Magali Mondy
Rurange-lès-Thionville (Lorraine, Moselle) : évolution architecturale, production et consommation végétale sur un petit établissement rural médiomatrique de la période augusto-tibérienne au IVe siècle de notre ère
Archaeological surveys by test trenching and two preventive excavations of the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) in 2001 and 2008 preceding the construction of a housing area in Rurange-lès-Thionville (Lorraine, Moselle) allowed documenting and investigating a Gallo-Roman farmstead of modest size. This farmstead, covering a total surface of more than 7000 m², was composed of different buildings typical for a Gallo-Roman agricultural exploitation. The study of this building complex has allowed gaining remarkable results demonstrating the evolution of a Gallo-Roman farmstead from the Augustan-Tiberian period until its abandonment during the 4th century AD. The…
Ancienne Chambre des Métiers (colline Sainte-Croix)
International audience
La relation entre les supports de peinture et la fonction des espaces dans le balnéaire de la villa de Damblain (Vosges, France).
International audience