Miika Nurminen

ProcMiner: Advancing Process Analysis and Management

This paper contributes both to research and practice on process mining. Previous research on process mining has focused on mining patterns from event log files to generate process models. The process mining approach adopted in this paper is focused on producing patterns about process models, not the models themselves. The approach is demonstrated by ProcMiner -an explorative research prototype for management, consolidating, publishing, retrieving, and analyzing process models. Content-based document clustering is applied to process models represented as XML database in order to find topical groups from models. In practice, organizations face numerous challenges in managing their process mod…

research product

Applying Genre-Based Ontologies to Enterprise Architecture

This paper elaborates the approach of using ontologies as a conceptual base for enterprise architecture (EA) descriptions. The method focuses on recognising and modelling business critical information concepts, their content, and semantics used to operate the business. Communication genres and open and semi-structured information need interviews are used as a domain analysis method. Ontologies aim to explicate the results of domain analysis and to provide a common reference model for Business Information Architecture (BIA) descriptions. The results are generalised to model further aspects of EA. peerReviewed

research product

Java-COM integration with JACOB using XML wrappers

Many Windows-based legacy applications can be programmatically accessed using COM interfaces. However, calling COM components from Java is not straightforward. This report compares four open source Java-COM integration packages. A technique for typesafe Java-COM integration is presented. The technique is based on typesafe COM interface wrappers using jcom, java2com and JACOB libraries. Examples with Microsoft Office applications are presented. XML wrapper and code generator can be bundled with future JACOB releases as an alternative to Jacobgen wrapper generator. nonPeerReviewed

research product

ExtMiner : Combining multiple ranking and clustering algorithms for structured document retrieval

This paper introduces ExtMiner, a platform and potential tool for information management in SMEs (small & medium-size enterprise), or for organizational workgroups. ExtMiner supports interactive and iterative clustering of documents. It provides users with a visual cluster and list views at the same time, supporting iterative search process. ExtMiner may also be applied as a platform for research on retrieval fusion, since it combines search, clustering and visualization algorithms. ExtMiner was evaluated with three document collections. Although the findings were encouraging the user interface and performance with large document repositories need further development. peerReviewed

research product

Use cases for operational decision support system

research product

Status and Prospects of Kanki : An Open Source Cross-Platform Native iRODS Client Application

The current state of development of project Kanki is discussed and some prospects for future development are laid out with reflection on the results of the research IT infrastructure project at the University of Jyväskylä. Kanki is a crossplatform native iRODS client application which was introduced to the iRODS community at the iRODS Users Group Meeting in 2015, and later released as open source. A total of 9 releases have been made, from which the latest 6 have been available in addition to the source code as pre-built binary packages for x86-64 CentOS Linux 6/7 and OS X 10.10+. The Kanki build environment at the University of Jyväskylä is running out of Jenkins continuous integration for…

research product

UCOT: Semiautomatic Generation of Conceptual Models from Use Case Descriptions

This paper describes a prototype of a system to auto matically analyze use cases and create a conceptual model based on the analysis. Grammatical parser and Abbott’s heuristic are used to process the use cases. User can modify the conceptual model by refining entities and relations, as well as roles for the entities. The model can be exported to be further utilized with object oriented analysis or domain specific modeling. The system is evaluated based on the analysis of use cases used to describe the system itself. The quality of models depends essentially on the quality and writing conventions of the use cases. If the use cases are written using subject-predicate-object struc ture and usage…

research product

ITKA111 Oliosuuntautunut analyysi ja suunnittelu

research product

Tiedonlouhinta rakenteisista dokumenteista

Tutkielman kokonaistavoite on vastata tietotulvan tuomiin haasteisiin tiedonlouhinnan tekniikoita käyttäen. Yleisenä tutkimuskohteena on tiedonlouhinta rakenteisista dokumenteista. Täsmällisemmin määriteltynä tutkimusongelma käsittää samaa skeemaa noudattavien XML-dokumenttien klusteroinnin ja tiedonhaun. Lisäksi käsitellään erilaisten haku- ja klusterointitekniikoiden yhdistämisen tuomia mahdollisuuksia dokumenttikokoelmien hahmottamisessa. Teoreettisessa osuudessa käydään läpi erilaisia indeksirakenteita, samanlaisuusmittoja, klusterointialgoritmeja ja hakumenetelmiä. Empiirisessä osuudessa on kehitetty ExtMiner-sovellus, joka tukee hakua, klusterointia ja visualisointia erilaisille XML-d…

research product

Applying Semiautomatic Generation of Conceptual Models to Decision Support Systems Domain

