Janne Sakari Kotiaho
Vertailutilalla on väliä
Buffer strips can pre-empt extinction debt in boreal streamside habitats
Background. Conservation of biological diversity and economical utilization of natural resources form an almost inevitable confrontation between the two. In practice, however, a balance between the two ought to be found, and in managed boreal forests, preservation of woodland key habitats is increasingly used strategy to safeguard biological diversity. According to the Finnish Forests Act, certain Forest Act habitat (FAH) types must be safeguarded, provided they are clearly distinguishable from their surroundings. Furthermore, once the habitat has been identified as a FAH, its special characteristics must not be altered. Both of these aspects contain ambiguities that potentially undermine t…
Verkostonäkökulma ennallistamiskohteiden valinnassa
Verkostonäkökulma korostuu vahvasti luonnonsuojelun suunnittelussa Suomessa ja maailmalla. Suojelualueita ei voi nähdä yksittäisinä eristyneinä alueina, vaan luonnonsuojelualueiden verkosto ja koko ympäröivä maisema ylläpitävät yhdessä tietyn alueen eliölajistoa. Parhaiden alueiden kytkeytyvyyden varmistamista ja verkostojen ylläpitämistä on myös ehdotettu ratkaisuksi biodiversiteetin säilyttämiselle, kun ilmastonmuutos pakottaa lajeja siirtymään uusille asuinalueille. Verkostonäkökulma kannattaa huomioida myös ennallistamiskohteiden valinnassa – mikä ei kuitenkaan ole yksiselitteistä ja helppoa. nonPeerReviewed
Exposing ecological and economic costs of the research-implementation gap and compromises in decision making
The frequently discussed gap between conservation science and practice is manifest in the gap between spatial conservation prioritization plans and their implementation. We analyzed the research-implementation gap of one zoning case by comparing results of a spatial prioritization analysis aimed at avoiding ecological impact of peat mining in a regional zoning process with the final zoning plan. We examined the relatively complex planning process to determine the gaps among research, zoning, and decision making. We quantified the ecological costs of the differing trade-offs between ecological and socioeconomic factors included in the different zoning suggestions by comparing the landscape-l…
Ekologisen kompensaation määrittämisen tärkeät operatiiviset päätökset
Correcting species richness hotspots for latitudinal gradients: a new method
Mate choice or polyandry: reconciling genetic compatibility and good genes sexual selection
Sexual selection for good genes is based on the assumption that ‘good genes’ are equally good for all females. In contrast, selection for genetic compatibility is based on the assumption that offspring viability will depend on the interaction between male and female genotypes, and hence one male may not be good for all females. Here we present a simple model to examine the relationship between the genetic compatibility hypothesis and good genes sexual selection. We examine the circumstances under which selection arising from genetic compatibility will favour an increase in the number of males a female mates with. Our model shows that if there is some cost of mating, then some form of sperm …
Restoration priorities and strategies : Restoration to protect biodiversity and enhance Green Infrastructure : Nordic examples of priorities and needs for strategic solutions
Soidensuojelutyöryhmän ehdotus soidensuojelun täydentämiseksi
Metsälain erityisen tärkeiden elinympäristöjen kartoituksen laadun ja luotettavuuden analyysi
Female Oviposition Decisions and Their Impact on Progeny Life-History Traits
An important factor affecting the life-history of an organism is parental investment in reproduction: reproductive decisions are almost invariably costly. Therefore, reproductive decisions should be beneficial in terms of increased offspring number or fitness. For example, egg laying decisions in many insects can influence resource availability of the offspring through changes in the larval density, and resource availability will have effects on many life-history traits. Here we studied whether female reproductive decisions affect offspring fitness in Callosobruchus maculatus seed beetles. Females laid more eggs on black-eye beans than on mung beans. However, when the difference in the surf…
Ravinnetason ja ojituksen vaikutus suokasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuteen ja lajikoostumukseen
Lajistollisessa monimuotoisuudessa on havaittavissa ajallista ja paikallista vaihtelua, joka on jo vuosisatojen ajan innoittanut ekologeja selvittämään lajirikkauden määrittäviä tekijöitä. Muun muassa pinta-alan, elinympäristön heterogeenisyyden, energian ja resurssien saatavuuden sekä erilaisten häiriöiden on havaittu vaikuttavan lajistolliseen monimuotoisuuteen. Osa monimuotoisuuteen vaikuttavista prosesseista on yhä huonosti tunnettuja, ja yksittäisen tekijän vaikutusta voi olla vaikea tulkita, sillä eri tekijät ovat keskenään vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää suokasvillisuusyhteisöjen avulla, vaikuttavatko resurssit tai häiriö (1) yhteisön lajimäärään (alfa…
