Mario Lo Valvo

Caratterizzazione morfometrica di Discoglosso dipinto, Discoglossus pictus Otth 1837, in Sicilia

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Status di Lepus corsicanus in Sicilia

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Le garzaie in Italia.

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Applicazioni di radiotracking in Testuggine palustre siciliana

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Gene flow in the European coal tit, Periparus ater (Aves: Passeriformes): Low among Mediterranean populations but high in a continental contact zone

Abstract Extant phylogeographical patterns of Palearctic terrestrial vertebrates are generally believed to have originated from glacial range fragmentation. Post-Pleistocene range expansions have led to the formation of secondary contact zones among genetically distinct taxa. For coal tits (Periparus ater), such a contact zone has been localized in Germany. In this study, we quantified gene flow between Fennoscandian and southern European coal tits using a set of 13 microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE analysis revealed four genetic clusters, two occurring on Mediterranean islands. German populations were genetically admixed but introgression of southern alleles was evident for Fennoscandian popu…

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Insular variation in central MediterraneanCrociduraWagler, 1832 (Mammalia, Soricidae)

Morphometric variation of Crocidura mandible in Sicily and surrounding islands (Egadi archipelago, Ustica, Pantelleria and Gozo) was analyzed by principal component and canonical variate analyses in order to integrate recent chromosomal and biochemical observations. Specimens of C. suaveolens and C. leucodon from mainland Italy and of C. russula from Sardinia were used as reference in this analysis. The biometry of the only taxon of shrews living in Sicily is significantly different from the three reference samples. This result, coupled with a recently discovered new karyotype, provides strong evidence for a new Eurasian species, for which the name C. sicula Miller 1901, was chosen. Crocidu…

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Indagini anatomo-patologiche, microbiologiche, chimiche e parassitologiche su alcune specie di anfibi anuri: Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758), Bufo viridis (Laurenti, 1768), Discoglossus pictus (Otth, 1837) ritrovati in provincia di Palermo

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Conteggi di Coniglio selvatico, Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758), in aree campione della provincia di Palermo

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Confronto dello spettro trofico di due popolazioni di Bufo siculus

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Biometria e status della Lepre appenninica (Lepus corsicanus, de Winton 1898) in Sicilia

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First observations of oophagy in a wild population of the sand boa (Eryx jaculus)

The sand boa Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) is found in the southern Balkans, Middle East and North Africa (Sindaco et al., 2013). Only recently The presence of this species has been confirmed in Italy, in a small area of southern Sicily (Insacco et al., 2015). Knowledge of the sand boa in Sicily is limited with few data on geographical distribution, morphology, and habitat (Insacco et al., 2015; Faraone et al., 2017). Even at a global scale the biology of this species is little known due to its secretive habits (Tokar & Obst, 1993).

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Where is the line? Phylogeography and secondary contact of western Palearctic coal tits (Periparus ater: Aves, Passeriformes, Paridae)

In this study, a phylogeographic scenario of the coal tit (Periparus ater) was reconstructed based on a fragment of the mitochondrial control region, and within- and between-population genetic diversity was analysed with a focus on the western Palearctic breeding range. We inferred a first pan-European delimitation of a postulated secondary contact zone among coal tits from the north-eastern Palearctic ater subspecies group and those from the south-western Palearctic abietum group. Generally, between-population differentiation was greatest in the Mediterranean range, which was explained by a greater separation in multiple Pleistocene refuge areas compared to the lower differentiation across…

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Censimento di coturnice di Sicilia Alectoris graeca withakeri nella ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito e Monte Sparagio

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Ecologia trofica di una popolazione alloctona di Xenopo liscio, Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802), in Sicilia

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Effetti dell'attività venatoria sugli uccelli acquatici in tre aree italiane

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Analisi della dieta di Discoglossus pictus (Otth, 1837) in Sicilia (Anura: Alytidae).

