An electrospray ionization mass spectrometric study of the extracellular hemoglobins from Chironomus thummi thummi.
The aquatic larvae of the dipteran, Chironomus thummi thummi contain extracellular hemoglobins which exhibit stage-specific expression. We have used maximum entropy-based deconvolution of the complex, multiply charged electrospray ionization mass spectra, to demonstrate the presence of more than 20 components, ranging in mass from 14,417.3 Da to 17,356.5 Da in the 4th instar larvae. Of the 15 major peaks with intensities > 10 relative to 100 for the 14,417.3 Da-component (CTT-IV), only the 15,528.2-Da peak does not correspond to a known amino acid sequence. Since the number of C. thummi thummi globin genes now stands at 27, including one cDNA and not counting three that must encode known gl…