E Pezzini
Lo scavo della Chiesa di Santa Maria Degli Angeli alla Gancia: indicatori archeologici della prima età islamica a Palermo
Lo scavo in occasione del restauro della chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli alla Gancia a Palermo ha permesso di recuperare alcune stratigrafie affidabili relative alla prima età islamica a Palermo. Lo studio della ceramica ha restituito una serie di indicatori cronologici per il IX-X secolo nonché di proporre nuove cronologie per alcune classi di materiali. Relativamente alla storia della città questo scavo ha aggiunto alcune note importanti che riguardano il porto e la cittadella e mirale la al-Halisah.
Ceramiche di età islamica provenienti da Castello della Pietra (Trapani)
This paper presents the first results of the study on the medieval ceramic discovered during the diggings in the hilltop of Castello della Pietra (Trapani) in the years 1973-74. The research is still in progress. Materials were found within cavities reused as dumps and are exceptionally well preserved. Within the ceramic uncovered, there are fragments of tableware, storage vessels and amphorae. These wares were used by some of the people occupying the site between the second half of the 10th century and the 11th century. Links with Ifriqija are proved by the significant importation of glazed wares.
Dati sulla circolazione della ceramica e sulle rotte del medioevo occidentale attraverso i contesti tardoantichi e medievali di Marettimo
In this paper will be described the ceramic found in the site Contrada Case Romane in the island of Marettimo. On this site a monastic community was founded in the end of the 5th century. This settlement was destroyed in the 8th century and a new one founded in the same location under Norman rule (end of 11th century). The items discovered prove that between the 5th and the 7th century the island was part of a Mediterranean route linking Africa with Rome and the main locations of the western Mediterranean sea. The findings of amphorae produced in the central-southern Tyrrhenian sea between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 8th century reveal the close relationship of this …