Sanna Valtonen

Anticipation as Platform Power : The Temporal Structuring of Digital Everyday Life

This article explores anticipation as a temporal structure in digital platforms. It contributes to the growing research of platformisation of everyday life by focusing on temporality as a central dimension of platform power, a key mechanism tying participants by structuring intimacies, socialities, and relations that platforms enable and engender. The article shows how the temporality of foreboding, prospecting and speculating about one’s own and other’s social media presence and actions permeates the user experience. Studying media diaries and interviews with participants from different social and occupational groups (politicians, actors, the unemployed, undocumented migrants), the article…

research product

A bridge over troubled water? Celebrities in journalism connecting implicit and institutional politics

This article looks empirically into how audience members evaluate celebrities in journalism; whether and how celebrities help them to envisage their relationship to politics and media and consequently regard themselves as citizens. The analysis generates a broad and audience-based understanding of celebrities in nine focus group discussions, wherein more than 50 citizens in Finland discussed their favourite celebrities. The discussions revealed three interpretative frames explaining what the celebrities represent to the participants: normative, critical and alternative. In the first two, the groups impose a critical view on celebrities, whereas only the latter one comes close to the optimi…

research product

Tactics of invisibility : How people in vulnerable positions make datafied everyday life livable

Various data platforms force the individual into constant presence and visibility. However, the ways in which datafied environments relate to experienced vulnerabilities in our everyday lives remain unclear. Through diaries produced by and interviews with participants from three groups who occupy presumably vulnerable positions and who currently live in Finland, we explore the ways in which people challenge expectations and prior assumptions related to forced visibility. Using the concept of tactics developed by de Certeau, we aim to understand how individuals make everyday surveillance culture livable through what we call tactics of invisibility. Based on our analysis, we identify three k…

research product

"Tilaa sille lukemiselle" : opettaja 5.-6.-luokkalaisen lukuharrastuksen tukijana

research product

Haavoittuvuuden kudelmat : digitaalinen subjekti ja haavoittuvuus datavetoista yhteiskuntaa käsittelevässä tutkimuskirjallisuudessa

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sitä, millaisia merkityksiä haavoittuvuudelle on annettu datavetoista yhteiskuntaa ja digitaalista subjektia koskevassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa. Artikkeli perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, joka on tehty vuosina 2015–2020 ilmestyneistä haavoittuvuutta datafikaation kontekstissa käsittelevistä tieteellisistä julkaisuista. Kirjallisuushaut tehtiin yhteiskuntatieteiden alojen keskeisistä tietokannoista ja digitaalisista kirjastoista. Hakujen pohjalta tutkimuskirjallisuus järjestettiin neljään teemakokonaisuuteen: 1) datavalvonnan tuottamat haavoittuvuudet, 2) data tietämisen tapana ja osallisuutena, 3) digitaalisten subjektien kategorisointi ja näkyvyyden säätely sek…

research product

Liikuttaako liikunnan itsearviointi? : itsearviointimenetelmien kokeilu ala-asteen liikuntakasvatuksessa

research product