M Gallo

Fractures of the proximal extremity of the femur: current diagnostic and therapeutic classification overview.

research product

Current status and prospects conservative stem prostheses in hip-replacement surgery

research product

Indagine sperimentale sul comportamento ciclico di pannelli sottili di controvento di telai in acciaio

The paper concerns the experimental results performed on steel (S 235) zinc plated panels having 1500 x 1150 x 1.5 mm dimensions, linked to hinged steel frame. In order to the slen-derness of plates, considerable displacements out-of-plane are evident at loads significantly lower of ultimate load. Considering the steel constitutive curves obtained from tensile tests, the comparison of experimental and numerical (ADINA) results is proposed. The results show the excellent seismic behaviour of the system having stable hysteresis loops.

research product

New more polar symmetrical choline kinase inhibitors II: Study of setting up a new scaffold for the cancer therapy

research product

Vegetation dynamics within afforested coastal areas: regeneration by native species or invasion by alien species?

During the last century, massive reforestation projects along the dunes of the southern Sicily have been carried out. Such interventions, far from being in line with the current trends of close-to-nature silviculture, are, however, particularly interesting to assess the vegetation dynamics in afforestation areas. Furthermore, these kind of interventions may determine two opposite effects, that is renaturalization by native woody species or invasion by alien species. Acacia spp. are among the most widespread and prominent invaders within Mediterranean-climate areas, where they have already shown the capability to deeply change the characters and the functioning of native ecosystems. For inst…

research product

Primary progressive crossed aphasia in dextrals: report of three cases

research product

The current state of the art of angle-stable volar plating in the treatment of distal epiphisis fractures

research product

40(th) EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004

research product

Surgery for femoroacetabular impingement in early degenerative stage

research product


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