Ongelmakohtia kuolleen puun ylläpidossa nykyisissä metsäekosysteemeissä
Are habitat loss, predation risk and climate related to the drastic decline in a Siberian flying squirrel population? A 15 year study
To devise effective conservation actions, it is important to know which factors are associated with the population parameters of a declining population. Using mark–recapture methods, we estimated the annual population size, growth rate and survival probability of an ear-tagged flying squirrel population over a 15-year period in a 4,500 ha study area in western Finland. The species is considered vulnerable, but detailed knowledge concerning population sizes or trends is lacking. The population parameters and changes therein were regressed against habitat availability, an indicator of predation pressure, and mean winter temperature (an indicator of climate change), to reveal potential reasons…
Quantitative genetic correlation between trait and preference supports a sexually selected sperm process
Sperm show patterns of rapid and divergent evolution that are characteristic of sexual selection. Sperm competition has been proposed as an important selective agent in the evolution of sperm morphology. However, several comparative analyses have revealed evolutionary associations between sperm length and female reproductive tract morphology that suggest patterns of male–female coevolution. In the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, males with short sperm have a fertilization advantage that depends on the size of the female’s sperm storage organ, the spermatheca; large spermathecae select for short sperm. Sperm length is heritable and is genetically correlated with male condition. Here we repor…
Ennallistettujen metsien seuranta
The Good-Genes and Compatible-Genes Benefits of Mate Choice
Genetic benefits from mate choice could be attained by choosing mates with high heritable quality (“good genes”) and that are genetically compatible (“compatible genes”). We clarify the conceptual and empirical framework for estimating genetic benefits of mate choice, stressing that benefits must be measured from offspring fitness because there are no unequivocal surrogates for genetic quality of individuals or for compatibility of parents. We detail the relationship between genetic benefits and additive and nonadditive genetic variance in fitness, showing that the benefits have been overestimated in previous verbal treatments. We point out that additive benefits readily arise from nonaddit…
Seksuaalivalinta ja seksuaalisten signaalien rehellisyys
Minkä vuoksi koiraat mainostavat itseään naaraille henkensä kaupalla? Miksi huijaaminen ei onnistu, ja mitä naaraat itse asiassa hakevat arvioidessaan ja valitessaan pariutumiskumppania? peerReviewed
Suojavyöhykkeen leveyden ja muodostumisajan vaikutus erityisen tärkeiden puroelinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuteen
Voimajohtoaukeiden raivauksen merkitys soiden päiväperhosille ja kasvillisuudelle
A link between heritable parasite resistance and mate choice in dung beetles
Parasites play a central role in the adaptiveness of sexual reproduction. Sexual selection theory suggests a role for parasite resistance in the context of mate choice, but the evidence is mixed. The parasite-mediated sexual selection (PMSS) hypothesis derives a number of predictions, among which that resistance to parasites is heritable, and that female choice favors parasite resistance genes in males. Here, we tested the PMSS hypothesis using the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, a species that can be heavily parasitized by Macrocheles merdarius mites, which are known to affect adult survival. We investigated the heritability of resistance to M. merdarius, as well as whether female O. tauru…
Sexual differences in metabolic rates of spiders
Changes in pore water quality after peatland restoration: Assessment of a large¿scale, replicated Before-After-Control-Impact study in Finland
Drainage is known to affect peatland natural hydrology and water quality, but peatland restoration is considered to ameliorate peatland degradation. Using a replicated BACIPS (Before-After-Control-Impact Paired Series) design, we investigated 24 peatlands, all drained for forestry and subsequently restored, and 19 pristine control boreal peatlands with high temporal and spatial resolution data on hydroclimate and pore water quality. In drained conditions, total nitrogen (Ntot), total phosphorus (Ptot), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore water were several-fold higher than observed at pristine control sites, highlighting the impacts of long-term drainage on pore water quality. In gen…
