Bio-ecological, phytosociological and conservation aspects of relictual and disjointed populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in the Channel of Sicily
Two populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Xanthorrhoeaceae) were recently discovered in the Channel of Sicily – (1) Punta Bassana (Marettimo Island) and (2) Mount S. Giuliano (western Sicily) – at a considerable distance from the nearest stations hitherto known, located in southern Sardinia, the Pontine Islands Archipelago and Tunisia. The taxonomical and distributive aspects of this species are analysed to highlight the relictual and biogeographical significance of the disjointed and fragmentary nuclei distributed in several small islands of the Channel of Sicily, the Italian Peninsula and North Africa. Some morphological, biological, ecological and phytosociological aspects of the two new po…