Bosco Liana
From stress proteins to apoptosis and autophagy in sea urchin embryos
Marine invertebrates inhabit a key position as intermediate consumers in the pelagic as well as in the benthonic food chains, making them suitable model systems for ecotoxicological studies. Among benthonic organisms, echinoderms represent a simple, though significant, model system to test how specific stress can simultaneously provoke dangerous effects on growth and vitality of organisms. Sea urchins provide an attractive and exceptional model for investigating environmental pollution. Most studies investigating the effects of Cd stress were conducted on Paracentrotus lividus, one of the most important marine invertebrates used as bioindicator of metal/heavy metal pollution and an importan…
Studio dell’apoptosi in oociti umani.
Gli obiettivi delle ricerche condotte sono stati duplici: 1) verificare l’eventuale comparsa o aumento di fenomeni apoptotici nelle cellule follicolari, negli oociti e nelle strutture stromali, di tessuto ovarico sottoposto a criopreservazione. 2) verificare la presenza di apoptosi in oociti non fecondati dopo trattamento ICSI (Intra Citoplasmic Sperm Injection), per comprendere se pregressi eventi apoptotici siano già in atto in oociti umani trattati con tecniche avanzate di fecondazione assistita, e possano pertanto essere la causa della mancata fecondazione di circa il 30-35 % degli oociti trattati.
The paradox of the Italian clinical embryologist in the national public health system: hints towards harmonization of a postgraduate educational curriculum.
Clinical embryologists are highly trained laboratory professionals with multiple roles, including laboratory, clinical, biobanking and quality system management. In most European countries, clinical embryologists are trained to work in Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) centres without a specifically dedicated educational path. The criteria required for employment vary according to the educational structure and the public or private nature of the centre. We have herein described the educational profile required by Italian clinical embryologists to work in MAR centres of the National Health System (NHS). Public centres currently represent 36% of all the Italian MAR clinics. According to t…