Jari Liski

Priming effect increases with depth in a boreal forest soil

Abstract Climate warming increases labile carbon (C) inputs to soil through increased photosynthesis and C allocation belowground. This could counterintuitively lead to losses of soil C via priming effects (PE): the stimulation of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition caused by labile C addition. Systematic quantification of PEs in different ecosystems is needed. We measured PEs of free-living soil microbes in different layers of a boreal forest soil, and found that the relative magnitude of the PE increased with soil depth. The relationship between relative PE and the added glucose amount also depended on the soil layer. Our results indicate that the decomposition of SOM in deeper soil l…

research product

Comparing soil inventory with modelling: Carbon balance in central European forest soils varies among forest types

Abstract Forest soils represent a large carbon pool and already small changes in this pool may have an important effect on the global carbon cycle. To predict the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool, well-validated models are needed. We applied the litter and soil carbon model Yasso15 to 1838 plots of the German national forest soil inventory (NFSI) for the period between 1985 and 2014 to enables a direct comparison to the NFSI measurements. In addition, to provide data for the German Greenhouse Gas Inventory, we simulated the development of SOC with Yasso15 applying a climate projection based on the RCP8.5 scenario. The initial model-calculated SOC stocks were adjusted…

research product

Comparing soil inventory with modelling : Carbon balance in central European forest soils varies among forest types

Forest soils represent a large carbon pool and already small changes in this pool may have an important effect on the global carbon cycle. To predict the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool, well-validated models are needed. We applied the litter and soil carbon model Yasso15 to 1838 plots of the German national forest soil inventory (NFSI) for the period between 1985 and 2014 to enables a direct comparison to the NFSI measurements. In addition, to provide data for the German Greenhouse Gas Inventory, we simulated the development of SOC with Yasso15 applying a climate projection based on the RCP8.5 scenario. The initial model-calculated SOC stocks were adjusted to the m…

research product