Analysis of diet in Discoglossus pictus (Otth, 1837) from Sicily (Anura: Alytidae). The Painted frog (Discoglossus pictus Otth, 1837) (Alytidae) is a monotypic species distributed in North Africa, Sicily and Malta. Many studies have been made in the past about morphological and genetical aspects, but as regards the diet very little can be found in bibliography. This study shows data of a sample of individuals from a breeding site of western Sicily. Samplings were taken from November 2009 to June 2010, during the night. A total of 82 specimens were collected (67 MM and 15 FF). From these we obtained 50 stomachal contents by using the stomach-flushing technique. From stomach contents analysis…

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Nesting of the Spotless Starling, <em>Sturnus unicolor</em>, on the island of Favignana (Aegadian Islands, Sicily)

The presence of the Spotless Starling in Sicily was reported for the first time at the beginning of the XIX century, although the first nests for the province of Trapani are reported almost at the end of the XX century. As a breeder, the Spotless Starling remained absent from all the circumsicilian islands until the first report for the island of Pantelleria, in 2012. In 2020, the nest of Spotless Starling was observed on the island of Favignana, within a hole on an antenna. The couple fed the chicks with Ligia italica crustacean isopod of the family Ligiidae. The nesting on the island of Favignana confirms the continuous expansion of the species in Sicily.

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Food Habits of the Javelin Sand Boa Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus 1758; Serpentes, Erycidae) in Sicily, Italy

The Javelin Sand Boa, Eryx jaculus, is reported to be a predator of mammals, lizards and their eggs, and occasionally of birds and invertebrates, but data on its diet are scarce and fragmentary. Here we describe some aspects of the feeding behavior of E. jaculus on the Mediterranean island of Sicily. A total of 132 individual snakes were examined. Prey remains were found in 43% of them, both in their feces (82.5%) and gut contents (17.5%). The number of snakes observed and their feeding rate decreased in August, probably as a result of the relatively higher temperatures. Feeding rate increases were observed in adult females in September, perhaps to enhance body reserves before hibernation. …

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An unusual nest activity along southern Sicilian coasts an hope for sea turtle survival.

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Variazione morfometrica di Podarcis waglerianus in un sistema microinsulare

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Caratterizzazione fenotipica, analisi biometrica e stima della popolazione di Lucertola campestre di Isola Bella (Podarcis sicula medemi Mertens, 1942)

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Preliminary data on distribution, morphometric and genetic characterization of Hermann’ tortoise in Sicily

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The value of by-catch data: how species-specific surveys can serve non-target species

Camera trapping has a wide range of research application, but, while research designs are often focused on the study of a single focal species, cameras can also record other non-target species. Occupancy modeling using by-catch data can be a valuable resource to gain information on these species maximizing the scientific effort and efficiency of wildlife surveys. In this study, we used by-catch data from a European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) survey in Southern Italy to assess the habitat covariates determinant for the occupancy of the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). We recorded 33 detections at 17 out of 51 cameras (naive occupancy = 0.33). The best models fitted the data w…

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Indagine su due popolazioni di rana verde (Pelophylax synklepton hispanicus) della Sicilia occidentale

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Interventi di conservazione e gestione della fauna vertebrata terrestre siciliana

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Genetic assessment as preliminary action for conservation of endangered species: preliminary data on Alectoris (Sicilian rock partridge) population in Sicily

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Preliminary data on systematics and biogeography of Bufo bufo in the Western Mediterranean

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Primi dati sull’uso dell’habitat in una popolazione siciliana di Natrix natrix.

First data about the habitat use in a population of Natrix natrix from Sicily. In the present paper the preliminary results of an investigation carried out on a Sicilian population of the grass snake (Natrix natrix) are reported. The leading aim of this study is to compare habitat use among three different classes of individuals (males, females, immatures), using as input the density of observations in four habitat types. Field studies were conducted beside a reservoir (“Lago di Scanzano”), located about 40 km from Palermo (western Sicily). Our results indicate spatial and temporal differences among groups. Young individuals were observed more frequently between April and May along wet mead…

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Analisi delle deposizioni di Caretta caretta sui litorali italiani.

