A. Zucca

A multi-scale approach to assess the impacts of roads on biodiversity and geomorphology.

research product

Studio geoambientale dei Biotopi “Foci dell’Avisio”, “La Rupe” e “La Rocchetta” finalizzato alla Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale

Thematic cartography in a GIS (Geographic Information System) have been employed to assess the direct impact produced on geological, geomorphologic and vegetation settings by the construction of a new motorway between the town of Mezzolombardo (TN) and the snout of the Non Valley (Rocchetta area). geological, geomorphologic and vegetation maps have been created at a 1:5,000 scale and implemented in a GIS. The geological map concerns not only the Mesozoic substratum and the size of the rocky outcrops, but also the complex Quaternary deposits occurring in the area. Similarly, by adopting the polygonal units of the geomorphologic map, the main goal was a complete and continuous definition of t…

research product

Cartografia tematica geologica, geomorfologica e vegetazionale nella valutazione di impatto ambientale. Analisi del progetto della circonvallazione di Mezzolombardo (TN) e del suo imbocco nella Val di Non

L’utilizzo della cartografia tematica all’interno di un Sistema Informativo Territoriale (SIT) ha condotto, attraverso una serie di procedure originali, alla valutazione dell’impatto (VIA) prodotto su alcune componenti ambientali dall’eventuale realizzazione di un nuovo tracciato stradale a scorrimento veloce tra il comune di Mezzolombardo (TN) e l’imbocco della Val di Non nei pressi della località la Rocchetta. Per gli scopi di questa analisi, sono state realizzate, attraverso il rilevamento di terreno, carte di dettaglio a scala 1:5.000 di tipo geologico, geomorfologico e vegetazionale direttamente inserite all’interno di un SIT. La cartografia geologica tiene conto, oltre che della compo…

research product

The THYCOVIT (Thyroid Surgery during COVID-19 pandemic in Italy) study: results from a nationwide, multicentric, case-controlled study

AbstractThe outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a disruption of surgical care. The aim of this multi-centric, retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on surgical activity for thyroid disease among the Italian Units of Endocrine Surgery. Three phases of the pandemic were identified based on the epidemiological situation and the public measures adopted from the Italian Government (1st phase: from 9th March to 3rd May 2020; 2nd phase: from 4th May to 14th June; 3rd phase: from 15th June to 31st). The patients operated upon during these phases were compared to those who underwent surgery during the same period of the previous year. Overall, 3892 patients from 28 …

research product

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for thyroid cancer in Italy: nationwide retrospective study


research product

Note illustrative alla carta geomorfologica e della vegetazione dell’area della Rocchetta.

research product