M. Manno

In spermatozoa collected after pellet swim up, when total dna fragmentation is higher than 15%, the normal morphologically spermatozoa population shows an increased dna damage

Study question: We investigated the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) in motile normal morphologically spermatozoa comparing samples with total DFI < 15% Vs ≥ 15% collected after pellet swim up Summary answer: In the case of DFI ≥15% the percentage of normal morphologically spermatozoa with fragmented DNA is significantly higher than the population with DFI < 15% What is known already: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is widely used in the treatment of male infertility. Only morphologically normal spermatozoa are mainly used by embryologists to fertilize an oocyte. Different papers have reported that spermatozoa with apparently normal morphology may have DNA fragmentation. These ev…

research product

Setting the basis for the study of intermediate conformers of human neuroserpin by Double Electron Electron Resonance

The Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER) is an innovative technique that allows to measure the distance distribution between two spin labels within a range of 2-8 nm. This technique does not require crystalline samples, thus it is possible to determine the position of two different spin labelled domains of intrinsically flexible macromolecular systems. Our idea is to determinate the structural details of the intermediate conformers of human neuroserpin (hNS) by DEER. hNS is a protein that in the native state is folded in a metastable conformation. In particular conditions, hNS can either adopt a more stable conformation with the reactive centre loop (RCL) inserted into a β-sheet (laten…

research product

On the molecular structure of human neuroserpin polymers. Coagulation, fragmentation and latentization control serpin aggregation

The polymerization of serpins is at the root of a large class of diseases; the molecular structure of serpin polymers has been recently debated. In this work, we study the polymerization kinetics of human neuroserpin by Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy and by time-lapse Size Exclusion Chromatography. First, we show that two distinct neuroserpin polymers, formed at 45 and 85 °C, display the same isosbestic points in the Amide I band, and therefore share common secondary structure features. We also find a concentration independent polymerization rate at 45 °C suggesting that the polymerization rate limiting step is the formation of an activated monomeric species. The polymer structure…

research product

Role of repulsive interaction on the fibrillogenesis of hen egg-white lysozyme

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Protein diffusion, stability and activity in crowded media

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Fibrillogenesis of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme at acid pH

research product

Il marxismo come teoria contro natura, ovvero come pedagogia. L'approdo in terra Karoli del Personalismo critico

Il contributo cerca di illuminare le fonti marxiane della teoresi di Mario Manno.

research product

Contributory presentations/posters

research product

Role of electrostatic interactions in the fibrillogenesis of lysozyme

research product

A new strategy in selecting oocytes using cumulus cells analysis of specific molecules of the apoptotic pathway, according to the ability to reach blastocyst stage.

Study question: The aim of the research was to investigate the apoptosis rate of individual cumulus cell–oocyte complexes (COC), associated to the level of p-Akt, to verify the difference between oocytes who produce embryos able to reach the blastocyst stage compared with embryos arrested during the in vitro colture. Summary answer: It was demonstrated that DNA fragmentation in cumulus cells was remarkably lower in patients who achieved a pregnancy after ICSI cycles, related to the quality of oocytes and embryos. Akt pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of cell survival, and most growth factors activate this pathway. What is known already: Studies on oocyte maturation have shown …

research product

Preferential solvatation of TFE in lysozyme: a luminescence study

research product