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Monitoring campaign over an edible dormouse population (Glis glis; rodentia: Gliridae) in Sicily: First report of mesocestodiasis

Simple Summary In Nebrodi Park (Sicily, Italy), live many wild mammal species that move closer to human beings every day. The edible dormouse (Glis glis), in 2017 and 2018, was responsible for nut crop damage in the area. For this reason, a sanitary monitoring campaign involving 30 dormice was carried out by collecting rectal and conjunctival swabs and fur and nest content, which were then processed for laboratory examinations. A large presence of fleas belonging to Monopsyllus sciurorum was found. Necropsy of a dead dormouse revealed an infection of Mesocestoides lineatus, whose cysts were found in the abdomen cavity and on the liver; this is the first report of this in this species. Furth…

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Adaptive plasticity of blue tits(Parus caeruleus)and great tits(Parus major)breeding in natural and semi‐natural insular habitats

The breeding performance and foraging of blue and great tits, and the abundance of arthropods living on the trees of an oak-wood and of a coniferous reafforestation were studied in Sicily, in order to: 1) compare breeding parameters in natural and semi-natural habitats within the same area; 2) estimate the degree of overlap in peak resource and peak demand of young tits, and the overlap of nestling diet of the two species in the two habitats. Both species had earlier laying dates, laid more eggs and raised more fledglings in the oakwood than in the reafforestation; they achieved the same fledging success within the same habitat type. These differences are probably due to the earlier and hig…

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Analisi dell’rDNA 12S nelle relazioni sistematiche della Lucertola campestre (Podarcis sicula) in Italia.

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La reintroduzione dell’avvoltoio Grifone in Sicilia: prime nidificazioni

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Identity of invasive clawed frogs (Xenopus) in Sicily based on mitochondrial DNA sequences

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Sexing adult Cory's Shearwater by discriminant analysis of body measurements on Linosa Island (Sicilian Channel), Italy

-Males and females of many avian species may show no plumage dimorphism, but often can be sexed by differences in body measurements. Sex determination of many Cory's Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea, was possible by multiplying bill length by bill depth. In this study, discriminant analysis of six measurements (bill length, bill depth, wing, tail, tarsus and mass) was performed on Cory's Shearwaters breeding on Linosa Island (Sicilian Channel), Italy and the efficiency of sex determination was compared with the univariate method. Results show the advantages of the discriminant functions. Bill depth is the best parameter (up to 92% correct classification), followed by mass (84% correct class…

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A new record of the Red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Crustacea Cambaridae), in Sicily, Italy

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Assessing reintroduction outcome: comparison of the juvenile post-fledging dependence period between wild and reintroduced Bonelli’s eagles in two Mediterranean islands

Abstract Islands are key areas for biodiversity; however, they are extremely sensitive to anthropic actions. This has led to local species extinctions, especially large predators such as raptors. Consequently, reintroduction and conservation projects aimed at reversing population decline of endangered species have recently gained popularity. Nevertheless, their relatively elevated cost and chance of failure make them controversial, hence assessing their effectiveness is essential. Within the early stages of raptors, the post-fledging dependency period (PFDP) is the one in which individuals must face dangers without having completely developed their skills. Thereby, comparing PFDP patterns c…

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Green toads from most of Sicily are an old sister taxon of african green toads and represent a new european vertebrate species (Bufo n. sp.).

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Variation of Sicilian pond turtles, Emys trinacris – What makes a species cryptic?

Abstract. Variation of the Sicilian pond turtle, Emys trinacris, is described, based on morphological data of more than 200 adult and immature turtles and mtDNA sequences of 31 new known-locality specimens. Emys trinacris is morphologically more variable than thought before. There exist pronounced population-specific differences. Adults are barely distinguishable from Emys orbicularis galloitalica. Hatchlings of E. trinacris are, however, significantly different patterned, allowing immediate species determination. Moreover, hatchlings of E. trinacris seem to be on average smaller and lighter than in E. orbicularis. This could be related with different reproductive strategies. Coloration pol…

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Mortalità di Grifoni (Gyps fulvus) durante un progetto di reintroduzione.

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Analisi biometrica di una popolazione di Testuggine palustre europea (Emys orbicularis) nella Riserva Naturale “Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi” (Sicilia sudoccidentale)

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Bufo viridis (Bonnaterre, 1789) (Rospo smeraldino), B. balearicus (Boettger, 1881) (Rospo smeraldino italiano), B. boulengeri Lataste, 1879 (Rospo smeraldino nordafricano), B. siculus (Stöck et al., 2008) (Rospo smeraldino siciliano)

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Can the introduction of Xenopus laevis affect native amphibian populations? Reduction of reproductive occurrence in presence of the invasive species

