Pierre Piégay
Monnaie, État et Production : apports et limites de l'approche néo-chartaliste.
La dollarisation de certaines economies, la creation de l’euro ou la question de l’independance des banques centrales soulevent des interrogations centrees sur le privilege de "battre monnaie". A cet egard, la these neo-chartaliste, qui developpe l’analyse initiee par Knapp, merite une attention toute particuliere puisqu’elle aborde specifiquement les liens entre monnaie et Etat. En effet, elle etablit d’une part un lien entre fiscalite et acceptation collective de la monnaie, et entre fiscalite et emission monetaire d’autre part. Nous presentons dans ce texte les apports et les limites du neo-chartalisme.
Teorías monetarias poskeynesianas: una aproximación de la escuela francesa
Este texto es una presentación sintética de las características esenciales de las teorías monetarias poskeynesianas. Deseamos mostrar que, en el marco institucional actual, éstas constituyen una herramienta útil para aprehender el funcionamiento de nuestras economías monetarias. Al descomponer las relaciones entre las esferas financiera y productiva, los poskeynesianos justifican la necesidad de promover una regulación monetaria y financiera. En el análisis se ve con claridad que la política monetaria no debe estar exclusivamente dedicada a la lucha contra la inflación, además de que el gran desentendimiento del Estado no deja exenta de riesgos a la estabilidad del sistema en su totalidad.
From 2009 to 1929
The current and still unfolding crisis of our economic system shows disturbing resemblances to the Great Depression in terms of magnitude, triggering mechanisms, and curative public interventions. This paper compares the experience, mechanisms, and consequences of these two crises in light of the analysis of Fisher, Keynes, and Minsky. This analysis proves very useful for understanding the triggering mechanisms of the current crisis, as well as its propagation mechanisms. It also addresses two dilemmas within the debate about the curative as well as preventive measures for getting out of the crisis and avoiding a new disaster: the dilemma of monetary activism and that of liquidity.
Inflation and the Circuit of Income
This timely book uses cutting-edge research to analyse the fundamental causes of economic and financial crises, and illustrates the macroeconomic foundations required for future economic policymaking in order to avoid these crises.
Monnaie, état et production : une lecture critique de l'approche néo-chartaliste.
Dollarisation, EMU or the question of central banks' independence raise questions centeredon the privilege of minting money. In this perspective, it seems important to studyNeochartalism, in so far as it extends the analysis initiated by Knapp, and investigatesspecifically the links between money and the State. This text is a critical analysis, based onboth historical and theoretical arguments. Neochartalism first assumes that there is a linkbetween fiscal policy and the collective acceptability of money. However, as argued byAglietta and Orlean, focusing exclusively on the power of the State to impose taxes does notseems sufficient to appraise all of this phenomenon's characteristics. When…