Marina Castagnetti
Suture Materials: Do They Affect Fistula and Stricture Rates in Flap Urethroplasties?
<i>Introduction:</i> The effect of suture materials on urethroplasty complications is debated. Indeed, materials with a delayed absorption might either reduce the incidence of fistulas by ensuring a prolonged approximation of neo-urethral edges or increase the risk of urethral strictures due to a prolonged tissue reaction during suture absorption. We retrospectively evaluated the role of suture materials in the complication rate of urethroplasty procedures performed in our institution over a 10-year period. <i>Patients and Methods:</i> Three hundred and thirty-six boys undergoing a flap procedure (parameatal based, preputial tube, or onlay preputial flap) for hypospa…
Enuresi ed ipertiroidismo
Comprehensive laparoscopic approach to paediatric varicocele
Re: reconstruction of the hypospadiac hooded prepuce
Correzione laparoscopica del varicocele di 3° tipo sec.Coolsaet
Le incongruenze tra cistografia e cistosonografia minzionale influiscono sul trattamento del reflusso vescico ureterale primitivo ?
Surgery of deferential reflux in pediatric varicocele based on preoperative color doppler ultrasound assessment
Il management del reflusso vescico-ureterale
Sull'uso dello stent doppio J nel megauretere ostruttivo
Materiali di sutura: influenzano l'incidenza delle fistole e/o stenosi nell'uretroplastica con uso di lembi?
Uso del flap di muscolo retto nella derivazione continente sec.Mitrofanoff
Approccio laparoscopico al dolore pelvico in età puberale
Un nuovo approccio laparoscopico nel trattamento del varicocele di tipo misto (di 3° tipo sec. Coolsaet) nei bambini ed adolescenti
A giant fetal urinoma in a neonate without detectable obstructive uropathy
UNLABELLED Fetal urinoma is an uncommon finding in prenatal investigations. Most previous reports have, almost in every case, referred to the presence of an obstructive uropathy and thus to very high pressure in the upper urinary tract during fetal life. In this paper we present a prenatally detected fetal giant urinoma occurring in the absence of an apparent obstructive uropathy but associated with an ipsilateral vesico-ureteral reflux. CASE REPORT A 5-day-old boy, born after a caesarean section in the 37th week of gestation, but without any perinatal distress, came under our observation because of the evidence of a right upper quadrant abdominal mass. This mass had already been detected p…
Il ruolo del color doppler nel determinare il trattamento appropriato nel varicocele in bambini ed adolescenti
Needle perforation of the bowel in childhood
Accidental ingestion of foreign bodies occurs frequently in childhood. The majority of them are passed spontaneously, and conservative management generally is recommended for foreign bodies in the stomach and duodenum. However, in some cases, operative intervention should be considered to prevent undesirable complications, such as intestinal perforation. Two cases of intestinal perforation owing to accidental ingestion of a needle are reported. J Pediatr Surg
Trattamento laparoscopico del varicocele di tipo misto (di 3° tipo sec.coolsaet)
Epispadia femminile:la ricerca della continenza
Displasia multicistica monolaterale in due neonati esposti in utero a farmaci antiepilettici
Approccio laparoscopico al testicolo non palpabile. E' necessaria l'esplorazione "open" nel vanishing testis intracanalicolare?
Surgery for urethrocutaneous fistula following hypospadias repair. An overview
Stripping della parete cistica, un'alternativa all'ovariectomia nelle grosse cisti ovariche congenite? A case report.
Re: End Cutaneous Ureterostomy for the Management of Severe Hydronephrosis
Ruolo della laparoscopia nel trattamento della componente deferenziale nel varicocele di tipo misto (3° tipo sec. Coolsaet) nei bambini e negli adolescenti
Comprehensive laparoscopic approach to pediatric varicocele based on preoperative color Doppler ultrasound assessment
Abstract: Background This study aimed to assess whether laparoscopic treatment for any kind of varicocele is possible after preoperative identification of refluxing veins by color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS). Methods At the authors'' institution, 98 patients with a median age of 11.3 years (range, 7.1-16 years) were evaluated for a left varicocele. Preoperatively, all the patients underwent ultrasound scan assessment of testicular volume and CDUS to rule out reflux into the internal spermatic vein (ISV), deferential vein, or cremasteric vein. In all the patients, laparoscopic division of the spermatic artery and veins was performed as close as possible to the internal inguinal ring. The other…