The co-reactant role during plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of palladium
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) of noble metals is an attractive technology potentially applied in nanoelectronics and catalysis. Unlike the combustion-like mechanism shown by other noble metal ALD processes, the main palladium (Pd) ALD process using palladium(ii)hexafluoroacetylacetonate [Pd(hfac)2] as precursor is based on true reducing surface chemistry. In this work, a thorough investigation of plasma-enhanced Pd ALD is carried out by employing this precursor with different plasmas (H2*, NH3*, O2*) and plasma sequences (H2* + O2*, O2* + H2*) as co-reactants at varying temperatures, providing insights in the co-reactant and temperature dependence of the Pd growth per cycle (GPC). At all te…