Samir Kassi
Titan's surface and atmosphere from Cassini/VIMS data with updated methane opacity
International audience; We present an analysis of Titan data acquired by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), making use of recent improvements in methane spectroscopic parameters in the region 1.3-5.2 μm. We first analyzed VIMS spectra covering a 8 × 10-km2 area near the Huygens landing site in order to constrain the single scattering albedo (ω0) of the aerosols over all of the VIMS spectral range. Our aerosol model agrees with that derived from Huygens Probe Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) in situ measurements below 1.6 μm. At longer wavelengths, ω0 steadily decreases from 0.92 at 1.6 μm to about 0.70 at 2.5 μm and abruptly drops to about 0.50 near 2.6 μm…
Simulations of Titan Observations in the 1.58 Micron Transparency Window with High-Resolution, Low Temperature CRDS Spectra
Corrigendum to "Titan's surface and atmosphere from Cassini/VIMS data with updated methane opacity" [Icarus 226 (2013) 470-486]
0019-1035/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2013.07.015 DOI of original article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2013.05.033 ⇑ Corresponding author. Address: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France. Fax: +33 145072806. E-mail address: bruno.bezard@obspm.fr (B. Bezard). 1 Present address: Foundation ‘‘La main a la pâte’’, Montrouge, France. M. Hirtzig , B. Bezard a,⇑, E. Lellouch , A. Coustenis , C. de Bergh , P. Drossart , A. Campargue , V. Boudon , V. Tyuterev , P. Rannou , T. Cours , S. Kassi , A. Nikitin , D. Mondelain , S. Rodriguez , S. Le Mouelic g
Spectroscopie haute température pour Jupiter chauds
National audience
Applications of a New Methane Linelist to the Modeling of Titan's Spectrum in the 1.58 Micron Window
International audience
First Applications of New Methane Linelists to the Modelling of Titan's Spectrum in the 1.58 and 1.28 Micron Windows
Strong thermal nonequilibrium in hypersonic CO and CH4 probed by CRDS
A new experimental setup coupling a High Enthalpy Source (HES) reaching 2000 K to a cw-cavity ring-down spectrometer has been developed to investigate rotationally cold hot bands of polyatomic molecules in the [1.5, 1.7] μm region. The rotational and vibrational molecular degrees of freedom are strongly decoupled in the hypersonic expansion produced by the HES and probed by cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Carbon monoxide has been used as a first test molecule to validate the experimental approach. Its expansion in argon led to rotational and vibrational temperatures of 6.7 ± 0.8 K and 2006 ± 476 K, respectively. The tetradecad polyad of methane (1.67 μm) was investigated under similar condit…
Application of new methane linelists to Cassini and Earth-based data of Titan
International audience
Methane line parameters in the HITRAN2012 database
International audience; The compilation of methane molecular line parameters was updated to include new global analyses and measurements for 12CH4, 13CH4 and 12CH3D. Over 70% of the methane parameters in HITRAN2008 were replaced; existing parameters retained were the microwave lines and the Dyad of 13CH4 near 7 μm and ν6 of 13CH3D near 8.7 μm, 12CH3D (7-4076 cm-1), hot bands of 12CH4 (1887-3370 cm-1) and normal sample CH4 (4800-5550 cm-1 and 8000-9200 cm-1). With a minimum intensity at 296 K in units of cm-1/(molecule cm-2) set to 10-37 for the far-IR and 10-29 for the mid- and near-IR, the methane database increased from 290,091 lines in HITRAN2008 to 468,013 lines, and three-fourths of th…
Applications of a new set of methane line parameters to the modeling of Titan's spectrum in the 1.58 μm window
International audience; In this paper we apply a recently released set of methane line parameters (Wang et al., 2011) to the modeling of Titan spectra in the 1.58 mu m window at both low and high spectral resolution. We first compare the methane absorption based on this new set of methane data to that calculated from the methane absorption coefficients derived in situ from DISR/Huygens (Tomasko et al., 2008a; Karkoschka and Tomasko, 2010) and from the band models of Irwin et al. (2006) and Karkoschka and Tomasko (2010). The Irwin et al. (2006) band model clearly underestimates the absorption in the window at temperature-pressure conditions representative of Titan's troposphere, while the Ka…