This paper presents a decision support system specification in the form of business use cases and a stereotyped conceptual model based on the specification. The use cases are based on generic user requirements and address cognitive biases. The specification can be used to set fixed and common terms among the project participants. Semiautomatic generation of the conceptual model is demonstrated with mixed results. While there are some shortcomings in the parsing and the result is dependent on the phrasing conventions used in the use cases, the conceptual model highlights the most essential entities in the domain and provides a base for further development phases. peerReviewed

research product

Representation and retrieval of uncertain temporal information in museum databases

research product

Modelling contexts in cross-cultural communication environments

In our research, context is defined as a situation a user has at hand. The focus in our study is on modelling contexts in cross-cultural communication environments. These environments can be physical, virtual or hybrid. Crosscultural communication environment – user – situation is the key triplet in our context research. In our paper we discuss context as a key to situation-specific computing. We introduce our cross-cultural communication context tree and context flow architecture and an example of implementation i.e. Context-Based eAssistant for Cross-Cultural Communication (CeACCC). peerReviewed

research product

Semanttiset verkot ja niiden web-sovellukset

Semanttiset verkot ovat formalismeja tietämyksen esittämiseen. Semanttisia verkkoja on sovellettu asiantuntijajärjestelmissä, luonnollisen kielen käsittelyssä ja muissa tekoälyä hyödyntävissä sovelluksissa. Semanttinen web on joukko teknologioita, joiden tarkoitus on saada WWW:n sisältö ja merkitykset helpommin tietokoneen ymmärrettävään muotoon. Tutkielma selvittää semanttisen webin suhdetta olemassaoleviin tietämystekniikan sovelluksiin erityisesti semanttisten verkkojen näkökulmasta.

research product

Development of a Native Cross-Platform iRODS GUI Client

This paper describes activities on the research IT infrastructure development project at the University of Jyväskylä. The main contribution is a cross-platform iRODS client application with a rich graphical user interface. The client application is fully native and builds from a single C++ codebase on all of the platforms on which iRODS 4.0 is supported. The application has a responsive UI with native look & feel and enables drag & drop integration to the desktop. This is made possible by basing the development of the client application on top of the Qt 5 framework and an object-oriented C++ framework for iRODS which is being developed with the client application. The objectoriented framewo…

research product

Representation and retrieval of uncertain temporal information in museum databases

An implementation-oriented model to represent uncertain temporal information in databases is proposed. Temporal information is presented to the user as anchored time intervals with optional beginning and end dates. The model accounts for both instants and intervals, and can be applied to uncertain dates by leaving days and months optional, or by using symbolic constraints that present additional time granularities. The model is defined using conventional relational database structures to support ease of deployment and integration to legacy systems with efficient query capabilities. The model is based on experiences with an existing museum database and highlights challenges related to tempor…

research product

Online Mathematics With Interactive Concept Maps

There has not been a free and easy-to-use utility to handle both authoring and presentation of large graphs online, especially with mathematical content. On one hand, concept map editors are ideal for authoring graphs, but publishing capabilities may be limited. On the other hand, numerous browsing and layout tools exist for publishing content generated elsewhere. We present a transformation tool Xcm2kg that tries to solve the problem by integrating authoring with IHMC CmapTools to publishing based on TouchGraph. GXL is used as an intermediate format to facilitate interoperability with other graph-based applications. The tool is demonstrated with concept maps drawn on an undergraduate mathe…

research product