Luigi Di Marco

Qualità dei frutti di selezioni di Annurca in ambiente collinare siciliano

research product

Nitrogen dynamics in early and late peach cultivars. VI International Peach Symposium

research product

Energy potential and CO2 budget of residual biomass in the Menfi wine district, Sicily

research product

Liste varietali 2009 del melo tra club varietali e ticchiolatura resistenti.

research product


research product

Caratterizzazione di agrumi siciliani per fini alternativi al consumo fresco: i casi del limone, dell'arancio "Ovale calabrese", del mandarino "Tardivo di Ciaculli".

research product

Declino inesorabile per la coltivazione dell'arancio Ovale calabrese?

research product

The oil composition of homozygous and heterozygous plants of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.".

research product

Oil composition of homozygous and heterozygous plants of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.

research product

Agrumi minori: gli usi ornamentali, industriali e della tradizione artigianale

research product

Confronto fra la frazione volatile da foglie di cultivar di olea europea L. in Sicilia .

research product

Osservazioni sulla radicazione di talee di genotipi di Olea europaea var. sylvestris

research product

In Vitro Bioavailability of Phenolic Compounds from Five Cultivars of Frozen Sweet Cherries (Prunus aviumL.)

The bioavailability of phenolic compounds from five cultivars of frozen sweet cherries was assessed by a digestion process involving pepsin-HCl digestion (to simulate gastric digestion) and pancreatin digestion with bile salts (to simulate small intestine conditions) and dialyzed to assess serum- and colon-available fractions. After pepsin digestion, the % recovery of total phenolics, relative to the original starting material, increased, whereas the % anthocyanins did not change. Following pancreatic digestion and dialysis, the total phenolics in the IN (serum-available) fraction was about 26–30% and the OUT (colon-available) fraction was about 77–101%. The anthocyanin content in the IN fr…

research product

Confronto tra la frazione volatile in foglie di cultivar di Olea europea L. in Sicilia

research product

Foliar fertilization and bunch thinning of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapes

research product

Dynamics of dry matter partitioning in young ‘Nocellara del Belice’ olive trees

Dry matter partitioning of ‘Nocellara del Belice’ olive (Olea europaea L.) trees was assessed during one growing season. Four three-year-old potted trees from rooted cuttings trained to single-trunk free-canopy were destructively harvested at 30-day intervals during the growing season. The average dry matter increase was about 2 kg · year-1 per tree. Total plant dry weight increased linearly over the year, whereas root to shoot ratio followed a quadratic trend with its peak during winter. Dry matter of all canopy parts (trunk, branches, 1-year-old shoots, and leaves) increased linearly and leaves exhibited the fastest growth. Also fine roots accumulated dry matter over the year in a linear …

research product

Vegetative and reproductive behavior of 'conference' and 'williams' pear trees trained to v-shape system

V-shape systems represent an efficient and popular option to increase yields and fruit quality. Here we present a detailed study on canopy and root system growth and conformation, yields, fruit quality and dry matter partitioning of 'Conference' (C) and 'Williams' (W) pear trees trained to V-shape system. Digital images were used to determine total stem and root length, mean diameter and surface area; canopy and root system spread area, shape index and volume, canopy height and root depth. Dry weights were used to calculate dry matter partitioning. Stems of W trees were longer and thinner than those of C, which resulted in similar stem dry weights for the two cultivars, whereas root dry wei…

research product

Definizione dell'epoca ottimale di raccolta meccanica nella cultivar di olivo Biancolilla in relazione alla qualità del prodotto

research product

Research on the volatile fraction in leaves of Olea europaea subsp. oleaster and Olea europaea subsp. sativa.

research product

Effect of foliar nutrition on olive oil characteristics in cv 'Nocellara del Belice'

research product


In sicilia, la coltura dell'olivo presenta connotazioi particolari connesse a fattori paesagistici e ad una plurisecolare tradizione. Il presente lavoro studia appunto gli aspetti socio-economici ed agronomici di tale produzione nell'isola.

research product

Studio di protocolli efficienti da utilizzare per la propagazione in vitro di cultivar siciliane di olivo (Olea europaea L.) mediante lo studio dei fattori che influenzano il successo della coltura.

research product

Fruit quality traits of six ancient apple Sicilian cultivars.

research product

Ruolo dell'agricoltura nel Bacino del Mediterraneo

research product

Antioxidant activity in solution and biological membranes of seven cultivars of Sicilian peach (Prunus Persica, L. Mill).

research product

Variazioni Giornaliere Dello Stato Idrico E Del Contenuto Di Mannitolo E Acido Malico In Alberi Di Olivo Delle Cvs 'Biancolilla' E 'Cerasuola'

research product

Scelta delle varietà di melo nella nuova melicoltura meridionale

research product