Stellenwert des Tumormarkers CA 19–9 in der Differentialdiagnose von Raumforderungen im Pankreaskopf
In 96 patients (ductal pancreatic carcinoma, n = 34; periampullary carcinoma, n = 43; chronic pancreatitis, n = 19) the role of CA 19-9 in the diagnosis of lesions of the head of the pancreas were evaluated. The sensitivity for ductal pancreatic carcinoma was 73.3%, for periampullary carcinoma 48.8%, and specificity was 63.2%. Carcinoembryonic antigen was elevated only in every fifth patient. Even when combining the two tumor markers no increase in sensitivity could be observed. The low specificity of 63%, which decreased to 33% in the case of obstructive jaundice, does not allow adequate preoperative differentiation between cancer patients and those with chronic pancreatitis. In cases of p…