D. Amicizia

COVID-19: opinions and behavior of Italian general population during the first epidemic phase

Background and aim: On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that Chinese health authorities had identified a new coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans, the 2019-nCoV later redefined SARS-CoV-2, that still today represent a public health problem. The present survey started on 10 February 2020 with the aim of a) assessing the risk perception in healthcare workers and young students, following the evolution of attitudes, perception and knowledge over time, b) provide useful information to the general population during survey. Results: A study sample consisting of 4116 Italian in-dividuals of both sexes was enrolled. High levels of risk perception, low perc…

research product

Vaccinazioni: stato dell’arte, falsi miti e prospettive. Il ruolo chiave della prevenzione.

La pratica vaccinale in Italia è organizzativamente incardinata all’interno del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) e nei Servizi Sanitari Regionali (SSR). I luoghi “classici” in cui viene effettuata la procedura/prestazione vaccinale sono i servizi di vaccinazione della Aziende Sanitarie Locali (ASL) o Provinciali (ASP) delle varie Regioni.

research product

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) of the introduction of influenza vaccination for Italian children with Fluenz Tetra®


research product

Antimeningococcal and antipneumococcal vaccination determinants: A European systematic literature review

Background. ESCULAPIO is a multicenter project, funded by the Italian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, aimed at implementing communication strategies to improve vaccination knowledge and attitudes among different target populations. Objective. The objective of the Sicilian research unit was, in the first phase, to identify, through systematic literature revision, which vaccination determinants play a role in the uptake of recommended vaccines included in the Italian Vaccination Plan. Design. A systematic literature review was carried out on studies describing the determinants underlying pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccination uptake. The analysis was limited to papers published…

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