Ennallistamispolttojen ja lahopuun lisäyksen merkitys kovakuoriaislajistolle
Ennallistettujen soiden päiväperhosseurantaverkosto
Ekosysteemin ennallistamisen ja luonnonhoidon ekologia
Species richness and abundance of butterflies in natural and drained mires in Finland
[Introduction] Approximately half of Finnish peatlands have been drained for forestry. However, there is considerable variation regionally, and in particular in southern southern half of Finland ca 80-90 % of the original mire area has been ditched. Drainage was most intensive in 1960s and 1970s, but ditching has gradually decreased since that. Drainage has extensive effects on flora and fauna of mire habitats (Laine & al. 1995b, Aapala & Lappalainen 1998a, Aapala & Lappalainen 1998b, Vasander 1998, Heikkilä & al. 2002). Restoration of drained mires has began relatively recently and the research based knowledge of the ecological effects of the restoration are still forthcoming. Nevertheless…
Metsälain tarkoittamien erityisen tärkeiden puroelinympäristöjen merkitys epifyyttisammal- ja kääpälajistolle
Temperature-dependent mutational robustness can explain faster molecular evolution at warm temperatures, affecting speciation rate and global patterns of species diversity
Distribution of species across the Earth shows strong latitudinal and altitudinal gradients with the number of species decreasing with declining temperatures. While these patterns have been recognized for well over a century, the mechanisms generating and maintaining them have remained elusive. Here, we propose a mechanistic explanation for temperature-dependent rates of molecular evolution that can influence speciation rates and global biodiversity gradients. Our hypothesis is based on the effects of temperature and temperature-adaptation on stability of proteins and other catalytic biomolecules. First, due to the nature of physical forces between biomolecules and water, stability of biomo…
Ennallistettujen metsien seuranta
Suojavyöhykkeet, kulotus ja lahopuun tuotto - vaikutukset monimuotoisuuden säilyttämiseen
Metsälain tavoitteena on edistää metsien taloudellista, ekologista ja sosiaalista hoitoa ja käyttöä niin, että metsät antavat kestävästi hyvän tuoton biologista monimuotoisuutta säilyttäen. Kestävän käytön ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilymisen yhteensovittamisesta ei kuitenkaan ole riittävästi tutkimustietoa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään eri metsänkäsittelytapojen vaikutuksia metsälain nojalla suojeltujen purojen ja norojen ominaispiirteiden säilymiseen sekä toimenpiteiden metsätaloudellista kannattavuutta. nonPeerReviewed
Metsäojituksen ja ennallistamisen vaikutukset suokasvillisuuteen Seitsemisen kansallispuistossa
Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitiin Seitsemisen kansallispuiston ennallistetuilta ja luonnontilaisilta soilta kerättyä kasvillisuusnäytealaseurannan aineistoa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia vaikutuksia metsäojituksella on ollut soiden kasvillisuuteen ja onko ennallistamalla onnistuttu korjaamaan noin 30 vuoden ojituskauden aikana tapahtuneita muutoksia. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto kerättiin 4:ltä luonnontilaisille sekä 14:ltä ojitetuille ja myöhemmin ennallistetuille soille sijoitetulta näytealalta. Ojitettujen soiden kenttä- ja pohjakerroksen kasvillisuus inventoitiin ensimmäisen kerran kunkin suon ennallistamisen aikoihin (noin 30 vuotta ojittamisen jälkeen) ja toisen kerran 1-1…
Paljonko tosiaan on paljon?
Major difference in minor allometries: a reply to Moczek
By comparing alternative measurements of horn length in the beetle Onthophagus taurus, we have investigated why scaling patterns differ between laboratories. We show that some measurements are confounded by including part of the head in the horn size measurement and consistently underestimate the allometry of horns in minor males. Our data show how linear measures that avoid confounding horn length with head size produce scaling patterns that support a positive allometry rather than a reprogramming model of horn growth. We also found horn volume was highly positively allometric this estimate of growth therefore further supports a positive allometry model. peerReviewed
Multi-functionality and sustainability in the European Union’s forests
Aggregating protected habitats embraces implicit habitat conservation triage
On effective biodiversity conservation, sustainability of bioeconomy, and honesty of the Finnish forest policy
Do allopatric male Calopteryx virgo damselflies learn species recognition?
