vs vitrification with and without cryoprotectors in oligoastenospermic patients

research product