Javier Fernández Feijoo
Implants in disabled patients: a review and update
The range of indications for dental implants has broadened enormously owing to their predictability and the im - provement of patient satisfaction in terms of stability, comfort, aesthetics and functionality. The aim of this article is to review those indications in patients with mental or physical disabilities as the difficulty to cope with oral hygiene often leads to teeth extraction, adding edentulousness to the impairments already present. Following that goal, available literature in Pubmed database, Scopus, Web of Knowledge and The Cochrane Library database about dental implants placement in these patients has been reviewed, assessing the variables of each study: number of patients, se…
Valor predictivo de la candidiasis oral como marcador de evolución a SIDA
Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la candidiasis oral (CO) como marcador clinico de evolucion en los pacientes infectados por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Diseno del estudio: En 1992, se efectuo una exploracion oral a un colectivo de 200 pacientes infectados por VIH, con una edad media de 36,8'}7 anos (rango 25-46 anos) para establecer el diagnostico de CO. Se registraron las variables edad, sexo, tiempo de evolucion de la enfermedad, conducta de riesgo, numero de linfocitos CD4/'ÊL, estadio clinico y tratamiento antirretroviral. De los 200 pacientes del grupo de estudio, 157 no cumplian criterios de SIDA en el momento de la exploracion basal y a estos se les efectuo un seguimi…
In Vivo Antiplaque Effect of Three Edible Toothpastes
Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyse the antibacterial and antiplaque activity of three edible toothpastes with the widest worldwide distribution: KidScents™, which contains essential oils; Browning B&B™,, with medicinal plants; and Wysong Probiodent™, which contains probiotics. Study Design: The study group was formed of twenty healthy volunteers (dental students) with a good oral health status. Using a balanced randomisation system, all volunteers performed toothbrushing with four products (the three edible toothpastes and water) at intervals of one week. Bacterial vitality in the saliva was analysed by epifluorescence microscopy and plaque regrowth was evaluated using t…