Biological invasions are regarded as a form of global change and potential cause of biodiversity loss. Xenopus laevis is an anuran amphibian native to sub-Saharan Africa with strong invasive capacity, especially in geographic regions with a Mediterranean climate. In spite of the worldwide diffusion of X. laevis, the effective impact on local ecosystems and native amphibian populations is poorly quantified. A large population of X. laevis occurs in Sicily and our main aim of this work was to assess the consequences of introduction of this alien species on local amphibian populations. In this study we compare the occurrence of reproduction of native amphibians in ponds with and without X. lae…

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Species of sicilian vascular flora included in the international laws. The present paper aims to divulgate the knowledge of the Sicilian flora protected at international level and includes a check-list of the Sicilian vascular flora recorded in international normatives on the protection of nature and biodiversity. For each normative general information is given together with a reference list to further deepen the contents, the aims and the present implementation in Italy.

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Sicilian Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca whitakeri): is the current protected area network enough?

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Confronti craniometrici tra lupi (Canis lupus) dell'Italia continentale e della Spagna: primi dati

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Primi risultati nella conservazione ex-situ della Lepre italica Lepus corsicanus, Mammalia, Lagomorpha

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Estimation of sicilian pound turale population in the natural riserve “Torre Salsa” (south-western Sicily).

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New distributional data on <em>Haemogregarina stepanowi</em> (Apicomplexa) and <em>Placobdella costata</em> (Hirudinea) parasitising the Sicilian pond turtle <em>Emys trinacris</em> (Testudines)

The host-parasite system “Emys trinacris – Placobdella costata – Haemogregarina stepanowi” is known for Sicily, but scarce information is available to date about the distribution of the two parasites on the island. Therefore, an extensive sampling effort through visual census and collection and analysis of blood smears of the endemic Sicilian pond turtle E. trinacris was carried out in 46 water bodies scattered throughout mainland Sicily. Our findings revealed that the distribution of both parasites is limited to the Nebrodi area, where the infection of H. stepanowi has shown a high incidence on the local turtle populations. Our data suggest no correlation between the current distribution o…

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Cytokine components and mucosal immunity in the oviduct of Xenopus laevis (amphibia, pipidae)

Abstract Most studies on the mucosal immunity in female reproductive tissues have been performed in mammals. In all species, apart from their reproductive strategies, immunity in the genital mucosa is required to defend the host against luminal pathogens. In this study we investigated the role of the innate immunity of the oviductal mucosa of Xenopus laevis , an amphibian characterized by external fertilization. In particular we examined the expression and localization of Interleukin-1β (IL1B), Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and Interleukin-1 receptor type 1 (IL1R1) in different oviductal portions including an upper glandular region, an intermediate and a lower aglandular regi…

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Caratterizzazione biometrica e stima numerica di una popolazione di testuggine palustre siciliana.

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Dinamica spaziale e fedeltà territoriale al sito post-riproduttivo del Rospo smeraldino (Bufo viridis).

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Seasonal variation in color of the sicilian wal lizard Podarcis wagleriana.

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Analisi biometrica di due popolazioni di Testuggine palustre europea (Emys orbicularis Linnaeus, 1758) della Sicilia sudoccidentale

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La reintroduzione del Grifone Gyps fulvus in Sicilia: osservazioni e prime nidificazioni

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Analisi dei conteggi di pallottole fecali di Coniglio selvatico, Oryctolagus cuniculus, nell'isola di Ustica (Sicilia)

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Habitat Determinants and Density of the Endemic Sicilian Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca whitakeri on Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy

The assessment of the conservation status of a species is the first step to prevent local extinction and to plan appropriate, effective and scientifically sound conservation actions, hence knowledge of the distribution, population trends and characteristics of preferred habitat is crucial for the conservation of a species. Galliformes are facing increasing threats related to overhunting, habitat loss and fragmentation, and human disturbance. The Sicilian Rock Partridge (hereafter Rock Partridge) Alectoris graeca whitakeri is a significant conservation unit endemic to Sicily (Italy) classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN due to a decreasing population. Few studies have been conducted on t…

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Phylogeography link between Sicilian and Corso-Sardinian Testudo h. hermanni confirmed

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The genetic identity of the only Italian population of the genus Macroprotodon Guichenot, 1850 on the island of Lampedusa, Sicily

