Alessia Rodigari
Emozioni in movimento
Influence of TMS of Supplementary Motor Area on heart rate variability and sympathetic skin responses during processing of negative emotions
Disrupting SMA activity modulates explicit and implicit emotional responses: an rTMS study.
Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) has been considered as an interface between the emotional/motivational system and motor effector system. Here, we investigated whether it is possible to modulate emotional responses using non-invasive brain stimulation of the SMA. 1Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) trains were applied over the SMA of healthy subjects performing a task requiring to judge the valence and arousal of emotional stimuli. rTMS trains over the SMA increased the perceived valence of emotionally negative visual stimuli, while decreasing the perceived valence of emotionally positive ones. The modulatory effect on emotional valence was specific for stimuli with emotio…