Francesc Macià

Additional file 1 of Relationship between time from symptom’s onset to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with symptomatic colorectal cancer

Additional file 1. Supplementary tables

research product

Additional file 3 of Relationship between time from symptom’s onset to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with symptomatic colorectal cancer

Additional file 3. Supplementary fig 4

research product

Situación de la investigación en el cribado de cáncer de mama en España: implicaciones para la prevención

ResumenObjetivoLa finalización del despliegue de los programas de detección precoz de cáncer de mama en todas las comunidades autónomas de España ha facilitado el inicio de una investigación conjunta, con información procedente de varios programas, orientada a mejorar su efectividad.MétodosSe ha construido una cohorte de más de 1 millón de mujeres cribadas para evaluar el riesgo y los determinantes de los resultados falsos positivos. Se ha evaluado el impacto del cambio de técnica de mamografía analógica a digital y se está estudiando el cáncer de intervalo y los resultados falsos negativos.ResultadosLos resultados ofrecen información muy útil, desde el punto de vista de salud pública, para…

research product

Additional file 2 of Relationship between time from symptom’s onset to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with symptomatic colorectal cancer

Additional file 2. Supplementary figures 1-3

research product

Relationship between time from symptom's onset to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with symptomatic colorectal cancer

Multicenter study [Abstract] Background: Controversy exists regarding the relationship of the outcome of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) with the time from symptom onset to diagnosis. The aim of this study is to investigate this association, with the assumption that this relationship was nonlinear and with adjustment for multiple confounders, such as tumor grade, symptoms, or admission to an emergency department. Methods: This multicenter study with prospective follow-up was performed in five regions of Spain from 2010 to 2012. Symptomatic cases of incident CRC from a previous study were examined. At the time of diagnosis, each patient was interviewed, and the associated hospital and …

research product