The only Italian population of false smooth snakes is found on Lampedusa, a small island located in the Sicilian Channel and part of the African continental shelf. The taxonomic identity of this population is currently uncertain, although it is most often attributed to Macroprotodon cucullatus textilis on a morphological basis. We present here the first genetic data on this population. The analysis carried out on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene shows that the Lampedusan false smooth snake belongs to a clade shared with a single sample from central Tunisia. The genetic distance between this lineage and its sister group (M. abubakeri) is comparable to or higher than that found among many …

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Blackbirds (Turdus merula) atypical mortality during a bird ringing campaign

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Biometrical and Biological Considerations on the Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris Diomedea

Today the Mediterranean distribution of Cory’s Shearwaters is believed to be well known. New colonies may be discovered, but certainly the largest ones are known. Many data were published during the last ten years and we believe to have a satisfactory knowledge of their biology, though some problems, as the winter movements of each population, the first breeding age and the ratio immatures/adults are still to be examined carefully.

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Morphological variation of the newly confirmed population of the javelin sand boa, Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes, erycidae) in Sicily, Italy

The presence of the Javelin sand boa in Sicily has recently been confirmed. Here the morphological characters and sexual dimorphism of the Sicilian population of Eryx jaculus are presented. Seven meristic and six metric characters in 96 specimens from Sicily were examined. The results show that tail length, snout-vent length, the distance between nostrils and the number of ventral and subcaudal scales are different between sexes. The characters found in the Sicilian population of the Javelin sand boa resemble those of the African population (ssp. jaculus) rather than the Eurasian population (ssp. turcicus), but biomolecular studies are necessary to understand its taxonomic identity.

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Stima della popolazione di Testuggine palustre europea (Emys orbicularis) presente nella Riserva Naturale “Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi” (Sicilia sudoccidentale)

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LIFE09 NAT/IT/000099 project in Sicily: “Urgent actions for the conservation of the Alectoris graeca whitakeri"

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La Grotta dei Personaggi di Montevago (AG), una nuova segnalazione di cavità ipogenica in Sicilia

La Grotta dei Personaggi è localizzata in Sicilia occidentale, nei pressi di Monte Magaggiaro, a S del centro abitato di Montevago (AG). Nell’area sono presenti sorgenti termali, caratterizzate da acque cloro-solfate alcalino-terrose con temperatura di circa 40 °C e pH 7. La Grotta dei Personaggi, conosciuta già dai primi anni del 1900 e nota anche per ritrovamenti archeologici, non era mai stata dettagliatamente rilevata e studiata. La cavità si sviluppa prevalentemente in calcari di piattaforma della formazione Inici (Giurassico inf.) e in calcari di scarpata e pelagici della formazione Buccheri (Giurassico inf.-sup.). Si tratta di una cavità sub-orizzontale che presenta uno sviluppo di c…

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I pantani di Anguillara (Calatafimi Segesta, Trapani): dati preliminari sulla biodiversità a supporto della tutela del biotopo

Vengono presentati i risultati preliminari di una indagine multidisciplinare condotta in una zona umida nel territorio di Calatafimi Segesta in provincia di Trapani. L'area è di grande interesse per la presenza di rare specie animali e vegetali, di habitat minacciati tutelati da normative nazionali ed internazionali, ma anche perché è una delle ultime zone umide superstiti dell'entroterra trapanese. L'area ha subito in tempi recenti un pesante disturbo antropico che rischia di portare alla distruzione questo ambiente e il suo biota di pregio. Con questo contributo gli autori intendono supportare la richiesta di adeguata e urgente tutela del sito. Anguillara Ponds (Calatafimi Segesta, Trapan…

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Dieta di una popolazione di xenopo liscio introdotta in Sicilia

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The large invasive population of Xenopus laevis in Sicily, Italy

AbstractThe worldwide spread of invasive species is considered to be one of the main causes of global amphibian declines and the loss of biodiversity in general. The African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, shows a strong ability to establish populations and invade various geographic regions. In 2004 X. laevis was found in Sicily for the first time. The Sicilian population is probably the largest in Europe with a range of about 225 km2 in an area characterized by numerous agricultural ponds. This high density of ponds has potentially facilitated the dispersal of X. laevis. The frogs can move far from rivers or watercourses by utilizing the ponds as suitable "islands". The analysis of their diet…

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Biometric Characterization of two pond turtle populations of the South West of Sicily.

