Edoardo Scalici
Attività di verifica in ambito di invalidità civile. Esperienza della Commissione Medica di Verifica di Palermo
Gli autori analizzano l'esperienza della Commissione Periferica di invalidità Civile della Provincia di Palermo, specificatamente in ordine alle patologie cronico-degenerative
Two cases of intra-pericardic dissection in Turner's syndrome women
Turner's syndrome is a genetic partial or complete monosomy of sexual chromosome X; therefore women affected by Turner's syndrome have 45 (XO) caryotype. In 15% of the cases Trner's syndrome is associated with cardiac congenital malformations, the most frequent anomalies are the aortic coartaction and the defect of interventricular septum. The authors introduce two cases of deceased women affected by Turner's syndrome caused by intrapericardic dissection of the ascending aorta.
Injury Evaluation in Teenage Cyclist-Vehicle Crash by Multibody Simulation
Information on impact locations, impact situations and cyclist and pedestrian dynamics in impacts with passenger cars is fundamental for the development of effective solutions to improve cyclist and pedestrian protection. Accidentology research shows that cyclists typically have a higher impact location than the pedestrian, with a larger share of injuries from the windscreen area. Majority of accidents in Palermo, in the last years, happens at urban street (84%) that involve teenager (6.4%). In this paper simulation study captures dynamics and injuries to head and chest for teenager between a generic bicycle and a car model that is suitable for pedestrian or cyclist safety. Multibody simula…
An unusual case of seat belt syndrome
Seat belt syndrome refers to a constellation of injuries associated with sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure in vehicle occupants wearing seat-belts; this work aimes to stress a particular pattern of perineal lesions in a rear passenger wearing seat belt.
Occupational Diseases: Asbestosis and Mesothelioma in Forensic Practice
Diagnosis of occupational diseases, a strong collaboration between radiologic and clinical features with related occupational history and literature supporting, and an association between the exposure and the disease process are requested. Further pathological findings emerging at biopsy or autopsy, which are considered ancillary examination techniques, may assist in the judgment related to causal chain reconstruction.
A Particular Case of suicide Committed With a Double-Barreled Shotgun
Medico legal procedures related to sexual assault: a 10-year retrospective experience of a Daphne protocol application
Background: Sexual assault is a worldwide problem that has not yet been sufficiently acknowledged as confirmed by the literature. Italian law n.96, 1996, foreseeing norms regarding rape and sexual abuse, finally gave significant relevance to sex crimes. In 2004, the European Commission for Justice Internal Affairs and Social Politics promoted the Daphne II program to support victims of rape and abuse, and the Violence and Operative Healthcare Networks (Ve.R.S.O.) project started at the Policlinico âP. Giacconeâ University Hospital of Palermo in 2006. Aim: data analysis emerging from 10 years experience of Daphne protocol utilization for the management of sexual assault victims. Methods:…
A fatal iatrogenic right vertebral injury after transoral odontoidectomy and posterior cervical stabilization for a type II odontoid fracture.
Abstract The authors present a singular case of an iatrogenic right vertebral artery injury, involving a 67 year-old man, who reported a type II odontoid fracture (Anderson and D'Alonzo Classification) and posterior atlantoaxial dislocation following a road traffic accident. A small injury involving the right vertebral artery occurred as a consequence of transoral odontoidectomy and posterior cervical stabilization. It was caused by bone spicules of spinal origin and their presence was confirmed by the histological section of the right vertebral artery at the level of C1–C2. The case confirms how iatrogenic vertebral artery injuries during cervical spine surgery may be potentially lethal, e…
La sindrome da rivascolarizzazione (SR) comprende un insieme di eventi metabolici ed emodinamici che insorgono in un arto rivascolarizzato dopo un periodo più o meno lungo di ischemia, caratterizzata da specifiche manifestazioni cliniche sia a livello locale che sistemico. Riportiamo qui di seguito un caso di SR occorsa in una giovane donna di anni 20 con Sindrome di Turner e tiroidite autoimmune la quale veniva sottoposta ad intervento di giuntopieloplastica sinistra Robot assistita, poiché affetta da stenosi del medesimo giunto ed idronefrosi sinistra.
Biomechanics Parameters in the Vehicle-Cyclist Crash with Accident Analysis in Palermo
The vehicle-bicyclist impact is studied in this paper. After analysis of the accidents in Palermo in the last years, the multibody simulation of the crash is executed by making use of Visual Nastran. Dummy, car and bicycle are those used in previous works. The attention is on a teenage cyclist, because the data on this argument are found in literature with difficulty. The impact is simulated at four different speeds until 50 km/h, with three different positions of the cyclist relative to the vehicle: frontal, side and rear. In particular the injury of the head is analyzed using the parameter HIC and the chest injury is analyzed by 3 ms criterion; the likelihood AIS 4+ is calculated, conclud…
A particular case of suicide committed with a double barreled shotgun
Self-injuries are some of the most frequently causes of death in youth; suicides has been reported as the second or third most common cause of death in children and adolescents worldwide. The autors describe a particular case of suicide of a 17-year-old-boy, who was found dead on the floor of his bedroom with a large shogun contact wound on his head.
Work's discomfort among the nurse profession; the burn-out syndrome
The health care assistance doesn't mean only a productive work based on technology use, but is also involving the woeker's identity, feelings and emotions, towards a satisfaction of relation with customer. Neverthless, the relation between health care worker and customer can harm wich is devoted to this relation. The burn-out is a pathological condition related to work set, characterized by three dimensions: emotional worn out, absence of personality and work implementation. The authors show the results of a study performed on 100 nurses and deputy professionals of two Sicilian hospitals, where a Maslach Burn-Out Inventory (MBI) test was supplied by two nurses coordinators.
L'evirazione come rito simbolico negli omicidi di mafia: 2 casi di personale valutazione
Homicide or suicide? An unusual death of a man suspected of sexual harassment in family context
The authors describe a case of a man found carbonized in a burnt car. The man was suspected of sexual harassment in family context. Forensic exhamination helped to distinguish between homicide and suicide hypothesis.
Gli strumenti di valutazione delle difficoltà persistenti a svolgere i compiti e le funzioni dell'età nel minore
La valutazione del minore in ambito previdenziale ed assistenziale richiede una adeguato apporto multidisciplinare ed approccio interdisciplinare, di ordine clinico e psico-sociale; gli strumenti operativi di cui la scienza medica può dotarsi sono molteplici, ma nel contesto medico legale è soprattutto la valutazione secondo le direttive dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della sanità, nella recente codifica ICF (Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento, della Disabilità e della salute, Erikson ed.2001) nella versione YC, a fornire gli odierni strumenti di valutazione a supporto delle Commissioni Medico Legali.
Violence against women in heterosexual couples: A review of psychological and medico-legal considerations.
Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is the most pervasive violation of women’s rights worldwide, causing devastating lifelong damage. Victims can suffer physical, emotional or mental health problems, and experience detrimental effects in social, psychological and relational health with their families, especially children. Due to the complexity regarding violence against women in heterosexual couples, it is important to make a clear distinction between psychological and physical mistreatment, which also includes psychological violence. This differentiation is important in determining different emotional and psychological aspects of mistreatment in order to understand the reasons …