E. Gastaldi Orquin
Actividad mitotica del cartilago articular del conejo sometido a inmovilizacion y descarga
The timidine H3 uptake in the mitosis index into the articular cartilage of the knee is studied in 7 growing rabits without weight bearing. The autoradiography shows that, after 48 hours of inmovilizatinn, the uptake of timidine H1 and the mitosis index is the same in the free knee. The actual role of the joint rnovements in the cartilaginous nourishment is discussed.
Rodilla del saltador
61 jumper's knees (fifty patients) are studied. Predisposing factors, clinical and radiographyc manifestacions are relationated in order to obtain a more effective treatment. 50% showed radiographyc disturbances of the patellar vertex, 25% had hight patella and 20% condromalacia was associated. Surgery was performed in 10 knees, and conservative treatment in the rest. Poor results and relapses arose in later treated cases. Prevention and early treatment are very important in these cases.
Necrosis idiopática de la cabeza femoral : estudio histopatológico, radiográfico y de fluorescencia
A comparative study is made of the histopathology, radiology and fluorescence of tetracyclin uptake in 15 cases of idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head (Ficat and Arlet Degrees III and IV) treated with substitution arthroplasty. Necrosis was seen to be multifocal in 30% of the cases studied. The limits of necrotic bone were poorly defined in ali patients; the most peripheral necrotic area presented occupied osteocytic lacunae, with a significantly increased number of empty osteocytic lacunae within apparently healthy bone. These observations, together with scant histologyc and fluo1escent evidence of reparation activity, point to a metebolic bone disease involving the entire femoral head…
Tumor glómico intraóseo : (revisión a propósito de un caso)
A exceptional case of intraosseus glomus tumour is reported. A literature review is made. Authors enfatized about its clinical painfull, diagnosis, pathologic nature and ablative treatement, proposing nail reinsertion.
Sinovitis transitoria de la cadera : su relación con la enfermedad de Perthes. Estudio gammagráfico
En un intento de relacionar la sinovitis transitoria de la cadera con la enfermedad de Perthes, los autores realizan estudios gammagráficos con Tc-99m en 57 niños con caderas en observación, analizando las imágenes obtenidas en un sistema computarizado. Los resultados sugieren que no existe relación entre ambos procesos y que en la sinovitis se produce una hiperemia del núcleo epifisario femoral superior. Se trata, pues, de un proceso «caliente», lo que confirma resultados precedentes
Repair of osteochondral defects in articular weightbearing areas in the rabbit's knee. The use of autologous osteochondral and meniscal grafts.
Repair of osteochondral defects in articular weightbearing areas presents its own particular problems because of the low potential of hyaline cartilage for regeneration. Our first group of experiments on the knee of the rabbit confirms that the new regenerated cartilage comes from bone marrow which degenerates before developing into true hyaline cartilage. The second group of experiments shows that autologous grafts from the non-weightbearing articular area suitable for the repair of defects in weightbearing areas. In an third group, autologous meniscal fibrocartilage was used as a graft for the repair of osteochondral defects.
Rígidez no inflamatoria de la rodilla en la primera y segunda infancia
Injerto de fibrocart1lago meniscal en los defectos osteocondrales : estudio experimental
The authors report an experimental work with 18 rabbits. An osteochondral deffect is tailored in the weight-bearing area of the medial condile of the knee, this osteochondral deffect is refilled with a matching piece taken from the lateral meniscus. An optical histological examination and triptium-timidine up-take are performed three days after refilling time in one, two, three, four, six, eight, ten and twelve weeks. This study showed the meniscus graft maintaining its whole histological structure and taking the triptium-timidine along all the experiment length, with a perfect fitting and union with the bone tissue.
Rotura de los ligamentos externos del tobillo : Diagnosticos y tratamiento quirurgico. Revision de 65 casos
Se presentan 65 casos de rotura asociada del ligamento Pcronco-astragalino anterior y ligamento Peroneo-calcáneo tratados quirúrgicamente. revisando 40 de estos pacientes, con un seguimiento de l a 7 años. Los autores valoran la importancia del diagnóstico preoperatorio y su relación con los, hallazgos quirúrgicos. Se analizan también lo, resultados, obtenidos tras el tratamiento.
Efectos del legrado y espongialización de la superficie articular de la rótula en el conejo : estudio experimental
A deep shaving of partial resection of the articular cartilague of the patella was performed in a first series of 14 rabbits following a 12 weeks rebuilding evolution. A degeneration of the remaining articular cartilague appeared after the seventh week giving way to severe ostheoarthritis of the patella. 1 n a second series of 18 rabbits a «spongialization» of the articular surface of the patella was performed, an histological study was followed along 36 weeks. The articular surfa-· ce was invaded by fibrocartilagous tissue from prolification and metaplasia of the subchondral marrow. This new tissue became progressively deteriorated from the fifth week. After nine weeks the degeneration bec…