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A non-native population of Xenopus laevis in Sicily feeding during the riproductive period

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Caratterizzazione morfometrica del coniglio selvatico Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sicilia e considerazioni tassonomiche

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Analisi dei contenuti stomacali di Bufo bufo: considerazioni ecologiche e comportamentali.

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Análisis Biométricos del Sapo Verde Siciliano, Bufo siculus (Stöck et al. 2008), Población que Vive en Sicilia (Italia)

Morphometry structure of Sicilian green toad from the Nature Reserve "Monte Pellegrino" (north-western Sicily) was studied. A total of 666 individuals (354 males and 312 females) were captured in 2003 during reproduction period. Meaningful differences have statistically emerged among the two sexes and the body weight is the best parameter (up to 92% correct classification), followed by the length of the body (up to 90% correct classification). The simultaneous use of all the examined characters only increases of 1% the probability for correct discrimination of the sex. In comparison to the dimension of other green toad populations studied by other authors, the body size of this sicilian pop…

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Genetic Variability and Taxonomical Considerations about Six Species of European Cardueline Finches (Aves, Passeriformes)

Abstract Electrophoretic patterns of seven enzyme systems and two nonenzymatic proteins, albumin and haemoglobin, representing 13 loci, have been investigated in six species of cardueline finches with Palearctic distribution. A new locus, SOD-3, has been characterized in this subfamily. The two nonenzymatic proteins turned out to be the best genetic markers. From the analysis of the genetic distances it emerges that the mean values between species are higher than those reported for other groups of birds. However, the same results were obtained for other species of the same subfamily native to North America. In both cases this result is probably due to a classification that disagrees with th…

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Zamenis lineatus (Camerano, 1891) (Saettone occhirossi), Z. longissimus (Laurenti, 1768) (Saettone comune).

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Primi risultati di un progetto di restocking di Testuggine

First results of a restocking project for Testudo hermanni in a protected area in northwestern Sicily. A restocking project was carried out in the Zingaro Natural Reserve in order to counteract the Sicilian population decrease of Testudo hermanni. 50 tortoises coming from regional wildlife rescue centers were released after an acclimatization period in a controlled fence. 11 tortoises have been provided with radio-transmitters to follow the dispersal process and to monitoring the project progress. The obtained results have permitted to assess the useful area for the dispersion during the first year from the release and have showed the successful integration of the rescued tortoises with the…

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Nuovi dati sull’allevamento della Lepre italica in Sicilia

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Conteggi di Lepre italica e ruolo delle aree protette nella provincia di Palermo

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Habitat fragmentation and anthropogenic factors affect wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris occupancy and detectability on Mt Etna

International audience; Knowledge of patterns of occupancy is crucial for planning sound biological management and for identifying areas which require paramount conservation attention. The European wildcat Felis silvestris is an elusive carnivore and is classified as ‘least concern' on the IUCN red list, but with a decreasing population trend in some areas. Sicily hosts a peculiar wildcat population, which deserves conservation and management actions, due to its isolation from the mainland. Patterns of occupancy for wildcats are unknown in Italy, and especially in Sicily. We aimed to identify which ecological drivers determined wildcat occurrence on Mt Etna and to provide conservation actio…

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Organometallic complexes in ascidian embryonic development: II. Effects on different stages and larvae

The effects of the organometallic compounds Bu2Sn-D-(−;)sorbitol, Bu2Sn-D-(+)glucose, Bu2Sn-D-(−)fructose and Bu2Sn-D-(+)glyceraldehyde were tested in vivo on different stages of Ascidian development, larval movement and metamorphosis. Organotin(IV) complexes are organometallic compounds widely used as industrial biocides, antifouling agents and agricultural fungicides and are toxic to a range of organisms. Two-cell stage embryos, if incubated for one hour in the organotin (IV) solutions, stopped the cleavage, which was restored when they were transferred into normal sea water. The gastrula stage was seriously affected in 10−4mol dm−3 solutions of the above-mentioned complexes: 85% of the e…

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Primi risultati sull’attività di contenimento del gambero rosso della Louisiana nella Riserva Naturale “Lago Preola e Gorghi tondi” (Sicilia)

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Preliminary Data about diet and distribution of allochthonous population of Xenopus laevis (DAUDIN, 1802) in Sicily.

