Projections from the medial cortex in the brain of lizards: correlation of anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase with Timm staining
Efferent projections of the medial cortex of the lizards Podarcis hispanica and Gallotia stehlinii were studied by examining the transport of horseradish peroxidase; results were correlated with those from Timm-stained sections. Two efferent systems were found. The first reaches the distal part of the outer plexiform layer in the medial, dorsomedial, and dorsal cortices, i.e., zones that are negative to Timm staining, and possibly originates from horizontal fusiform neurons. The second reaches the Timm-positive zones in the cortex and septum and is topographically arranged: the vertical portion of the intermediate and caudal medial cortex and the entire rostral medial cortex project to the …