Pedro Diz Dios

Pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana, recomendadas por los odontólogos en España

El propósito del presente estudio fue conocer las pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana (EB) recomendadas por los odontólogos en España. Se preguntó a través de una llamada telefónica, cuál era el régimen profiláctico que se debía administrar a un paciente de riesgo de EB antes de someterse a una exodoncia. La información se obtuvo de 400 odontólogos seleccionados aleatoriamente y distribuidos por todo el territorio español. A 200 se les preguntó sobre la pauta recomendada en pacientes no alérgicos a la penicilina y, a los 200 restantes, sobre la aplicada en los alérgicos a la penicilina.Del total de encuestados, 182 (45,5%) no sugirieron ningún régimen profiláctico, d…

research product

Simulation for training in oral cancer biopsy: a surgical model and feedback from GDPs

Objectives: To describe a new bench model for oral precancer/cancer biopsy training and to assess its effectiveness in terms of trainees' perception. Study design: Cross-sectional, descriptive, performed on 424 general dental practitioners (GDP) who undertook biopsies on a pig tongue. The participants were assessed by direct observation for 2.5 hours using specific check- lists and by means of a self-applied questionnaire. Results: The workshop was perceived as "very interesting" even by those with previous surgical experience (Xi - Xj = 0.07; 95%CI= -0.20-0.09). Most GDPs considered themselves able to undertake oral biopsies on real patients after the workshop. Those who had previously rec…

research product

Valor predictivo de la candidiasis oral como marcador de evolución a SIDA

Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la candidiasis oral (CO) como marcador clinico de evolucion en los pacientes infectados por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Diseno del estudio: En 1992, se efectuo una exploracion oral a un colectivo de 200 pacientes infectados por VIH, con una edad media de 36,8'}7 anos (rango 25-46 anos) para establecer el diagnostico de CO. Se registraron las variables edad, sexo, tiempo de evolucion de la enfermedad, conducta de riesgo, numero de linfocitos CD4/'ÊL, estadio clinico y tratamiento antirretroviral. De los 200 pacientes del grupo de estudio, 157 no cumplian criterios de SIDA en el momento de la exploracion basal y a estos se les efectuo un seguimi…

research product

Oral health status in patients with moderate-severe and terminal renal failure.

Aims. To evaluate the oral health status of patients with moderate-severe chronic renal failure (CRF) and with terminal renal failure (TRF). Design. The study group was formed of 50 patients: 22 (44%) with moderate-severe CRF and 28 (56%) with TRF included in a haemodialysis programme. The controls (n=64) presented similar characteristics with regard to sex, age, weight and educational level. A single dentist performed an intraoral examination on all the subjects, gathering information on: number of decayed, missing or filled teeth; supragingival plaque accumulation; calculus deposits; periodontal pockets in the Ramfjord teeth; and loss of insertion. Results. No significant differences were…

research product

Available web-based teaching resources for health care professionals on screening for oral cancer

Objectives: To identify websites with adequate information on oral cancer screening for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and to assess both their quality and contents. Study Design: Websites were identified using Google and HON medical professional search engines using the terms “screening for oral cancer”. The first 100 sites retrieved by each engine were analysed using the DISCERN questionnaire (reliability), the V instrument (contents on oral cancer) and further by the Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Grade Level and the Flesch Reading Ease (readability). Results: The overall rating showed minimal shortcomings in the quality of the information in the websites. The coverage and correctness of inform…

research product

Evaluation of an oral health scale of infectious potential using a telematic survey of visual diagnosis

Objective: To compare the results of a subjective estimation of oral health through review of a set of intraoral photographs with those of an objective oral health scale of infectious potential. Method : The pool of patients was made up of 100 adults. Using an infectious-potential scale based on dental and periodontal variables, we assigned 1 of the 4 grades of the scale (range, 0 to 3; 0 corresponds to an excellent oral health status and 3 to the poorest oral health status) to each subject. A total of 20 representative subjects were selected from the pool of patients, 5 subjects for each one of the grades of the scale, and a standardized photographic record was made. One thousand dentists …

research product

Control of drooling using transdermal scopolamine skin patches. A case report.

Transdermal scopolamine has been shown to be very useful in the management of drooling, particularly in patients with neurological or neuropsychiatric disturbances or severe developmental disorders. In this paper, we present the case of a 24-year-old patient with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and a severe problem of drooling, exacerbated by marked mandibular prognathism. After exclusion of other therapeutic alternatives, it was decided to use sustainedrelease transdermal scopolamine patches (Scopoderm TTS). This technique consists of the application every three days of a patch with 1.5 mg of scopolamine in the area of the mastoid apophysis; the patch releases a dose of 0.5 mg of the active …

research product

In Vivo Antiplaque Effect of Three Edible Toothpastes

Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyse the antibacterial and antiplaque activity of three edible toothpastes with the widest worldwide distribution: KidScents™, which contains essential oils; Browning B&B™,, with medicinal plants; and Wysong Probiodent™, which contains probiotics. Study Design: The study group was formed of twenty healthy volunteers (dental students) with a good oral health status. Using a balanced randomisation system, all volunteers performed toothbrushing with four products (the three edible toothpastes and water) at intervals of one week. Bacterial vitality in the saliva was analysed by epifluorescence microscopy and plaque regrowth was evaluated using t…

research product