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Differenze intersessuali nella dieta in una popolazione di Rospo smeraldino siciliano Bufo siculus (Stock et al., 2008)

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Loggerhead turtle nesting in Italy: an overview

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Evaluation of potential expansion of the alien invasive species Xenopus laevis in Sicily and possible implication for native amphibian populatios.

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Xenopus laevis in Sicilia: areale, invasività e impatto

Le specie alloctone in Italia: censimenti, invasività e piani di azione

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Osservazioni preliminari sulla fenologia riproduttiva della popolazione di rospo smeraldino, Bufo viridis Laurenti, 1768, della Riserva Naturale di Monte Pellegrino (Palermo)

Preliminar observation about reproduction phenology of the green toad population in the natural reserve of “Monte Pellegrino” (Sicily). The Green toad is one of the six species of amphibias actually living in Sicily, the only one that has colonised some of small islands (Ustica and Lampedusa). The sicilian populations are, neverthless, the most meridional of european distribution and subject to insularity. The reproductive period of one population of north-west Sicily that we have studied, has began at the beginning of january, with a result of anticipation of minimum one month respect of the periods analysed by others authors in different italian countries. it could be explaned not only wi…

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Analisi dell’età in un campione siciliano di volpe (Vulpes vulpes L.).

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Analisi di contenuti stomacali di Bufo bufo: considerazioni ecologiche e comportamentali

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Anthropogenic threats drive spatio-temporal responses of wildcat on Mt. Etna

Human expansion can cause disturbance and intrusion of invasive species, which are detrimental to small carnivores. We investigated how European wildcats responded to disturbance from mushroom collectors, cattle and feral pigs in Sicily, Italy. We used detections from 76 cameras over 2 surveys (2015–2016 and 2018; camera days = 1985) to run occupancy and co-occurrence models and estimate overlap in activity patterns between species pairs. During 2015–2016, wildcats were detected at the same location with cattle, mushroom hunters and feral pigs at 14.4%, 26.3% and 17.1% of cameras. During 2018, wildcats were detected at the same location with cattle, mushroom hunters and feral pigs at 7.8%, …

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Modelli di distribuzione potenziale di popolazioni aliene di Xenopus laevis a scala locale e globale.

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Loggerhead turale nesting on a beach coast in south-western Sicily.

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Caratterizzazione e discriminazione biometria tra Lucertola campestre Podarcis sicula e Lucertola di Wagler Podarcis wagleriana.

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Primi risultati della reintroduzione dell’avvoltoio Grifone (Gyps fulvus fulvus Hablitz, 1783) nei Parchi delle Madonie e dei Nebrodi

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Presence of Nematotaenia spp. in individuals of green toad (Bufo viridis).

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Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in LannerFalco biarmicus feldeggiiSchlegel Chicks and Lanner Prey in Sicily, Italy

This paper reports on research conducted to elucidate the risk posed to the Sicilian population of the endangered lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii Schlegel by organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), as part of a wider study on contaminant risk to the lanner. Seventeen lanner nest sites were studied in northern and central Sicily. Sampling (in 2005) and analysis were carried out for selected OC pesticides and PCB congeners in lanner chick blood (15 chicks from 6 nest sites) and in two of the main lanner prey species, magpie Pica pica (36 individuals from 6 lanner nest sites) and rock dove Columba livia (10 individuals from 2 lanner nest sites). No OC and P…

research product

Analisi biometrica applicata su una popolazione in riproduzione di Rospo smeraldino, Bufo viridis Laurenti, 1768, presente nella Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicilia)

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Avifauna nidificante nella ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito e Monte Sparagio (Trapani)

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Show me your tail, if you have one! Is inbreeding depression occurring in wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) from Italy?