There is a growing amount of empirical evidence that premating reproductive isolation of two closely related species can be reinforced by natural selection arising from avoidance of maladaptive hybridization. However, as an alternative for this popular reinforcement theory, it has been suggested that learning to prefer conspecifics or to discriminate heterospecifics could cause a similar pattern of reinforced premating isolation, but this possibility is much less studied. Here, we report results of a field experiment in which we examined (i) whether allopatric Calopteryx virgo damselfly males that have not encountered heterospecific females of the congener C. splendens initially show discri…
Finnish forest act as a conservation tool in protecting boreal springs and associated brypohyte flora
Crystalline wax coverage of the imaginal cuticule in Calopteryx splendens (Odonata: Calopterygidae)
In this study we use high resolution SEM to describe the diversity of wax crystals and their distribution on different morphological structures in male individuals of Calopteryx splendens. The entire cuticle surface of this damselfly, with the exception of ommatidia and ocelli, is covered with crystalline wax in dimensions from submicron to micron range. It is shown that shape – rod-like, plate like, filamentous, etc. –, size, and density of crystals vary on different surfaces and in individuals of different ages. Additionally, we demonstrate different types of damage to the crystalline wax layer: scratches, compressions, wear, and contamination. The primary function of the wax crystalline …
Interspecific interactions influence contrasting spatial genetic structures in two closely related damselfly species
Spatial genetic structure (SGS) is largely determined by colonization history, landscape and ecological characteristics of the species. Therefore, sympatric and ecologically similar species are expected to exhibit similar SGSs, potentially enabling prediction of the SGS of one species from that of another. On the other hand, due to interspecific interactions, ecologically similar species could have different SGSs. We explored the SGSs of the closely related Calopteryx splendens and Calopteryx virgo within Finland and related the genetic patterns to characteristics of the sampling localities. We observed different SGSs for the two species. Genetic differentiation even within short distances …
Fifteen operationally important decisions in the planning of biodiversity offsets
Many development projects, whether they are about construction of factories, mines, roads, railways, new suburbs, shopping malls, or even individual houses, have negative environmental consequences. Biodiversity offsetting is about compensating that damage, typically via habitat restoration, land management, or by establishment of new protected areas. Offsets are the fourth step of the so-called mitigation hierarchy, in which ecological damage is first avoided, minimized second, and third restored locally. Whatever residual damage remains is then offset. Offsetting has been increasingly adopted all around the world, but simultaneously serious concerns are expressed about the validity of the…
From a crisis discipline towards prognostic conservation practise : an argument for setting aside degraded habitats
Elinympäristöjen tilan edistäminen Suomessa : ELITE-työryhmän mietintö elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen priorisointisuunnitelmaksi ja arvio suunnitelman kokonaiskustannuksista
Kestävä luonnonvarojen käyttö on perusta sekä ihmisen että luonnon hyvinvoinnille. Tähän mietintöön on koottu Elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen (ELITE) työryhmän työn tulokset. Työ edistää osaltaan luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyyttä antamalla suuntaviivoja luonnon monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen Suomen metsissä, soilla, perinnebiotoopeilla, maatalousalueilla, kallioilla, tuntureilla sekä rannikolla. Osin tarkastelussa mukana olivat myös kaupunkiympäristöt ja sisävedet. Varsinaisen tarkastelun ulkopuolelle jätettiin rannikkovesien ulkopuoliset meret. Elinympäristöjen tilan edistämisen toimenpiteet voivat käsittää suojelua, luonnonhoitoa tai perinteisellä tavalla ymmärrettyä ennallistamista. To…
Lähteikköjen ennallistamistarve - kasviyhteistöjen ja ympäristön rakenteen tarkastelu
Endurance in excercise is associated with courtship call rate in decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus
Question: Is sexual signalling (courtship call rate) determined by physiological fitness (energy metabolism at rest), endurance during physically demanding activity, an aspect of immune defence (lytic activity) or body mass? Organism: Pedigree laboratory population of decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus). Methods: Behavioural trial of male courtship call rate and measurements of males’ physiological performance. Covariance analysis exploring the determinants of courtship call rate. Results: We found that endurance was strongly positively associated with the courtship call rate. However, neither the lytic activity nor the resting metabolic rate correlated with courtship call rate. Toget…
Ekologisia näkökulmia monimuotoisuuden turvaamisessa valtakunnallisesti ja alueellisesti
Effects of management and restoration on forest biodiversity: an experimental approach
To conserve biodiversity of boreal forests, many management and restoration actions have been undertaken during the last decades. However, research based knowledge about the impacts of the currently used practices are yet largely unavailable. Here we introduce two large scale experiments on the impacts of forest management and restoration on biodiversity of boreal forests. In the first experiment we concentrate on the effects of prescribed burning on species richness of two species groups, which are known to be largely dependent on the amount and quality of decaying wood: saproxylic beetles and polypore fungi. In the second experiment, we study the immediate surroundings of small forest bro…
Ojituksen ja ennallistamisen aiheuttamat muutokset kasvilajistossa ja –yhteisöissä
Kasvien ja päiväperhosten esiintyminen luonnontilaisilla ja ojitetuilla soilla
Are woodland key habitats biodiversity hotspots in boreal forests?
Background: The concept of Woodland Key Habitats (WKH, small-scaled presumed hotspots of biodiversity) has become an essential component of forest management in Fennoscandian and Baltic countries. There have been debates over the importance of WKHs in relation to production forests, and several research projects have focused on differences in biodiversity between the two. Results have been contradictory, and thus there is a need to summarize and clarify the existing knowledge. - Objectives: Our objective was to summarize knowledge on comparisons of several biodiversity qualities between WKHs and production forests in relevant countries i.e. the countries where WKH concept has been implement…