Knowledge of genetic diversity is important to wildlife conservation because genetically depleted populations experience an increased risk of extinction. Mammalian carnivores are characterized by small and fragmented populations and low dispersal, so that genetic erosion can lead to the fixation of deleterious genes relatively quickly, leading to morphological abnormalities. Kinked tails and cowlicks are indicative of inbreeding depression and have been described in two wild cat species so far, the puma (Puma concolor) and the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Here we report the first records of morphological abnormalities in five populations of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) …

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Primi dati sul comportamento alimentare di Bufo siculus Stöck et al., 2008

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Dati preliminari sulla biometria, il cromatismo e la dieta di una popolazione di Natrix natrix della Sicilia occidentale.

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Analisi delle deposizioni di Caretta caretta sui litorali italiani

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Una nuova popolazione isolata di xenopo liscio in Sicilia sud-occidentale

African clawed frog is a sub-saharan native anuran that has been introduced in various states of the old and the new world. The only Italian population of this species is located in western Sicily, and it is known as the European clawed frog population with wider distribution area. This paper describes a new Sicilian population of this species, and sets out to verify the effective isolation from the currently known distribution. The new site is a disused swimming pool, located near the mouth of the Belice River (province of Trapani), 31 km away from the nearest edge of the African clawed frog distribution area. To test whether this new population is the result of natural expansion of its ra…

research product

Nesting of the Spotless Starling, Sturnus unicolor, on the island of Favignana (Aegadian Islands, Sicily)

The presence of the Spotless Starling in Sicily was reported for the first time at the beginning of the XIX century, although the first nests for the province of Trapani are reported almost at the end of the XX century. As a breeder, the Spotless Starling remained absent from all the circumsicilian islands until the first report for the island of Pantelleria, in 2012. In 2020, the nest of Spotless Starling was observed on the island of Favignana, within a hole on an antenna. The couple fed the chicks with Ligia italica crustacean isopod of the family Ligiidae. The nesting on the island of Favignana confirms the continuous expansion of the species in Sicily

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Valutazione preliminare dell’impatto di Xenopus laevis sulle popolazioni di Anfibi siciliani

research product

First documented cases of defensive biting behaviour towards humans by the Italian Barred Grass Snake, Natrix helvetica sicula (Cuvier, 1829)

We report the first documented cases of defensive biting behaviour towards humans by the Italian Barred Grass Snake,

research product

Census of Alectoris graeca whitakeri in the ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito e Monte Sparagio

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Differenze stagionali e sessuali nell’utilizzo dello spazio in Bufo siculus. Implicazioni per la conservazione.

research product

Selezione sessuale in una popolazione di Rospo smeraldino, Bufo viridis Laurenti, 1768, presente nella Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicilia)

research product

Organochlorine pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Lanner Falco biarmicus feldeggii Schlegel chicks and Lanner Prey in Sicily, Italy

This paper reports on research conducted to elucidate the risk posed to the Sicilian population of the endangered lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii Schlegel by organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), as part of a wider study on contaminant risk to the lanner. Seventeen lanner nest sites were studied in northern and central Sicily. Sampling (in 2005)and analysis were carried out for selected OC pesticides and PCB congeners in lanner chick blood (15 chicks from 6 nest sites) and in two of the main lanner prey species, magpie Pica pica (36 individuals from 6 lanner nest sites) and rock dove Columba livia (10 individuals from 2 lanner nest sites). No OC and PC…

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Primi dati sull'ecologia di Xenopus laevis in Sicilia.

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Preliminary data on differences in advertisement calls between two species of Mediterranean green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup)

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Data from: Gene flow in the European coal tit, Periparus ater (Aves: Passeriformes): low among Mediterranean populations but high in a continental contact zone

Extant phylogeographic patterns of Palearctic terrestrial vertebrates are generally believed to have originated from glacial range fragmentation. Post-Pleistocene range expansions have led to the formation of secondary contact zones among genetically distinct taxa. For coal tits (Periparus ater), such a contact zone has been localized in Germany. In this study, we quantified gene flow between Fennoscandian and southern European coal tits using a set of 13 microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE analysis revealed four genetic clusters two of these on Mediterranean islands. German populations were genetically admixed but introgression of southern alleles was evident for Fennoscandian populations. In t…

research product

Selezione sessuale in una popolazione di Rospo smeraldino, Bufo viridis Laurenti, 1768, presente nella Riserva Naturale Orientata di Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicilia).

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Stima della popolazione di Testuggine palustre europea (Emys orbicularis) presente nella Riserva Naturale “Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi” (Sicilia sudoccidentale).

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